Chapter 420

On the field.

Spain’s Okafor shook his arm, his face a little ugly.

Tokugawa Kazuya’s light shot-destruction was so powerful that it couldn’t catch the connection.

“Try it with a high-speed ball!”

Mason frowned.

Tokugawa Kazuya’s light hitting-destructive power surprised him, worthy of being a world-class skill known for its terrifying power.

Even if Tokugawa Kazuya can’t use the full power of light hitting-destruction, but they are not half-step world-class players who can underestimate it.

Now Mason and Okafor want to score, they can only slowly find out the weaknesses of Tokugawa Kazuya and Tanegashima Shuji, and then make a fierce attack.


Okafor nodded and continued to serve.

However, Mason and Okafor underestimated Tokugawa Kazuya’s defensive ability, and underestimated the role of black holes in different dimensions.

With a flash of starlight, the bounced net-ball stagnated in the air.

Then, the racquet in Tokugawa Kazuya’s hand flashed with golden light.

Light shot-destruction!


With a huge roar, the tennis ball fell heavily in front of Mason.


Seeing that the high-speed ball is still useless, Okafor can only bite the bullet and fight back, hoping to use cutting to resolve this light-hit-destructive force.


Light shot-the power of destruction is surging, and the racquet in Okafor’s hands collapses.


Tokugawa Kazuya and Tanegashima Shuji took the lead.

“Good job!

“Using a different-dimensional black hole to intercept and disappear, and then use the light to hit the ball-destroy the counterattack, so that you can keep scoring!”

“As long as this advantage is maintained, Tanegashima and Tokugawa will win in the end!”

The members of Japan Rikkai University cheered and saw the hope of winning the first game.

The game continues.

The battle became more intense.

The two half-step world-class players, Mason and Okafor of the Spanish junior high school team, are not weak. After losing one point, they will naturally not be reconciled.

Mason broke out with all his strength, and his strongest skill-the power of the mirror of reflection, was fully displayed.



Spain’s Mason and Okafor won the second game!



Tokugawa Kazuya and Tanegashima Shuji took the third game!



Tokugawa Kazuya and Tanegashima Shuji won the fifth game!!



Tokugawa Kazuya and Tanegashima Shuji won the seventh game!!



Tokugawa Kazuya and Tanegashima Shuji took the ninth game!!

Half an hour passed, and the game came to a deciding round.

“Don’t think about any tactics, confront them directly!”

The Spanish Mason yelled at Okafor on the side.

When the words fell, the aura on the body changed, the surging aura spread to the surroundings, and the strength that was infinitely close to world-class was undoubtedly revealed.



Okafor nodded heavily and assumed a defensive posture.


Tokugawa Kazuya will naturally not give Mason and Okafor a chance to breathe.

The tennis ball was thrown up while the racquet in his hand burst out with a dazzling golden light, and then he vigorously swung the racket.


The hitting sound rang and the tennis shot burst out.

Mason immediately predicted the landing point, and the figure quickly rushed out.

Mirror of reflection!

The racquet in his hand burst into light, like a real mirror, reflecting the figure of the tennis ball.


Under the rebound, the tennis ball flickered and rushed to the opposite corner of Tokugawa Kazuya.


Tokugawa Kazuya yelled and blocked him.

The muscles of the arms bulge, and after exploding all the strength, they beat them hard.


The golden light enveloped the entire tennis ball, and an aura of destruction exuded.

Light shot-destruction!

And it was Tokugawa Kazuya’s light shot in full force-destruction!


The tennis ball fell to the ground and the goal was directed at Spain’s Okafor.

Tokugawa Kazuya is not a fool.

Knowing how powerful Mason’s mirror is, he naturally wouldn’t be mad at the opponent.

0……Look for flowers

But to find the weaker Okafor and want to start from the opponent.


Okafor saw Tokugawa Kazuya’s thoughts, and his face became very ugly.

He just wanted to fight back, but Mason’s figure stood in the way.


Mirror of reflection!

A strong ball was bounced.

“It’s really troublesome!”

The expression on Tokugawa Kazuya’s face gradually became serious.

Mason’s mirror of reflection can be fearless even with such a powerful world-class skill as light hitting-destruction.

Every time I was about to score, I would be understated by Mason’s mirror of reflection.

But Tokugawa Kazuya is not afraid, after all, his defensive skills with Tanegashima Shuji are almost Mason’s nemesis.

A different dimension black hole may be able to intercept Mason’s rebound of the tennis ball.

There is no way to dissolve the tennis ball that Mason bounced back.

For this reason, Tanegashima Shuji and Tokugawa Kazuya were able to suppress the Spanish players Mason and Okafor.


The black hole of different dimensions is launched!

A piece of black starlight instantly hit the ball with the bounced light-destruction and stagnated in the air.

Then Tokugawa Kazuya waved the racquet in his hand without hesitation.


The bright light blooms, like a sun running through the court.

Light shot-destruction!

“bring it on!”

The Spanish Mason snarled low and his eyes were fierce.

At this point in the game, they have no chance of retreating.

If you want to win, you can only defeat your opponent head-on.


Mason’s racquet hit the tennis ball.

The ball that was originally shining brightly became ordinary in an instant.

“This is a reflection space!!”

Mason yelled, put his hands on the racquet, and then blasted the tennis ball violently.

The Mirror of Reflecting Profound Meaning-Reflecting Space!


PS: Thank you very much for your big flowers, support and 10 points to score!

Collection is the motivation of the author’s writing. I hope everyone will support Xiao K’s book more, ask for subscription, ask for automatic subscription, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for reward, ask for monthly pass, ask for everything. NS.

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