The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 167 - Masscre Part 2...

Azure Dragon Galaxy~

Azure Dragon Institute…

Azure Dragon Institute has the same reputation as the Black Warrior Institute, it is also the 'Best' 'Strongest' institute within Azure Dragon Galaxy.

In terms of strength, the Black Warrior Institute is the strongest one, while Azure Dragon is the second, followed by the Vermillion Institute and White Tiger Institute.

The current Principal of the Azure Dragon Institute name Qin Yi.

For some unknown reason, Qin Yi and Feng Yang, the Principal of the Black Warrior Institute, have some bad blood against each other. If the two of them saw each other, they would always try to humiliate, frame, or even kill each other.

Jiang Wuhuang knowing about the two's feud, came to visit Qin Yi and see if he could cooperate with him and take down Feng Yang, Silver, and take over the Black Warrior Institute.

Even though Silver spared him and many of his clan's members, he wanted to take revenge and take all of his possession, especially Silver's beerhouse that earns thousands of Divine Grade Spirit Stones every day.

As the rumors going about Silver losing his memories proven, he looked for other forces and gathered allies until he thinks that is enough to take down Black Warrior Institute and Silver, while his clan would dominate the Black Warrior Galaxy and rule it over including the Institute.

Qin Yi, knowing about Jiang Wuhuang's visit, sent a disciple to welcome him and led him towards his office.

With the disciple leading the way, Jiang Wuhuang soon reached Qin Yi's office.

"Jiang Clan's Patriarch, Jiang Wuhuang. To what do I owe the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of your visit?" asked Qin Yi with a smile.

"I am sure that you already know my motive for coming here," replied Jiang Wuhuang.

"Hahaha! So it's 'that' plan. Tell me, what can your clan offer?" asked Qin Yi.

"Hmmph! Do you think I'm a three-year-old kid? You can take all of Black Warrior's Institute treasury, but, I will take Silver's beerhouse wealth!" harrumphed Qin Yi.

"50-50. I'm already amassing my own forces, and I even have a spy within Black Warrior Institute!" said Jiang Wuhuang.

"That Wang Na is your spy, right? 40-60, 40% will go to you and 60% to me," said Qin Yi.

"50-50. No more no less." offered Jiang Wuhuang.

"The forces you can gather is far from enough! While I on the other side had already allied with White Tiger Institute, Ghost World, and even the ancient Devil Clan! So tell me, can you gather such forces?" asked Qin Yi with a mocking smile.

"That… All right. 45-55." said Jiang Wuhuan.

"No. 40-60. Even if you only get 30%, there will be no problem. I am just giving you face by offering you 40-60. If you don't want it, leave it." said Qin Yi.

"This… All right. If we could only go to Path to Hell and make the Ghost Refining Sect join our cause, then it will be easy," said Jiang Wuhuang.

The two then continued talking while thinking who to invite and join their alliance.


Silver, Yang Yi, Yao Chi, Xiao Rou along with Sheng Yue (Fixed his appearance) are currently eating as they talk happily.

The group, (Silver, Yang Yi, and Yao Chi) would always go out every day and would only come back once a week or even a month, visiting places here and there.

Sometimes they would encounter some 'Young Masters who' would block them or even talk trash with Silver telling him to give them, Yang Yi and Yao Chi (They didn't know Silver). Of course, those 'Young Masters' would all end up dead. Yang Yi or Yao Chi wouldn't hesitate to kill them, but before they could even make their move, Silver would always bring his sword out and cut their heads out of their shoulders. Sometimes, he would just punch them to oblivion.

Silver's strength far surpasses those of humans, even cultivators with Highgod Realm would all end up dead with once fist strike.

Yang Yi knew just how strong Silver is before, but his strength now far surpassed his previous self. Yao Chi, on the other hand, didn't know at first, but with Yang Yi telling her what Silver was capable of, she believed it.

If the powerhouses in Black Warrior Galaxy respected Silver, how could she not understand it just by seeing Silver actions, brute force, and how respected he was.

They passed the years touring about everywhere but stopped when they heard something about a plan concerning Silver and the Black Warrior Institute.

When they told Feng Yang about it who also had some guesses about the matter, he told them to just stay at Black Warrior City.

Feng Yang was also cautious, he asked Sheng Yue to make a trip at Alchemist Grandmaster Association headquarters and started making their plans.

Silver asked why they can't leave the city and just stayed there, but Yang Yi and Yao Chi just used the 'cultivating' excuse, which Silver understood and did asked about it again.

He knew the importance of cultivation and that left him wondering why he couldn't cultivate even though he's smart.

When Grandmaster Physician looked at Silver's condition why he couldn't cultivate, the physics could only shake his head. There was no problem at Silver's meridians and whatsoever, but couldn't find the reason why.

Many Formation Grandmaster even looked at the seal at Silver's soul, but all of them could only say one thing. "They didn't know how to break it, and just said that it might come off.

No matter which medicine Silver took, ate, or anything. Nothing can undo the seal on his soul that's keeping his memory sealed.

Yang Yi and Yao Chi, even Sheng Yue, Feng Yang, and Chen Mo also those who knew Silver before that's still alive did their best to help, but no matter what, none could unseal the seal on his soul.

Years passed…

Along these years, Feng Yang also made his moves 'Hidden' and not alerting his enemies with his movements. Many experts from different forces all hide within the depths of Black Warrior City, all looking after Silver and Co, but without their knowledge the matter.

As Silver, Yang Yi, Yao Chi, and Xiao Rou are happily eating when suddenly Silver fell on his seat, alerting the others, worried that something bad might have happened to him.

[ Entering the last phase of the Soul Upgrade ]

[ The host will be put to sleep for a year. All memories will be restored when the host woke up. ]

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