The wind rose, rolled up and the fallen leaves flew all over the sky, and a murderous aura suddenly spread.

"You guys, quickly put on a swastika formation to protect Mr. Dazner." Kakashi's serious voice suddenly rang out.

It was the first time I'd seen Kakashi look so serious along the way.

To say not to be nervous is to brag.

Hou Ping took a deep breath, and his little heart was pounding.


This scene is much more exciting than watching anime at the beginning.

"Don't join this fight." Kakashi said, "That's where teamwork comes in.

"Your opponent is me!" Kakashi's closed left eye opened, and the three-hooked jade chakra appeared in front of everyone.

"I didn't expect to see the rumored writing wheel so soon." Taodi frowned slightly, and turned around as he said, "It's an honor!" "

The fog is up.

"When Uncle Ben was still assassinating troops in Fog Hidden Village, you had your qualifications in the manual he carried with him" Momochi's voice came out of the thick fog, "The man who copied a thousand ninjutsu, copy ninja Kakashi."

Taodi's words of not cutting again, everyone present were shocked.

"It's amazing." Naruto exclaimed.

"I've said it all, Kakashi-sensei is very powerful, let you respect it a little." Hou Ping next to him whispered to Naruto, "You don't take your feelings seriously at all!"

Naruto scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and smiled.

"That's all for the chat! I'm going to kill that old man. Momochi didn't squat down again, looking like he was about to attack at any time.


Hou Ping shouted.

Immediately afterward, the crowd gathered Dazna tightly behind them.

Hou Ping stood between Kakashi and the four, ready to support at any time.

Although, he knew in his heart that at his level, this equipment was not enough for Taodi not to kick again.

"Looks like we'll have to get rid of Kakashi first!" As he spoke, Momodi didn't flash his figure again, and leaned over to the river next to him, standing on the turbulent river, with a large number of visible chakras surrounding him.

"Ninja: Fog Concealment Technique!"

The sound fell, and the whole figure disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The fog is getting thicker.

Hou Ping tried to look around, but he only saw a distance of about one meter around him.

This strong sense of unknown oppresses every nerve of everyone.

Hou Ping only felt that his heart was accelerating, as if he was about to jump out.

And he saw that Sasuke behind him actually picked up the kunai in his hand.

"Sasuke, even if you die, I will protect you." Kakashi said, looking back and smiling, "I would never let him kill my companion." "

That's when it happened.

Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky and landed directly in the center of the swastika, and the powerful momentum lifted Naruto and the others into the air, falling to the ground.

Hou Ping, who had been prepared, turned over and jumped up, survived, and threw out the eight shurikens in his hand.

Almost at the same time, Kakashi sprang out, and the kunai in his hand plunged directly into Momochi's abdomen.

The sound of liquid dripping sounded.

But it's not blood that doesn't spill anymore in the peach field.

It's water!

A figure appeared behind Kakashi.

And Hou Ping had four shurikens flying towards the figure behind Kakashi.

Naruto then realized that there was someone behind Kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei, back!"

The sound fell, and the peach field in front of Kakashi turned into a jar of water without slashing, and the figure behind him swung the decapitation knife and swung it out violently!


The nearly two-meter big knife directly cut Kakashi's waist in two, and the length of nearly two meters also shrouded Hou Ping beside Kakashi, and even Hou Ping was split by a knife.

The shuriken thrown by Hou Ping was swept away by the blade of the decapitation broadsword, without causing a trace of damage.

Seeing that Kakashi was cut off by the waist in front of him, Momochi didn't have time to surprise him, but saw that Kakashi turned into a puddle of water, and Hou Ping turned into two sections of wood.

"Water body, stand-in technique!" Momochi didn't look surprised anymore, "Could it be..."

Kakashi's voice rang out from behind him, and at the same time, the kunai was pressed against Momochi's throat.

"That's it!"

When everyone watched this scene and was amazed at Kakashi's awesomeness, only Hou Ping, who was hiding in the shadows, knew that the real peach land was not so easy to deal with


"You haven't figured out the situation yet!" Taodi didn't seem to be worried at all, and said casually: "Simple random imitation can't hit Uncle Ben." Absolutely impossible.

"But you're not bad! Did you copy my water body technique at that time? Momochi said contemptuously, "But..."

And the real Momochi no longer slashed, appearing behind Kakashi.

Wielding the decapitating knife in his hand, he slashed at him again.





Four shurikens flew from the woods, and Momochi dodged them all without moving.



miss has four MISSs on top of her head, so that Hou Ping, who is hiding in the grass, scolds her mother.

Even so, taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Kakashi reacted, crouched down, and dodged the sweeping and vertical slashes of the decapitating broadsword one by one.

Momochi didn't kick Kakashi again.

Kakashi rolled backwards and volleyed into the air and landed in the water behind him.

He rushed over with the decapitation knife, only to find that the ground was covered with a layer of thistles.

He sneered, and directly turned over and crossed over the thistle.

As soon as Kakashi emerged from the water, Momochi appeared behind him without slashing it.

"Water Prison Technique!"

The huge ball of water rippled like an iron cage, trapping Kakashi in it.

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