The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 153 - Annihilate!...

Black Turtle Galaxy~

Deserted Place…

After walking around for hours and getting lost, Yang Yi finally asked where Silver wanted to go.

"I want to find a place to build something," he said.

"You… Do you know that you just can't build something whenever you and wherever you like? You've got to go to a firm and buy it." said Yang Yi.

"Ohh… I have to buy? I didn't know haha. So, where can I buy a 'lot' then?" asked Silver.

"You will need to go the main branch here in Black Warrior City called Divine Cloud Firm," said Yang Yi.

"Ohh… Do you know the way?" asked Silver.

"Yes. Come follow me," said Yang Yi as she flew up. Silver looking at her flying thought. 'Hmm… I can't see anything'

"Alright. Lead the way then," said Silver as he also flew up and followed Yang Yi's lead.


Back to Black Warrior City~

Reaching the place that Yang Yi said. Silver seeing the massive silvery building decorated by some kind of lanterns hanging as they sway along with the three leaves at the side thought. 'The hell is wrong with this decoration? I just don't get how these people think'.

With Yang Yi leading Silver, they proceeded to enter the building, but before they could enter, a young man at the entrance blocked their way, saying. "Young Miss, I'm sorry but we don't let a mortal servant enter our firm." glaring at Silver for some reason, a look of hatred and envy can be seen in his eyes.

'A servant?' thought Silver and looked at the young man who blocked them from entering who's glaring at him hatefully.

It seems like this young man is a worker of this so-called Divine Cloud Firm.

"This… He is not a servant. By the way, what is your cultivation anyway? I forgot to ask because even I can't feel it." Yang Yi said while looking at Silver apologetically.

Xiantian Second Order!


"Hahaha! A little Xiantian Second Order? Even my cousin is already at Saint Realm at 167, and you? A Xiantian Second Order? Hahaha! We are not letting you, a Xiantian Second Order servant enter here!" mocked the young man.

"This…" even Yang Yi got surprised when she felt Silver's cultivation. 'Wait, How could he defeat Jiang Wuhai, a peak 4th order Highgod Realm master instantly with his Xiantian Second-order? He's hiding his cultivation level'

"Oh! I broke through Second Order? Nice! Didn't think it would be this fast" said Silver, surprised that he broke through Xiantian Second Order when he just broke through just after a day from Xiantian first order.

"Huh?" Yang Yi was once again surprised when she heard what Silver said. She couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook her head. 'He's playing with us, is he?' she thought.

"Hahaha! You… Hahaha! You're happy about breaking through Xiantian Realm Second Order? Hahaha! Young Miss, may I dare suggest that you should throw this servant away or you will only lose face by having a servant like him!" suggested the young man.

"He… He is not my servant!" said Yang Yi.

"Then that's better! A trash person like him doesn't deserve this Young Miss beauty ah! Is he maybe courting you?" asked the young man.

Silver who was just letting the young man speak to his heart's content finally got pissed. "Oi, you should stop there. Know your limit. You just can't say whatever you like to someone you don't even know," warned Silver.

"So what? Ah?! What can a mere trash Xiantian cultivator like you do to me? A 5th order God Realm master ah?!" arrogantly said the young man.

"Tsk. A mere God Realm. Don't blame me for this. I warned you," said Silver who finally couldn't take the young man's mocking.

Silver activated his {Devouring} ability and devoured the young man's entire cultivation, making him lost every cultivation he had and as he devoured the young man's cultivation, Silver's cultivation started rising.

The young man's face paled when he felt that his cultivation was leaving him at such a fast rate! He wanted to run but he couldn't move. He felt that there was some kind of force making him unable to move from his spot.

"You! Stop! Please! I was wrong! Show mercy!" he pleaded while looking at Silver. But Silver didn't bat an eye and just stared at the young man.

Mid Second-Order Xiantian Realm

Peak Second-Order Xiantian Realm

'Hmm? Only this much?' It surprised Silver, when he devoured the young man's God Realm cultivation, his own only advanced to the peak Second-Order Xiantian Realm!

Yang Yi didn't know what is happening, but sensing that the young man's cultivation is disappearing, she couldn't help but look towards Silver.

A minute later, Silver finished devouring the young man's entire cultivation, he then asked to the young man who fell on the floor panting heavily. He said, "Now who's the trash?"

"You!" said the young man weakly, he could only glare at Silver. He couldn't do anything now; his entire cultivation disappeared, making real shitty trash.

