Chapter 515

“Minister Zongzheng!”

All Rikkai players looked towards Mifune Zongzheng.

Mifune Zongzheng nodded, just about to say something ridiculous.

But without saying anything, a group of Rikkai players rushed over.

“Ugh ”

Mifune Zongzheng was taken aback.

Then he noticed that his body was lifted and thrown into the air.

“Long live!”

“Long live Minister Zongzheng!”

“Long live Rikkai!

A crowd of Rikkai team members cheered.

In their minds, Mifune Zongzheng is the biggest hero.

Because Mifune Zongzheng defeated the strongest players in the junior high school teams of various countries, and the “eight forty zero” and these strongest players are the main players of various countries, and they are also the veteran professional-level powerhouses.

It is precisely because of Mifune Zongzheng that they Rikkai can win again and again.

“Next year’s U-17 World Cup will usher in the strongest dark horse!

The junior high school players from various countries looked at the cheering Rikkai team with a bit of bitterness.

They also fantasized about defeating Germany’s undefeated golden body, but they failed in the end.

Now that the Japan Rikkai team has done it, next year’s World Cup will usher in the strongest dark horse Japan team.

“Lord Elder lost?!”

The faces of the members of the German junior high school team were unbelievable.

Who is Elder?

The strongest in the high school age!

He has defeated the old professional-level powerhouses such as the French player Leo, the Spanish player Puyol and the Swiss player Carlos.

Known as the world’s number one high school student!

But it is such a super strong who lost to another person today.

And this man was younger than Elder.

This makes the German junior high school players who are accustomed to the invincibility of Yard acceptable.

“Why is this?”

“How could Lord Elder lose?!”

“How could our German junior high school team lose?”

“What a joke!

The members of the German junior high school team couldn’t believe that all of this was true, and some even wiped their eyes and wondered if they were mistaken.

But after seeing the score on the scoreboard, they knew that all of this was true.

Elder, the world’s number one high school student, lost!

Lost to a second-year junior high school student.

The aura of invincibility of the past faded completely at this moment.

“Even Major Elder lost?”

Burku was a little lost.

Although he said before the game that the outcome of the two is unpredictable, psychologically he feels that Elder has a higher chance of winning.

Because Elder is not only old and experienced, but also famous for a long time.

On the other hand, Mifune Zongzheng, the famous world is only a year away.

“Mifune Zongzheng is too strong!

Schneider spoke coldly.

Now Mifune Zongzheng has defeated Elder, who is the opponent of Mifune Zongzheng in the entire middle and high school circles.

It can be said that Mifune Zongzheng has replaced Elder’s position, becoming the strongest and first person in the new generation.

“From now on, Mifune Zongzheng is the first person in the new generation!”

Polk closed his eyes.

He knew that from today onwards, the name of Mifune Zongzheng would once again spread to the world.

And this time the blast is different.

People will give Mifune Zongzheng the title of the first person in the new generation of the world.

The next era will be the high school era dominated by Mifune Zongzheng.

Polk and even all middle and high school students can only look up to each other until Mifune Zongzheng graduates or is defeated.


The members of the German junior high school team were unwilling.

But the result is like this, they can’t change, they can only endure silently.

Now their German junior high school team is not only undefeated and shattered.

It even lost the title of the first person in the new generation of the world.

And all of this originated from a young man named Mifune Zongzheng.

“He is too strong!”

Everyone sighed leisurely.

By now, they have to admit that the strength of Mifune Zongzheng has surpassed everyone.

As soon as he returned to the court, Mifune Zongzheng sat down on the stool, cold sweat constantly slipping from the corner of his forehead.

“It seems that it is not easy for you to win!”

Echizen Ryoga said with a smile on his face.

“Ild is a veteran professional-level powerhouse known as the world’s number one high school student. It’s not bad to win!”

Mifune Zongzheng was a little speechless.

“Is it all right?”

Oni Jujiro frowned.

Because Mifune Zongzheng’s complexion was pale and cold sweat was even more flowing, it was very uncomfortable for 1.9.


“It’s just a bit expensive!”

Mifune Zongzheng let out a breath.

Although he won this game, he had to admit the horror of Elder.

That gamma storm made Mifune Zongzheng do his best to win.

If he didn’t crack that trick, he would definitely lose in the end.

PS: Thank you very much for your big flowers, support and 10 points to score!

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