Chapter 607


Omagari and Date of Makinofuji gasped.

Sweat slipped from the corner of the forehead, soaking the clothes.

They used all their strength, but they couldn’t get a point from the two world-class powerhouses Oni Jujiro and Tokugawa Kazuya, and they were completely crushed.


There was a roar and the tennis ball fell.

Oni Jujiro and Tokugawa Kazuya did not show any mercy.

Light shot-destruction!

Different dimension black hole!

Black battle axe!

The center of gravity jumps vertically!

A kind of skill was used to break the court.

The violent offense made both Omagari and Date miserable.

His arms were already swollen due to catching the ball, and there were bursts of tingling pain.

“Kijujiro-senpai and Tokugawa Kazuya-senpai are amazing!”

In the audience, Sanada Genichiro looked excited when he saw the object of his admiration, Oni Jujiro easily crush his opponent.

Up to now, Makinofuji’s Omagari and Date have scored a few points.

And these few points are of no use at all, and won’t be able to win the next game.


It is now 5 to 0, and it seems to be defeated.

“One day we will have such strength!”

The handist Kunimitsu spoke in a deep voice, looking yearning.


Seiichi Yukimura nodded.


During the discussion, the last ball fell, and the atmosphere of destruction swept across the square, crushing Makinofuji’s last hope.


The ground trembled and cracks appeared.

The tennis ball also bounced at a high speed and hit the isolation net behind him.

The isolation net has long been worn out, and it seems that it can be blown down as long as a gust of wind blows it.


competition is over.

Oni Jujiro and Tokugawa Kazuya defeated their opponents.


“The doubles game is over, Rikkai Daiki Jujiro and Tokugawa Kazuya win!

The referee blew his whistle and announced the final result.

The audience fell into silence.

It took a few seconds before there was a shocking uproar.

Rikkai’s team members cheered even more.

“Good job!

(aibj) “Four consecutive victories, as long as we win the next game, we can once again win Makinofuji in the national finals!”

“The king Rikkai is big and invincible!”

The Rikkai team members were full of excitement.

It was Makinofuji, not a sloppy team.

The year before last, Makinofuji swept all teams across the country and won the national championship, ending the era of lion music dominating junior high schools.

Even the original Rikkai was defeated, and Tanegashima Shuji failed to turn the tide of the battle.

Their Rikkai University has now won four consecutive victories, and they are about to beat Makinofuji in a five-game winning streak in the national finals again.

Twice in the finals of the national competition to win the opponent!

This is an unprecedented record.

“Rikkai is getting stronger, and Makinofuji is about to decline!”

Mifune Zongzheng was not surprised.

Byōdōin Hōō When they were still in junior high school, Makinofuji was indeed strong, second only to Rikkai today.

But now they are about to graduate.

At that time Makinofuji’s strength will be greatly reduced.

And how big is Rikkai?

Whether it is Mifune Zongzheng, Echizen Ryoga or Tokugawa Kazuya, they are all second-year junior high school students and will only be in the third-year junior high school next year.

In addition, there are talented players such as Mōri Juzaburō among the first-year freshmen.

It can be said that the future Rikkai University will not go into decline.

“Minister, fulfill the mission!

Oni Jujiro and Tokugawa Kazuya walked off to Mifune Zongzheng.

“Ghost, Tokugawa, did a good job!

Mifune Zongzheng nodded and gave a compliment.

Now Rikkai has won four consecutive victories. As long as he wins the next round, he will once again win five consecutive victories in the national finals.

And the next game is singles one, he will play.


All Rikkai team members looked at their minister Mifune Zongzheng.

As long as the next game can be won, they will make a history.

“give it to me!”

Mifune Zongzheng chuckled slightly.

Stand up from your seat.

Makinofuji rest area.

Both Omagari and Date looked guilty.

Byōdōin Hōō’s eyes were cold, seemingly flickering.

Four losing streak!

Their Makinofuji once again suffered a four-game losing streak in the finals of the national competition, and even lost several games.

This made him angry to the extreme.

“Minister, it’s time for you to play!”

Kaji Kazena has a calm face and is not in a good mood.

The members of Makinofuji woke up and looked at Byōdōin Hōō.

The next game is the last one. If you can win, you can still get some face back.


Byōdōin Hōō didn’t say anything, but grabbed racquet and walked onto the court.

The moment the two left, an uproar rose to the sky.

“It’s Mifune Zongzheng and Byōdōin Hōō!

“Are the two finally going to meet?”

“This game is destined to be the fiercest competition in the national competition. One is a professional-level powerhouse, and the other is a half-step world’s peak-level powerhouse!

“It’s so exciting to be able to witness such a battle!

The audience was extremely excited.

Mifune Zongzheng.

The only professional superpower in the middle and high schools!

Recognized as the strongest player of the new generation in the world, he led Rikkai to a complete victory in the international exchange competition.

Byōdōin Hōō.

Half-step the world’s peak-level powerhouse.

Once in the world arena, was called the overlord.

Now the two meet and stage a real world-class duel.

The surrounding reporters were so excited that they kept pressing the shutter and wanted to record this scene.

Even Irie Kanata and others looked at each other with seriousness in their eyes.

They know that the next game may really be the most intense competition in the national competition.

PS: Thank you very much for your big flowers, support and 10 points to score!

Collection is the motivation of the author’s writing. I hope everyone will support Xiao K’s book more, ask for subscription, ask for automatic subscription, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for reward, ask for monthly pass, ask for everything. .

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