Chapter 565


Outside of the tennis ball, Mifune Zongzheng scored directly.


Mifune Zongzheng won the fifth game.

After depriving the five senses of Tsukimitsu Ochi, the game soon came to the final round.

Sixth inning.

Tsukimitsu Ochi serve bureau.

But Tsukimitsu Ochi looked dull and didn’t move for twenty seconds.

“Tsukimitsu Ochi from Hyotei Academy, please serve!’

Seeing that Tsukimitsu Ochi hadn’t started serving, the referee urged.

But Tsukimitsu Ochi still did not move.

After a long time, Tsukimitsu Ochi Yan Weiwei raised the racquet.


The tennis ball was thrown and the racquet in Tsukimitsu Ochi’s hand waved.

Unfortunately, racquet did not hit the tennis ball.

“Hyotei Academy’s Tsukimitsu Ochi “Eight Seven Three” player made a mistake!

The referee immediately blew the whistle.

Tsukimitsu Ochi seemed to have heard something, and squatted down tremblingly, groping on the ground constantly.


All the members of Hyotei Academy gritted their teeth when they saw this scene on the field.

They never thought that Tsukimitsu Ochi, who was elected by the Japanese U-17 Army, would be so crushed by the professional super master Mifune Zongzheng.

The five senses were completely sealed and couldn’t break free at all.


Kimijima, the deputy director of Hyotei Academy, closed his eyes and had no hope for this singles one game.

And after Kimijima knew that Mifune Zongzheng was going to be the singles from the beginning, he didn’t hold any hope for this game.

Mifune Zongzheng, known as the strongest player in the new generation of the world, is really too powerful.

It’s so strong that it can’t bring up any resistance, it’s so strong that it makes people desperate.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded again.

Tsukimitsu Ochi hit the tennis ball.

But Tsukimitsu Ochi, who lost his sense of touch, hearing, and vision, could not control the power of the shot.


The tennis ball hits the net directly and never crossed the net.

Therefore, Irie Kanata double fault.


Mifune Zongzheng score!

At this point, only the last three goals are left until the end of the game!

The audience fell into a strange silence.

Everyone looked at Tsukimitsu Ochi, the other party had lost focus, and his body was trembling slightly.

He picked up the tennis ball with a trembling arm and continued to toss and swing the racket.

But Irie Kanata, who has lost his five senses, can’t even hit the ball.


“Hyotei Academy Tsukimitsu Ochi player, made a mistake!


“Tsukimitsu Ochi player, second service made a mistake, Rikkai Mifune Zongzheng scored, 30-0!


“Irie Kanata from Yamabuki Middle-School, I made a mistake!”


“Hyotei Academy Tsukimitsu Ochi player, second service made a mistake, Rikkai Big Mifune Zongzheng scored 40-0!”

Tsukimitsu Ochi made several serve errors in a row, which brought the match to the match point.

At this time, there was only one goal left from Tsukimitsu Ochi’s defeat.

Similarly, from Hyotei Academy’s five-game losing streak and the national king Rikkai’s five-game winning streak, there is only one goal left to advance to the final.

“Minister Moonlight!”

Both endured an angry roar.

In the entire Hyotei Academy Tennis Department, he admired the Minister Tsukimitsu Ochi most.

It is precisely because of the leadership of Tsukimitsu Ochi that the Tennis Department of Hyotei Academy has become a well-known and strong school throughout the country.

Watching Minister Moonlight, who he admired, became like this.

Both endure the anger in his heart that cannot be suppressed.

“Thank you, calm down!”

Matsudaira Chikahiko said in a deep voice.

“How do you tell me to calm down!

“Minister Moonlight is obviously so strong, but why?”

Reluctantly growled.

However, before Tonin’s words were finished, he was directly interrupted by Kimijima, the deputy director of Hyotei Academy.

“Minister Moonlight is very strong!”

“But as a professional-level powerhouse, the Zongzheng general is even more powerful!

Kimijima’s expression is no longer confident, and his eyes are full of heaviness.

Is Tsukimitsu Ochi strong?

As the selected Tsukimitsu Ochi, he is naturally extremely powerful!

But why can’t even get a point now?

Because Mifune Zongzheng is so powerful!

Professional strength, the strongest in the new generation of the world, the undefeated legend, such a Mifune Zongzheng, even if the masters of other countries encounter it, they will tremble 0.

Seeing that his minister Tsukimitsu Ochi was completely crushed by the chief general Mifune Zongzheng, Kimijima felt uncomfortable.

But Kimijima was unable to change.


They all held their fists tightly, and a sense of powerlessness emerged in their hearts.

On the field.

Tsukimitsu Ochi, who was completely deprived of his five senses and plunged into silence and darkness, could not hear any sound.

He picked up the tennis ball tremblingly, relying on his usual experience, and wanted to continue serving.

“Still unable to break free? Moonlight!”

Mifune Zongzheng shook his head when he saw that Tsukimitsu Ochi couldn’t get rid of his five senses.

But he didn’t feel surprised.

As Mifune Zongzheng’s strength has increased, the five senses have become stronger.

Today’s Five Senses is a real professional level game, even a professional level such a super master is likely to be recruited, such as the French main general, the veteran professional level powerhouse Leo.

Not to mention Tsukimitsu Ochi, whose strength is only at the top of the country.

Although Mifune Zongzheng does not use all the power to exterminate the five senses, it is not something that Tsukimitsu Ochi can handle.

1.9 Opposite.

Tsukimitsu Ochi tossed the tennis ball and beat it with racquet in his hand.

There was a crisp hitting sound, but in the end the tennis ball hit the net and never crossed the net.

A mistake!

Tsukimitsu Ochi has only one last chance left.

If you make a mistake in serve, you will lose.

“Minister Moonlight!

All the members of Hyotei Academy shouted, trying to wake up their minister Tsukimitsu Ochi.

But Tsukimitsu Ochi, who has been deprived of his five senses, can’t hear any sound at all!

PS: Thank you very much for your big flowers, support and 10 points to score!

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