"What's happening here!" said a loud voice coming inside the firm. As the voice sounded, an old-looking man appeared beside the young man whose entire cultivation got devoured.

"Supervisor Chen! Please redress my grievance. That servant crippled me!" he said while pointing at Silver.

The old man called Supervisor Chen looked at Silver. Trying to sense his cultivation, Supervisor Chen didn't know why but felt some kind of dangerous feeling coming from Silver, he couldn't even sense the cultivation of Silver!

Who is he? He is Supervisor Chen of the Divine Cloud Firm! A 3rd Order Highgod Realm master! A supervisor of the Largest firm at Black Tortoise City! But even though he posses high cultivation, he couldn't sense the depth of Silver's cultivation, even his strength!

"Young man, can I ask who you are? How did this fool offend you? I am the Supervisor of Divine Cloud firm. Chen Mo," said the Chen Mo.

"Call me Silver," said Silver.

"Supervisor, why speak to him politely, he is just a mere Xiantian Realm Second Order. I beg you, redress my grievance!" said the young man.

"You fool! If he is only a Xiantian Realm cultivator how could he cripple you! A God Realm cultivator! Scram! Go pack your things and don't come back here!" shouted Chen Mo and kicked the young man away.

'Smart' commented Silver. If this Chen Mo isn't and just listen to the young man, he wouldn't mind killing them both.

"Brother Chen, what is the commotion about?" asked a familiar voice when Silver heard it.

"Principal Shi, nothing, nothing, just greeting a customer," said Chen Mo and looked inside.

"Oh? Who is so important for you the Supervisor to go out greeting a customer?" asked the voice. As the voice faded, a familiar figure came to Silver's sight followed by a young man who possessed a peak 9th Order God Realm cultivation.

"Ah! Shi Fen?" said Silver.

"Huh? Shi Fen? The Black Tortoise principal!" said Yang Yi in a shocked tone.

"We meet again. I didn't find any beer," said Silver.

"Master, he…" said the young man who's standing at the side of Shi Fen.

"Hahaha! So it is you Silver! We meet again. Feng Yang, he is Silver" greeted Shi Fen.

"Feng Yang greets brother Silver" greeted Feng Yang as he clasped his hand and bowed.

"Oh! Nice to meet you, Feng Yang," said Silver.

'Wait! Feng Yang? Yang Yi? Ahhhh!!! Now I finally remembered! Yang Yi 'Crazy Lady' and this Feng Yang would be the future Principal of the Black Warrior Institute. Am I right, system? What timeline are we in, anyway?'

[ Answering to host… The host is right. Lady Yang Yi would indeed be called 'Crazy Lady' in the future and Feng Yang would be the Black Warrior in the future. We are thousands of years before the main storyline starts host ]


[ Quest Activated! Does host wish to see them now? ]

'No. I'll check it later'

[ Okay Host ]

"Brother Shi, you know this young man?" asked Chen Mo.

"We just met at the streets the other day," said Shi Fen.

"Are you looking to buy a place?" asked Chen Mo as he looked back at Silver.

"Yeah. I want to build something," answered Silver.

'Who is this Silver, why is master politely talking to him? He is clearly just a young man like me' thought Feng Yang as he checks Silver cultivation. But when he checked it, he's taken aback! He couldn't sense it!

"Why don't we continue talking inside while taking a tea, no?" invited Chen Mo.

"I don't like tea. I like beer!" declared Silver.

"What is a beer?" asked Feng Yang.

"It is what God's and Immortals drink," said Silver.

'Huh?' thought Yang Yi, Feng Yang, Shi Fen, and Chen Mo but just ignored it.

With Chen Mo leading the way, he brought the group inside a private room and started talking.

In the end, Chen Mo gifted Silver a place that already had a building built there. The land has a size of a 3-hectare square. Silver wanted to pay for it, but Chen Mo didn't take the payment and just told that take it as repayment for the fool for offending him. But Silver won't take things for free, so he still gave 10 stones to Chen Mo in the form of a greeting gift. Chen Mo couldn't decline when Silver put it that way; Thus, he also got forced to take the stones.

When the group led by Chen Mo went to look at the place, Silver saw the big building standing there, destroyed it using his {Decompose} skill which made the others stare at him like he's a freak. Saying, "I want to build my own" nonchalantly.

