It is not a glorious thing for three people to join forces to deal with a woman. If they win, it's better to say, after all, the king is defeated, but now the three of them have joined forces and even lost...

Lose face! It's all thrown into the heavens and realms!

In the heavens and realms, countless people were stunned, stunned by Chu Yao's strength, and also stunned by how cleanly this contest ended.

"This... Is it Tianjiao among the aliens? Fang Cai's technique is clearly a fluctuation that the Emperor Sutra can have..."

"Inhumans already have such strength? They have only arrived in January, and this talent is really terrifying! "

"Every world has peerless Tianjiao, and among the strangers, nature is no exception."

"But at least for now, most of the top Tianjiao are people from our heavens and realms, which is not unacceptable..."

Many indigenous people talked about it and sighed continuously.

At the same time, within the Shaking Light Holy Land, Chu Tiange and Xue Qingzhu turned pale~, almost unstable on their feet.

"How... How can it be? "

"She, isn't she Chu Yao? Chu-Yi's sister..."

"Just now, what she said was... Did I hear you right? Xue Qingzhu's face was full of disbelief, with a lost soul, and he muttered.

"She said... I thought that only the existence of my brother was worthy of being besieged? "

"Moreover, she and that Chu Yi, since the first round of trials, have been members of a squad..."

Chu Tiange was cold, and a coolness from head to toe almost made him lose his temperature: "It's really him, it's really him!" "

"How is that possible? No, I don't believe it! He is obviously a waste, a waste who can't log in to the game, how can it be so powerful, I don't believe it! "

Chu Tiange roared, with hysteria, unwilling and angry.

But after a moment, both of them quieted down, their faces extremely ugly...

Although they don't want to believe it, they can't believe it, but the truth is in front of them, so they can't believe it! That villain village chief Chu Yi, who shook the heavens and realms, robbed the Holy Land of Shaking Light, ransacked the tomb of the Demon Emperor, and made a big fuss about the Ascending Emperor Assembly, was the one they least wanted to see him grow!

Moreover, from now on, they will no longer have the qualifications to talk to Chu Yi on an equal footing, and even Chu Tiange is a little afraid to appear in front of Chu Yi's eyes again...

"It turns out that... Am I wrong? Xue Qingzhu was bitter, and tears slipped down: "No wonder, no wonder you promised so happily, you even forgot who I am." "

"It's funny that I thought that after lifting with you, I could fly on the branch and become a phoenix, but I didn't know..."


At the edge of the Xiaoqian World, a man with a wind god like jade, snow, and handsome and elegant opened and closed, and when he looked at Chu Yao, who was walking off the ring, he showed a shocked face.

"This is ... My Jiang Family Hengyu Jing? Yes... The ancestor once said that he passed on the Hengyu Sutra to the sister of a Duke of En, I think it was her? "

"So, my Jiang Family Engong is Chu Yi?"


[The second scene: Son of Heaven, Gai Eight Thousand...]

Tiandao quickly announced the four candidates for the second game, and the ten-crown king Tianzi did not change his face and came from the rear.

But he clearly felt that many people's eyes were on him, and as for the reason, he naturally knew it very well!

In the heavens and realms, countless observers were immediately stunned when they saw this.

"This... What is the situation of the Ten Crowned King Tianzi? Playing with an injury, and the injury is still in the face? "

"Is there any particular hobby here?"

0······ Ask for flowers...

"Bah, didn't you find out? This is exactly the same as yesterday's injury when the Ten Champions were beaten by Chu Yi in the Xiaoqian World! Could it be..."

"But wasn't it the spirit body that fought yesterday? This is the Ten Crown Buddha-figures! "


"Hmph, what are you waiting to know? The spirit body is condensed by the power of the heavenly path according to the essence of the heavenly masters, and generally speaking, even if the spirit body dies, it will not cause any harm to the Buddha-figure. "

"But if the opponent's strength is strong enough, such as possessing immortal law, you can break the rules, and even cut off the order god chain, you can naturally pass through the spirit body and directly hit the Buddha-figure!"


"Only in this way can Tianjiao such as the Ten Crown Champions be unable to erase the scars in a short period of time..."

"Can it still be like this? No way! Then the other Tianjiao who were killed by Chu Yi didn't die, right? "

"No one has reported the death of Tianjiao, not even the injured, at present, it seems that there is only one of the ten crown kings..."

"Poof! Is this a feud with the Ten Crown Champions? The beam is bigger! "

People in all heavens and realms were looking for 'answers', and after getting the answer, everyone was stunned, and then they couldn't help laughing.

Ten-crowned king Tianzi? It's so unlucky... Being beaten like this, it is not possible to erase the traces ...


"Yesterday in the Xiaoqian World, I was just limited in strength..." When passing by Chu Yi's side, the Ten-crowned King Tianzi said coldly: "Today you and I will have a battle, don't die in the hands of others." "

"You're confident." Chu Yi laughed: "But... Can you heal the injury first? "

"Well, I'm sorry, I've received professional training, and I definitely won't laugh at others, unless I can't help it... Hahaha! "

(Ahem... If you like it, you can customize it! Long)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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