Chapter 144

“Who else!”

Byōdōin Hōō’s gaze scanned the audience, and the fierce aura surged like a hurricane, making all the high school students in the audience quiet instantly.

At the same time, no one of the high school students responded to Byōdōin Hōō’s words, and they did not dare to respond to Byōdōin Hōō’s challenge, because just now Byōdōin Hōō challenged three players. These three players are very strong, and there is one of them.

Ranked tenth in the army.

But in the end, they were all knocked out by Byōdōin Hōō’s light shot. All three of them lay out.

The brutal tennis style of Byōdōin Hōō has made all high school students frightened, making all high school students no longer have the courage to challenge Byōdōin Hōō, for fear that they will be the next one lying on the ground.

“Huh, a bunch of trash!”

Byōdōin Hōō sneered when he saw this, but he did not continue to challenge, because Byōdōin Hōō understood that he had already beaten all the high school students.

“Everyone, it’s our turn!

Echizen Ryoga glanced at all the middle school students, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, and said to them: “Start in 08, turn U-17 into the territory of our middle school students. We can’t let Mifune Zongzheng and Byōdōin Hōō specialize. Beautiful before, we

It’s time to start!”


All the middle school students heard Echizen Ryoga’s words, and there was a touch of aggression in their eyes.They didn’t want to succumb to high school students.As Echizen Ryoga said, they want to become the new owners of U-17 and become like Mifune Zongzheng. high

The existence of high above, and want to become the new master, these old masters-high school students must be overthrown.

“The revolution has begun!!

The militants Tohno Atsukyo, Omagari, and Kaji Kazena also shouted for fear that the world would not be chaotic.

Afterwards, every junior high school student walked towards the surrounding courts, ready to challenge those high school students and prepare to overthrow the old masters of the U-17 training camp.

“The battle has finally begun!”

Mifune Zongzheng, who was in front of the big screen, smiled and murmured. He knew that this game was just as he had hoped. There will be a tragic duel between middle school students and high school students. Only one side will win will it stop.

“Start recording the data of junior high school students!

On the side, Mifune said in a deep voice to the other coaches that the real battle is about to begin. They can use this opportunity to collect the five-dimensional data of middle school students.

“I don’t know who will win in the end!”

Kurobe Yukio took a deep breath. He has not come to U-17 for a short time, but it was the first time that Kurobe Yukio saw a shocking scene like today.

In order to become the masters of the training camp, high school students and middle school students are about to fight fiercely.

“Who will fight us!”

“Come on, seniors, let us see your strength!”

“Junior high school kids, don’t be too shy!”

The noise continued throughout the training camp. Middle school students and high school students were scattered on 16 courts, fighting the fiercest battle.




A famous middle school or high school student fell, and the competition was fierce to the extreme.

“Although our junior high school students are very strong, there are a lot of high school students. The result of the competition is unpredictable!

Byōdōin Hōō’s brow furrowed. Even the strongest people have physical limits. If high school students engage in a wheel fight, how can they eliminate a few middle school students.

“Master Byodoin, don’t worry!

Tanegashima Shuji smiled lightly, with a relaxed look. He and Mitsuya Akuto, a military instructor of Rikkai University, have investigated the general situation of U-17. ball

The players on the field are not very strong.

Sure enough, as Tanegashima Shuji said, the strength of the U-17 members below the third court is very poor. After meeting the players from each school, they can be said to be defeated. They are not opponents at all.

“We should do our thing too!”

Tanegashima Shuji spoke, then glanced around, and finally stopped at a place, and that direction was the direction of an army member. The reason why Tanegashima Shuji knew that they belonged to the first army was because he investigated and found members of the first army.

, Will wear a badge with a ranking number.

After Tanegashima Shuji saw the badges on the group of people, he knew that they were players in the first army, and he also found that No.1 in this group was absent, which means that U-17’s chief general Mifune Zongzheng was not here.

“Ryoga-kun, ghost-kun, Byodoin-kun, Moonlight-kun

Tanegashima Shuji looked at the group of people nearby.

The people who were called by Tanegashima Shuji nodded, obviously they understood what Tanegashima Shuji meant.

Ordinary middle school students are naturally confronted by ordinary high school students, and powerful middle school students, so their opponents are naturally powerful high school students, so Tanegashima Shuji and their opponents are of course members of the U-17 army.

“Hurry down and let me sacrifice you all!

“Yeah, hurry down, trash!

Tohno Atsukyo, Kaji Kazena and others opened their mouths and raised racquet to point directly at the members of the U-17-Army. When the others heard Tohno Atsukyo and Kaji Kazena and others, they also stared at the members of the first army.

“Arrogant junior high school kid!

No. 3 Katogawa of the First Army showed a sense of anger on his face. He picked up the racquet and prepared to fight against the middle school students.


At this time, a powerful aura suddenly broke out from the No. 2 Ishida Nakagawa of the First Army. His powerful aura was like a violent storm, and it shocked the No. 3 Katogawa of the First Army who wanted to fight. Also suppressed all the people present

No one can move.


“Ishida is so powerful!”

“Yes, it’s worthy of being No. 2 with world-class strength!!”

Feeling the aura of Ishida Nakagawa, the eyes of all the soldiers present were shocked.

“It’s so strong, is this world-class horror?

The middle school students such as Tanegashima Shuji also had a look of shock in their eyes, and they were also shocked by the powerful aura erupted by Ishida Nakagawa.

They haven’t exploded their world-class aura, so this is the first time they feel the terrifying aura of a world-class powerhouse.

Immediately, Ishida Zhongchuan quickly recovered that world-class aura, and then said in a deep voice: “I don’t want to play against you middle school students, because the person I want to play is not here, and you are not my opponent!”

After speaking, Ishida Zhongchuan turned and left, looking for the opponent he wanted to play. As for the person Ishida Zhongchuan wanted to challenge, besides Mifune Zongzheng, the U-17 leader and strongest, who else could be.

At this time, the players who were suppressed by Ishida Nakagawa’s aura began to recover. They seemed to be dreaming. The terrifying aura that Ishida Nakagawa had just exploded just now almost crushed them.


Tanegashima Shuji and others took a deep breath, and their hearts began to heat up. They felt Ishida Zhongchuan’s world-class strength, and at the same time, they felt the huge gap between themselves and the world-class.

Break to world class.

After that, Tanegashima Shuji put this idea down first. The most important thing now is to defeat the first army players except Ishida Nakagawa and Mifune Zongzheng and seize their first army position.

The top battle is about to begin!

PS: Collection is the motivation of the author’s writing. I hope everyone will support Xiao K’s book more, ask for subscription, ask for automatic subscription, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for reward, ask for monthly pass, ask for everything. .

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