'Just who is this guy? He's a freak!' they thought when they saw the building slowly decomposing to nothingness, leaving nothing.

Seeing the place cleared, Silver activated his {Universal Creation Magic} Skill and built a 'Bar' called 'Beer House' and made put a slogan in front, saying 'Beer House! 10 Divine Spirit Stone per Case!' 'Come drink in peace, make trouble and I'll smack you rolling away'.

There were a hundred of open 'Nipa Hut' and with a Karaoke box in each one. Each Nipa Hut has a size of twenty-meter square. Giving a free space that could fit at least 50 people and would still have a lot of free space. And there are seats placed.

Don't forget, Silver also made a place where there were snacks of all kind that he could remember. which is just beside the bar.

The bar is at the center where the future customers would come and pay. Atop the Bar, there is a 'Bottle' standing high, an image of a horse and with writing, 'Red Horse'.

Seeing what Silver did, the group was all dumbfounded.

He destroyed everything like nothing and next he built something out of nowhere! What the hell is this freak! they thought.

Silver then invited to an open 'Nipa Hut'. With Silver leading, the group followed.

Telling them to sit, Silver then created 50 cases of cold beer, meaning each of them would drink 10 cases.

10 cases ah!

Seeing the reddish-black bottle and red cases, the group was once again dumbfounded.

Silver took 5 cases and said, "For the starter, let's drink a case to celebrate my dream of creating this place that was achieved today thanks to Chen Mo's generosity!"

Giving an opener to each and every one of them and a bottle while instructing them how to use it and open remove the cap, the group easily learned.

Such a convenient tool! they thought.

Removing the cap, Silver raised his bottle and took a gulp. "Ah, this is really great!" he said.

Following Silver's motion, the group also took a gulp at their own bottle.

When they tasted it, oh boy, they didn't know what to say, only one word could be heard from their mouth. "Heavenly"

"What is this Heavenly Beer! How come I only learned of this now! I have wasted my thousand years living!" commented Chen Mo, then once again took a gulp.

Even Yang Yi didn't know what to say when she tasted the beer, she could only look at it and remember the taste.

Feng Yang and Shi Fen didn't even speak, in a blink of an eye, they emptied out their bottle and opened another.

Silver seeing their reactions smiled. "Ohh! Wait! It's not superb to just drink from the bottle," he said and made a glass cup for each and every one of them, filled with cold hard ice.

"Why use a glass? Drinking from the bottle feels great!" said Shi Fen who almost couldn't stop himself.

"Now, now. It's better, trust me," said Silver. Pouring the beer on the glass cup filled with ice, bubbles started forming on top but quickly popped, revealing the beer in it as a small bubble coming from the bottom of the glass.

Seeing what Silver did and the beer on glass, the group followed. Not long after, each of their glasses was filled. Raising his cup Silver said, "Kampai!"

The others didn't know what it meant but still raised their cups and toasted it to Silver's cup and said, "Kampai" then drink the whole contents of the glass, except the ice.

"True! Ah! This is better!" commented Chen Mo.

"Sure is," said Feng Yang.

Yang Yi just looked at Silver, 'You really are a mysterious person' she thought and filled her cup again.

While Shi Fen just filled his cup and drinking from it without saying a thing.

"Ohh… Right! How could I forget!" said Silver.

"Forget what?" asked the group.

"Cigarette," said Silver.

"???" the group is clueless.

Silver then created a pack of 'Marlboro Red' and a 'lighter'.

Opening it, Silver took a stick out, putting it in his lips, he lighted it with the lighter, taking a hit and releasing the smoke from his mouth, oh boy, the group are once again dumbfounded.

"Hey, what's that? Is that good stuff?" asked Feng Yang.

"Kid. This is not good for your health," said Silver.

"Then why are you still taking it?" asked Feng Yang.

"I like it, that's why," said Silver while taking another hit, of course, he also made an ashtray.

Shi Fen, Feng Yang, and Chen Mo bugged Silver to let them try and teach them. Silver complied but still warned them.

After tasting and trying, the trio got addicted and kept lighting one after another. "Hmm… It's 50 Divine Grade spirit stones per pack," he said.

When he said that, the trio dropped their sticks and stared at Silver Wide-eyed. They already finished 3 packs each ah!

3 packs meant 150 Divine grade spirit stones ah!

Yang Yi, who Silver forbid and didn't want to smoke, laughed at the trio's reaction.

