Kankuro's eyes flashed, and he saw Iairo jump down from the stands.

"I... Do I love Luo? Kankuro was shocked.

"Hehehe..." My Airo's icy and eerie laughter made Kankuro take a step back.

"Rubbish!" My Airo glanced at Kanjiuro coldly, "You can't even beat a player, Kanjiurou, it's a waste for you to live." "

I... I...... Airo, you... What are you doing?

Watching Iara walk towards him step by step, Kankuro's face was filled with fear, and beads of sweat the size of beans slid down his face and dripped to the ground.

"It's... It's... But the middle ninja exam! Kankuro's throat kept throbbing, and his legs trembled with fear.

If Kankuro is most afraid, it is his younger brother I love Luo.

In Kankuro's eyes, I Airo is emotionless, and can even be said to be a ferocious, violent, and murderous machine, which exists as the ultimate weapon of the Sa Shinobi Village.

It is precisely for this reason that all people are afraid of my Airo's ability, which leads to the lack of love of my Airo since he was a child, and he has formed a withdrawn and cold character.

Therefore, in Kanjiuro's eyes, I Ai Luo is not a human, but a demon, a behemoth demon who chooses people and devours them.

He didn't know why, but I Airo would suddenly jump from the break room into the arena.

He didn't even know when he had angered this demon beast.

At this time, he just wanted to run for his life.

However, his legs were shaking and he couldn't move at all.

"You live, there is no point!" I Airo sneered and grinned gradually, and the scarlet teeth made Kankuro's heart collapse directly.

I saw I'm raising one hand.

"No... I love Luo, you... You can't kill me! "

There was not the slightest pity in my eyes, it was like a hollow, and there was no emotion in sight.

I saw my Airo raise his hand and shake it.

"Ninja: Sand Binding Machine!"

A large amount of sand suddenly gushed out of the gourd behind my Airo's back, and it rushed towards Kankuro like a spirit snake.

"I... I love Luo, I am... You—"

Before Kankuro could finish speaking, a large amount of sand buried him, leaving only his eyes full of fear outside.

"Feel the pain!"

"Feel the fear!"

"Feel the death!"

I Ai Luo smiled cruelly, "Sand Waterfall funeral!"

Kankuro only felt a huge pressure coming from all directions, almost squashing himself.

"Hahaha..." I Ai Luo covered his forehead, looked up and laughed, his voice couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad.

That laughter was like the horn of hell, the footsteps of death!

At this time, Kankuro couldn't struggle at all, couldn't use any ninjutsu, and could only feel his body being crushed by that huge pressure.

Gradually, Kankuro's eyes became more and more blurry, and slowly, there was nothing in his eyes, only a blurry image dangling in front of him.


"So this is death!"

Kankuro gave up his resistance and silently felt the coming of death.

Gradually, Kankuro closed his eyes and completely lost all consciousness.

Suddenly, all the pressure around Kankuro suddenly disappeared.


Kankuro sat on the ground with his ass on his shoulder, gasping for breath.

The chaotic, boiling cheers and shouts made him sober up a little.

Kankuro looked up blankly and looked around.

I Airo, who scared him to the soul, was not in the scene, only Hou Ping with a smile on his face.

Kankuro was about to get up.

"Don't move!"

Hou Ping said in a low voice.

At this time, Kankuro realized that the sharp kunai was pressing against his throat at this time.

Kankuro swallowed.

What the hell just happened?

Didn't I enter the arena out of nowhere?

Didn't I get killed by my Airo?

How so?

A series of question marks appeared in Kankuro's head.

He looked over to the player's rest table and saw that I Airo had a gloomy face, looking at it coldly.

After touching his gaze, Kankuro chuckled in his heart, remembering everything that had just happened, and his heart palpitated, and his gaze quickly avoided it.

At this time, Shiranui Genma walked over.

"The game is over, the player Hou Ping wins!"

When the sound fell, the entire fighting arena was completely boiling.

All players shouted at the same time.

"Hou God! Hou God!

"Hou God! Hou God!

"Hou God! Hou God!

"Grass, grass, Hou Shen is too awesome, the bull is broken, and he actually defeated Kanjiulang?"

"Although I lost money, I don't know why, I just feel so good!"

"Who says players can't do NPCs? Kanjiulang, a terrific NPC, wasn't he still overturned by Hou Shen?

"Hou God! I love you!

"Hou God! I love you! In

the audience, Hou Ping's female support team shouted loudly.

Almost all the shots at the scene were aimed at Hou Ping.

Hou Ping's right hand put his sword finger on his temple and waved at the female support team.

It caused a howl from the female support group.

Hou Ping kissed them again.

Completely detonated them, and even two female team members fainted.

"Ahem!" I didn't know that Huo Genma coughed and said in a low voice, "Exit, it's time to play."

Hou Ping also felt that he was almost pretending, and walked towards the rest table amid the cheers and shouts of everyone.


After Zhao Qiyun saw Hou Ping's victory, his face drooped like a donkey, especially when he saw Hou Ping's stinky fart, the root of his teeth itched even more.

"How long do players outside of Konoha have to attack Konoha?" Zhao Qiyun asked with a cold face.

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