
Yamanaka Haiichi was in a good mood, slapped his thigh, and said, "Since you are so refreshing, I can't let you players underestimate it."

"Now, I'm going to teach you the ninjutsu, mind reading, and memory extraction of the Yamanaka clan."

When Hou Ping heard this, he hurriedly sat up straight, and looked at Yamanaka Haiyi with an expectant expression.


"Yamanaka Haiichi taught you the art of mind reading, did you learn Xi?"

There's nothing hesitating about that, just agree.


"Congratulations, learn ninjutsu mind reading!"

[Beginner Mind Reading]: There is a 30% chance that you can read the other person's mind directly without using any device.


"Yamanaka Haiichi taught you the ninja method: memory extraction, do you accept it?"

Again, Hou Ping had no reason to refuse.

[Read Memory]: Invade the brain of a dead enemy and steal his memories.

Hou Ping looked at the ninjutsu he had learned with a happy face.

"Thank you, uncle!"

Hou Ping said with a smile.

Yamanaka waved his hand and said, "Remember what you promised me." "

Hmm!" Hou Ping nodded.

At this time, Sakura and others upstairs "kicked" downstairs.

After seeing Hou Bufan and Yamanaka Haiichi, Ino said, "Dad, let's go out to eat, don't worry about us." As

he spoke, he called Hou Ping.

After Hou Ping said goodbye to Yamanakahai, he left the Ino house with them.

Halfway through, Ino called Shikamaru and Dingji again.

Seven people came to the barbecue restaurant.

", Hou Shen went to eat with NPCs again."

"Why is that, why do we ignore NPCs when we look for them, but Hou Shen can play happily with them."

"Nope! I can't accept this fact, no——!

"What's howling upstairs?"

"This question is too difficult, I can't do it, I can't do it——!"


"Ding Ci, if you eat slowly, you will be robbed."

Ino watched Ding Ji roll away the grilled meat with a blank look.

On the side, Naruto and Sasuke were arguing, and Sakura sandwiched Sasuke's meat, which naturally caused Ino's displeasure, and it was another big fight.

"Ugh... What a hassle! Shikamaru pestled his chin, watched them play, and said helplessly.

It's a thriving and peaceful place.

In contrast, the treatment of the blood outside the Hou Gate was very miserable.

Originally, he thought that after posting the battle post, Hou Ping's authority would definitely respond to the provocation.

Unexpectedly, this dignified god actually acted as a shrinking turtle, and still did not come forward.

The blood demon must not continue to squat at the Houmen.

The scorching sun was in the sky, and I just waited.

shouted so loudly that his throat smoked, but he still didn't see anyone from Houmen come out to take care of him.

If it weren't for worrying about that beautiful NPC, Bloody would really want to rush into the Houmen and tear it down.

was waiting for the bloody demon that was about to collapse, and suddenly saw someone on the chat screen posting a picture of Hou Ping eating barbecue with several people in Konoha 12 Xiaoqiang, and he suddenly became excited.

"Hou Bufan, shameless man."

"Lao Tzu waited in Houmen for a day, and you went to eat barbecue with NPCs, it's really shameless."

Then, the bloody ran towards the Konoha Village barbecue restaurant.

However, since he hit the line, he has been in Otoshinobi Village, and after following Orochimaru to Konoha, he is not familiar with the terrain of Konoha either.

After asking the other players, the players also don't need to eat, and it's not clear.

After looking for a long time, I finally found the barbecue restaurant on the picture.

"Hou Bufan!"

Bloody roared and pushed the door in.

"Welcome, how many may I ask?" With a smile on her face, the beautiful NPC greeted the bloody.

After Bloodevil entered the barbecue restaurant, his eyes scanned the crowd, and he didn't notice the beautiful NPC at all, but he just felt that there was someone in front of him.

So he pushed it casually, pushed the beautiful NPC aside, and looked for it inside the barbecue restaurant.

After looking for a long time, I didn't see Hou Ping and Sasuke Naruto.

"What about people?" The blood chaser couldn't help but be a little angry.

Suddenly, Bloody felt that his eyes were dark, and a huge figure, a man as strong as a bear, appeared in front of Bloody.

"... Do? Seeing

that this man's face was not good, the bloody premonition was a little bad.

Sure enough, the man grabbed the bloody collar and threw him out with a back fall.

Coincidentally, someone opened the door.

The blood was just thrown out into the street like garbage...

"Hou Bufan..."

Bloody gritted his teeth, his hatred for Hou Ping had reached its peak at this time.

At this time, a picture of Hou Ping and Naruto entering the Hou Gate suddenly appeared on the public screen.

Bloody eyes lit up suddenly.

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