"Hahaha! What's with those reactions of yours? I'm kidding, everything is free for today, to celebrate ah! Hahaha" laughed Silver.

The trio then heaved a sigh of relief at Silver's words.

But what about tomorrow or the next day? Damn, we got to earn money! they thought.

Hours later, the group continued drinking, smoking (The trio), but Silver didn't forget to make something to go along with their drink.

Even though they started at late noon, the temperature wasn't hot because of the coming winter, which made the wind cold.

As the group continued drinking. Suddenly, they heard a resounding explosion close to where they were, just a few kilometers away. Looking at where the sound of the explosion came from, they could see black smoke rose from the ground.

Silver felt something bad, spreading his senses so did the others. Silver found out that the place he was staying at is destroyed and burning. Some people from the inn died while some are gravely injured.

Abruptly standing from his seat, Silver's face turned gloomy.

The nice young girl who he was just talking last night is dead!

"Who the f.u.c.k had the guts to do this!" said Silver.

Opening up a portal, Silver entered it. The group seeing the portal, with their cultivation, quickly followed and entered the portal.

Exiting the portal, the group could only see a destroyed building, bodies lying here and there, some people are murmuring to the side, while those who're gravely injured, did their best to stay alive.

Silver seeing the nice young girl at the counter last night body, lying there without a breath. Silver walked up to her.

Yang Yi, seeing the dead body of the young girl, felt bad for a reason she doesn't know. "Silver," said Yang Yi, knowing that the girl is already dead.

"Yang Yi, why is Silver like that?" asked Shi Fen.

While Chen Mo has a grave face, this place is one branch of their firm. How dare those who destroyed and killed his workers! I will make them pay for this! thought Chen Mo angrily.

The group followed Silver towards the body of the dead young girl.

Silver sat down and said. "Hey, I didn't even learn of your name, how could you die just like this"

Silver then activated his {Revive} Law Skill, bringing the young girl back to life.

*Cough Cough* Cough*

Coughed the (Dead) young girl.

Everyone seeing the dead come back to life stared at Silver, 'Just who and what is he?' they thought.

Even those who just came to take a look at the destroyed place didn't know what just happened.

"This…" said Yang Yi, she couldn't believe that the dead could come back to life because of Silver!

Silver seeing the young girl's body full of injuries and bloodied activated his {Instant All Zero Skill} and healed the young girl instantly.

Everyone was once again dumbfounded seeing that!

"Huh? I'm alive?" said the young girl who's at Silver's arm.

"Ehh? Young Master…" said the young girl.

"Who did this? Why?" asked Silver.

"Young Master! The Jiang Clan came looking for you! They were asking where you are but as you are not here, we told them that you left since early morning, but the Jiang Clan demanded your presence within a minute or they would kill and destroy our inn for hiding you! We told them that you weren't here, but they didn't believe and started destroying the place and killing everyone! They, they took the stone you gave us, saying that it's just compensation and they would come back later to find you! Please run away young master before they come and kill you! Please run away!" said the young girl while crying.

"I see… Sorry for implicating you guys. I'll make sure that Jiang Clan would pay for this" said Silver and helped the young girl up. Yang Yi saw that, went and took the girl from Silver while helping her move to a safe place.

Silver then healed the injured and revived the dead without taking a glance at those who are watching. After doing so, he used time law and ability to bring the inn back to how it was before.

After he was done with those things. 'System, locate where Jiang Clan is'

[ Command Accepted… Locating… Done. Jiang Clan is at ***** away **** ]


Silver then created at the massive portal on the sky, everyone seeing the portal, we're all shocked silly. They could see the whole Jiang Clan manor. Every member is laughing, silly while talking about the great 'harvest' they got from the inn.

They could hear everything they are saying, but the Jiang Clan didn't know that many people are seeing and hearing them.

Silver seeing them laughed like that, like they just won a great war, smiled.

Silver's eyes change into a golden color, dark crimson pupils with three crimson rings surrounding it.

This time, Silver is truly angered!

Yang Yi, Shi Fen, Chen Mo, Feng Yang seeing the eyes of Silver and the aura coming out from his very being couldn't help but felt fear. True fear!

"Silver?" said Yang Yi.

Silver said nothing and flew up to the portal.

Yang Yi, Shi Fen, Chen Mo, and Feng Yang, even though they felt fear from Silver still joined him and also entered the portal.

There's only one thing running at Silver's mind.


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