The scientific power that was regarded as Guigao in the old days has now fallen behind to the second echelon, and even in many aspects it is not comparable to the mechanical technique.

Life professionals are almost the middle and lower classes of society, and it is difficult to have a bright future.


I'm thinking about the plot today, it's a bit slow to write

The data of this book is not very ideal, maybe it was originally a very unpopular subject

But I will try my best to write it. It is the first time to write this kind of original type, and it is not easy to grasp many points. If there is any bad point, you can point it out, and I will correct it.

Also ask for some free flowers and evaluation tickets, thank you~~~

Chapter [-] Commission 【For Collection】

"It's too late to quit now, especially the students who don't have contracted Heroic Spirits. The teacher does not recommend you to take this college entrance examination!"

"A lot of times quitting is not a sign of cowardice, but a rational and wise choice!!"

Guo Hai glanced at everyone.


Some students with weak hearts chose to give up the college entrance examination at Hero University and transfer to the liberal arts. Only [-] people in the whole class of [-] or [-] chose to apply for Hero University.

Ye Chen is also one of them.

"Very good! Don't be discouraged if you choose liberal arts. In the future, if you have the opportunity to contract a powerful heroic spirit, you can also be admitted to the advanced students of Hero University, which is also a qualification recognized by the state!"

"In addition, students who have chosen the heroic trial, please arrive at the school square at noon tomorrow to gather. That's all, everyone, the college entrance examination is successful!"

After packing up the lesson plan, the head teacher Guo Hai said loudly.

It is not that there is no advanced hero university in the liberal arts college. It is similar to the promotion of junior colleges in the old days. The first degree is a junior college, and then a bachelor's degree is read.

Although it is indeed a master's degree, the vast majority of high-paying positions still choose the first degree of the hero university.

The students dispersed one after another and went home to prepare for tomorrow's college entrance examination.

Ye Chen also packed up his things and prepared to leave.

"Ye Chen, can I ask you a favor after the college entrance examination?"

At the school gate, Yun Yexue in a white short skirt and school uniform suddenly smiled and said, her beautiful eyes shining brightly and exceptionally beautiful.


"Me? After the college entrance examination?"

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, then pointed to himself.

In the past three years, he has been a little transparent in the school. If it wasn't for Yun Yexue's encounter in the Martial Arts Association before, I am afraid that he is still an unknown type.

Yun Yexue nodded.

"Well, after the college entrance examination, I'll tell you later. Come on, Ye Chen, I hope we can all go to the top five, hee hee~~~"

"The five... It's too far away, I don't dare to think so much, but Yun Yexue is very hopeful for you."

"You too! Classmate Ye Chen, alright, I'll go first, then we're done, remember that you still owe me a meal!"

Pointing to the seal of the Master on the back of his hand, Yun Yexue smiled.

Indicates that the last time the Martial Arts Association passed the assessment, the meal still owed.

Ye Chen smiled and was suddenly noticed by his beautiful classmates, which was indeed a little flattering.

However, he has been a human being for two lifetimes, so naturally he will not be disturbed by this.

back home.

Today is Friday, and it is also the day when my younger sister Ye Linger is out of school. On weekdays, she is in a boarding school, that is, she goes home to live on weekends.

My father runs freight out of the country all the year round, and there are few gatherings and many departures. It is difficult for my mother to take time off from work on the assembly line. Basically, on weekends, Ye Chen is in charge of cooking and taking care of his little sister Ye Linger.

But today Ye Chen didn't cook, but turned on the computer.

Then log on to!

To be precise, it is a public website dedicated to the strong rank. Only those who have obtained the rank badge and have been registered by the state can be qualified to log in to the website. is divided into multiple areas, forum exchanges, resource exchange, task delegation, battles, etc.

Many rare resources that cannot be purchased outside can be exchanged for currency or item transactions on the, and there are many quests here.

As soon as you open the platform, you see the prominent banner.

"Indigo University Song's only successful contract with A++ Grade Heroic Spirit - Ma Chao!"

It is very different from what I saw on the ordinary forum on the spot. There is even a photo of the heroic Ma Chao, and even guesses about Ma Chao's skills and attributes, etc., which are more detailed and rich.

However, Ye Chen's focus was not on the forum. He directly opened the task delegation.

Now that he is a bronze-level martial artist, he is fully qualified to accept tasks to earn rewards, and the most important thing is.

There are now more than [-] gold coins in Ye Chen's system space, which means that he can buy two fine skins to complete the new heroic spirit contract.

Most Bronze Masters can only contract with one Heroic Spirit.

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