Chapter 441

“Puyol must be defeated quickly!

Mifune Zongzheng’s eyes were heavy.

The Spanish leader Puyol consumes a lot of money, so why not he.

Now Mifune Zongzheng’s arm is a bit swollen. If you don’t end the game as soon as possible, it may really cause injury to the arm.

If this is the last match of their international exchange competition, Mifune Zongzheng will naturally not worry.

But this is only their second international exchange competition for Rikkai University.

Later they will have an international exchange match with Switzerland and Germany.

If Mifune Zongzheng injured his arm, they would be very passive in the next game.

At this point, Mifune Zongzheng’s tennis ball became more violent.


The tennis ball burst out, the extreme impact and the air violently rubbed, and the surface burned with flames, turning into a crimson light.

“Must stick to it!””

The Spanish general Puyol has blurred vision.

He is about to reach the limit of “seven eight seven”, not only is his physical energy consumption huge, but he also has serious water loss.

Symptoms of dehydration have now appeared.

But this singles game is a crucial one, and he can’t lose.

Looking at the rushing tennis ball, Puyol moved forward to catch the tennis ball again.


Struggling to swing the racket, the tennis ball flew upside down.

“bring it on!

Mifune Zongzheng burst out and rushed towards the tennis ball.

He wanted to make a quick fight, and through the explosion of all his strength, completely defeated the Spanish general Puyol.

But it is a pity.

Mifune Zongzheng underestimated the Spanish general Puyol.

In other words, it underestimated Puyol’s desire and persistence for victory.

The Xeon blasted a ball continuously, Puyol actually took all of them, and they all hit back, although it was difficult to hit back.

“No way?!”

“It seems that the strength I showed is not enough!”

Mifune Zongzheng whispered, with a fiery flame burning in his eyes.

The power of Pangu in different dimensions is condensed, and Pangu’s figure behind him is unified with the movements in his hands.

The two are combined into one.

Tennis unleashes even more terrifying power.

The Spanish chief Puyol gritted his teeth and rushed out without any flinching.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The vibration sounded and the game was deadlocked.

Seeing that he still couldn’t beat the opponent, Mifune Zongzheng couldn’t hold it anymore.

“The last ball!”

Mifune Zongzheng’s eyes were sharp as sharp as a blade.

Now his arm is a little swollen, for the sake of the next game.

So he decided to take a gamble.

Bet that you can completely defeat the Spanish leader Puyol in the last goal and win the final victory.

Watching a ball rushed.

Mifune Zongzheng rushed towards the tennis ball in a burst of drink.

All his strength is concentrated on the racquet in his hand.


There was a loud noise.

The force of horror swept all over like a storm.

Professional-level ball skills, the shape of skills, light hitting-flaming Suzaku!!

At the same time, Mifune Zongzheng also brings together the power of Pangu in different dimensions and the power of the sweet zone in one ball.

“Puyol take it!!!”


The tennis ball fell to the ground like a bomb.

With a loud noise, the ground was as fragile as paper, and it burst instantly.

Countless debris splashed and smoke enveloped the entire arena.

“not good!!”

“Lord Puyol quickly avoid it!”

All the members of the Spanish junior high school team saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically.

This is a full blow by Mifune Zongzheng, and with the current state of the Spanish general Puyol, it is impossible to fight back.


Looking at the surging ball and Mifune Zongzheng’s somewhat swollen arm, he knew that he might have hope of winning after avoiding it.

But Puyol knows.

Once so, he will no longer be him.

“How can I escape?

A low smile came from the mouth, and the Spanish main player Puyol stood motionless on the court.

He is Puyol.

The main player of the Spanish team, one of the world’s four major tennis powers, is known as the world’s fourth high school student’s professional powerhouse.

At the beginning of the game, the two went against each other without any evasion.

If he avoids now, even if he really wins in the end, it is just a victory for avoiding.

Proud he could not accept this result.

Moreover, from the beginning of the game, he thought of defeating Mifune Zongzheng from the front.

Therefore, Puyol will not evade even more.

“This game is a battle of life!’

The Spanish main player Puyol turned his head slightly, looked at the eager faces of the players, and forced a smiling face.


Then, a heavy trample sounded.

The Spanish main player Puyol rushed towards the tennis ball with his pride.

Facing the surging tennis ball, he didn’t want to retreat.

Even if you lose, or even die!!!


The loud noise exploded in the stadium, and Puyol’s racquet had already hit the tennis ball.

The power of horror erupted, crashing into Puyol and retreating 0

“Go back to me!!!

A loud roar.

The Spanish main player Puyol looked grim and tried his best to fight the ball.

Can be in a trance.

Puyol felt that his sense of touch, hearing, and even sight completely disappeared at this moment.

Professional ball skills-destroy the five senses!

Mifune Zongzheng’s ball not only combines the power of light hitting-flaming Suzaku and other-dimensional pangu, but also uses professional-level ball skills-destroying the five senses.

The disappearance of perception caused the Spanish leader Puyol to stagnate.

Tennis exploded with extreme power, as terrifying as a flash flood, and then smashed the racquet in Puyol’s hands.

The ultimate goal also hit the Spanish player Puyol.


The figure flew horizontally, blood spattered.

The power of tennis is undiminished, and it blasts on the wall.


A deafening explosion sounded and the solid walls collapsed.

The debris flew under the harsh sound, making traces in the air.

The smoke rushed up and filled the sky.

“Master Puyol!

“Are you OK!

“Damn it, I can’t see the situation on the court at all!

All the members of the Spanish junior high school team were full of eager faces and waited to rush to the court.

And Tanegashima Shuji also held their breath.

Knowing that the game may really come to the decisive moment.

The audience was silent, everyone was watching the arena, waiting for the dust to disperse.

Ten seconds later.

The thick dust dispersed, revealing everything on the court.

I saw the Spanish chief Puyol was stained red with blood, lying motionless on the ground at 1.9.

“Master Puyol!

“team leader!!!”

The look of all the members of the Spanish junior high school team changed dramatically.

Then, ignoring the others, rushed to the court quickly.

After checking the situation, he hurriedly picked him up and rushed towards the medical team.

competition is over.

Mifune Zongzheng defeated the Spanish general Puyol and won the final victory.

The Japan Rikkai team also defeated the Spanish junior high school team with a total score of 3-2 and won this international exchange match.

Completed two consecutive victories in the International Exchange Competition!

PS: Thank you very much for your big flowers, support and 10 points to score!

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