Chapter 136

Hyotei Gakuen Tennis Club.

“Minister Ochi, Hyotei Gakuen was invited by U-17!”

An excited voice came, causing both Tsukimitsu Ochi and Kimijima who were training for the battle to stop.

Tsukimitsu Ochi and Kimijima looked up and saw Matsudaira Chikahiko trot over, still holding a few letters in their hands.


Tsukimitsu Ochi and Kimijima were both taken aback, somewhat puzzled.

However, when Tsukimitsu Ochi and Kimijima received the letter in the hands of Matsudaira Chikahiko and saw the content of the letter, they suddenly understood. Tsukimitsu Ochi and Kimijima did not expect U-17 to invite both of them to join.

The two of them know that U-17 is a place like a holy place for young tennis players, and they know that U-17 only recruits third-year graduates, so they are so surprised because they are only second-year. Just by U

-17 was invited.

“Mifune Zongzheng should be invited too, right? No, with his strength, he will definitely be invited by U-17!

Tsukimitsu Ochi immediately thought of Mifune Zongzheng, the man who had made him miserably defeated, and his calm expression also showed the same emotion.

He believes that since 440 has been invited by the U-17 training camp, Mifune Zongzheng, who is stronger than him, will definitely be invited, so that he can play against Mifune Zongzheng again, and Tsukimitsu Ochi’s mental tennis is only from Lose to

After Mifune Zongzheng lost his five senses, he has made great progress, so he wants to see if his mental tennis can beat Mifune Zongzheng’s mental tennis.

In this Hyotei Gakuen, not all the regular elections have received the invitation of U-17. Minister Tsukimitsu Ochi, Deputy Minister Kimijima, Matsudaira Chikahiko, and Tonin were invited. They are not like Rikkai Yamato and Makinofuji. learn

All the school’s formal elections have received the invitation of U-17.

In fact, U-17 originally only wanted to invite Tsukimitsu Ochi and Kimijima, but Mifune Zongzheng, who read the original book, knew that Hyotei Gakuen’s Matsudaira Chikahiko and Tonin are still very talented, so he proposed to invite them both because of the three

Ship Zongzheng is the U-17 general and is more familiar with the middle school tennis world than the U-17 coaches, so he still has a lot of power in proposing to invite people.

Just when the four of Tsukimitsu Ochi and the others received the U-17 training camp invitation letter, the team members from other schools also received U-17 invitation letters one after another.

The four of Yamabuki Middle-School’s Irie Kanata, Akiu Tie Momi, Takei Toshio, and Matsudaira Aohiko, Shitenhouji’s Minister Mizutani, Lion Raku Middle-School’s Minister Migihashi Itarou, Fu Tetsuman, Suzuki Yi, and Kuo Ichicha four people, these People are affected

Invited U-17d.

Another person was also invited by U-17, that is, Seigaku’s current minister, Yamato Yuta. Originally, U-17 did not invite Yamato Yuta. Because Seigaku led by Yamato Yuta did not even enter the Kanto contest, it was not accepted.

U-17 noticed, but Mifune Zongzheng knows that Yamato Yuta is still very talented. Although his ability to manage the team is not very good, he still has nothing to say in terms of talent, so Mifune Zongzheng also proposed Yamato Yuta as the inviter. .

Five days later, U-17 training camp.

“Is this the U-17 training camp?”

In front of the training camp, the group of Hyotei Gakuen was shocked. Although they could only see some of the scenes inside, they could see the completeness of the training camp.

“Are we going to train here from now on? That’s great!”

Matsudaira Chikahiko of Hyotei Gakuen was full of excitement, and even imagined in his mind, showing his skills in the training camp, and then defeating all the masters and dominating the entire U-17.

“I heard that there are strong high school students in the U-17 training camp. Are we really okay?”

Hyotei Gakuen’s all endured some inexplicable nervousness, and at the same time they were a little unconfident in their own strength.

“I also think there is a problem!

Vice Minister Kimijima’s eyes flashed, his brain quickly analyzed, and then he continued:

“Until last year, there was no precedent (aibj) recruiting middle school students in the U-17 training camp, but this year’s U-17 training camp suddenly selected 50 middle school students to join. I think this is very problematic!!

The regretful person of Hyotei Gakuen, who was already nervous, became even more nervous after hearing what Kimijima said.

“There are still cameras here?”

When Tsukimitsu Ochi looked up, he saw a camera on the side.

The others in Hyotei Gakuen listened to their own minister Tsukimitsu Ochi’s words and hurriedly looked at them. They immediately knew that their every horror was clearly seen by the people in the U-17 training camp.

“Unexpectedly, Moonlight Jun, you are also here!”

A gentle laugh came from a distance.

The group of Hyotei Gakuen turned their heads and looked, and saw Irie Kanata from Yamabuki Middle-School, Akiu Ting Momi, Takei Toshio and Matsudaira Aohiko walking in stride.

“Sure enough, strong players have been called here!”

Irie Kanata saw the group of Tsukimitsu Ochi of Hyotei Gakuen, his eyes flashed and murmured, when Irie Kanata first received the U-17 invitation, he thought that only Yamabuki Middle-School was invited, but when he came here to see Tsukimitsu Ochi He

As we know, I’m afraid U-17 will not only invite people from Yamabuki Middle-School and Hyotei Gakuen, but Rikkai University, Makinofuji and Shiraku Middle-School will definitely be invited.

Sure enough, as Irie Kanata thought, after about ten minutes, teams from other schools also rushed in. Shitenhouji, Shiraku Middle-School, and the strong school teams from junior high schools gathered here, as well as Seigaku’s. Yamato Yutaya

He came, but because no one knew him, everything was ignored.

And because of seeing so many powerful people, Yamato Yuta was very nervous and did not dare to speak.

“It seems everyone has been invited by U-17!”

Shitenhouji’s Wugu said, he saw it and found that they were all acquaintances.

“In other words, this time is a gathering of strong middle school students!

Shiraku Migihashi Itarou, the minister of Middle-School, had his eyes flashed, but he soon found out. The people of Rikkai Yamato Makinofuji have not arrived yet.

“Mifune Zongzheng and Rikkai have not arrived yet?

Just when the people in these countries were puzzled, a cold snort came from a distance, alarming everyone.

They turned their heads and looked, and saw Makinofuji’s minister Byōdōin Hōō, leading all of Makinofuji’s elections, walking step by step.

Then Byōdōin Hōō glanced at the junior high school students who arrived first, and he found that there was no official election of Mifune Zongzheng and Rikkai among the junior high school students.

“It is estimated that the Rikkai gang should still be on the way!

Kimijima replied, and then went on to say, “So except for Rikkai, all players with a little bit of strength are here!”

When the others heard Kimijima’s words, they looked around and found that all the teams and players with names in the middle school were coming, except for Rikkai.

PS: Collection is the motivation of the author’s writing. I hope everyone will support Xiao K’s book more, ask for subscription, ask for automatic subscription, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for reward, ask for monthly pass, ask for everything. .

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