The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 174 - What A Strange Name...






Resoundingly loud sounds of explosions shook the space as comets, stars and so on kept getting destroyed by someone and only to get restored then destroyed and once again restored, again and again.

{Universe Cutter!}

Shouted a handsome young man with a black sword in hand engraved with a crimson eastern dragon on its blade. Swinging the sword fused with myriad laws down, a massive blackish crimson sword ray got unleash, cutting everything in its path in half, seemingly not stopping until the power infused with it disperses.




Once again, a resounding loud explosion rang, shaking the whole space along with it.

"This should be good enough" nodded the handsome young man, appreciating his newly created skill with clear satisfaction plastered on his face.

[ New Skill Created!

Skill - Universe Cutter. Description: Unleash a flying sword attack and cut everything in its path. Unstoppable until the power-infused is to be used up or be stopped by someone strong enough. ]


The handsome young man then grabbed hold into a seemingly divine spear with a golden color and dragons coiling around.

[ Weapon Mastery - Spear - Mastered ]

"F.u.c.k! Can't I just slowly learn something that would take time for a least once?"

[ Answering to host… The host posses {Instant Mastery} skill and host bought the beginners manual for all weapons making the host master every kind of weapon upon using it ]

The handsome young man could only sigh and accept the facts.

This handsome young man is no other than Silver! He has been in space, watching the creation of things when he woke up from his sleep.

Spending an unknown amount of time watching, he got bored.

With nothing to do, he bought a manual called *All Weapon Manual* at the beginner stage. But with his instant mastery cheat, he mastered a weapon one after another!

Why beginners manual though?

He believed that everything should start at the basics before making his own skills which he thought would take him some time to get him out of his boredom.

But with his cheat called {Instant Mastery}, he mastered any weapon he could think of. Sometimes he would make a skill for a weapon, but mostly he doesn't because he couldn't think of what skill to create!

"Now then. Last one."

Silver then looked at the scattered weapons on his back. Seeing the last weapon, Silver's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"A brick?"

[ Answering to host… It is indeed a brick host ]

"Your f.u.c.k.i.n.g with me! First, there was that rod! Then the sock! Now a brick!?"



Silver could only sigh, he is bored, bored to the point of nearly going crazy.

[ Host! The Heaven's Will has finally finished forming for the new Epoch along with the Nine Grand Heavenly Scriptures. The Heaven's Will Epoch will now truly begin ]

"Oya? That took quite some time."

[ Host must remember that the former's epoch Nine Heavenly Scriptures could be found at the Three Immortals World and the Desolate ]

"Got it."

Silver then concentrated his gaze at the Nine Grand Heavenly Scriptures that finally took their new form for the Heaven's Will Epoch.

A Grass?

A door?

A book?

A coffin?

A box?


He thought as he saw something unusual compared to the other eight.

Silver could see for only 10 thousand miles, but now he could see for millions of miles clearly. Everything he wants to see would be n.a.k.e.d in his eyes if he wills it.

When he asked the system about the sudden change of his eyes/view, the system informed him that it was because of his soul.

As he saw the scriptures, the scriptures were about to scatter.

With a quick hand sign, he created two clones to chase two of the scriptures.

One for the 'Thought Scripture' and one for the 'Physique Scripture'.

And he himself will go for the 'Death Scripture'.

Why would he only need those things?

Of course to become more powerful!

He doesn't really need the scriptures: he only needed to comprehend the laws behind it. After he's done comprehending them, he would put them back from where they belong.

Why would he not need the main scriptures?

That is because if he truly comprehended them, he doesn't need the treasures. He just needed the laws!

One, for example, was if he comprehended the 'Thought Scripture' and adding his {Universal Creation Magic} wouldn't he be able to create anything with just a thought of his?

As he finished creating his clones, he and his two clones quickly chased right after his targets.


A few hours later…

Silver could be once again be seen in the space, drifting as no one cares. Deep within his mind, he is thinking about his findings.

"Hmmm… Thought Scripture. So that is how it works! This thing is truly something; it might even be the best of the nine! One only needs to have the will, heart, and true thoughts for this to work, but most importantly, the heart! This is truly great! hahaha!"

He laughed like a maniac, but true, the 'Thought Scripture' is really something. The other scriptures can't compare to it for its endless possibilities!

It is because the 'Thought Scripture' will always evolve! And it depends on the treasure's acc.u.mulation and the wielder.

No. That's wrong. It is because it is connected to Heaven's Will!

How is it connected?

Since the time of beginning, Heaven's Will was always there, it is one of the things that was born since the beginning of time.

But still, how?

The 'Thought Scripture' is the materialization of the Heaven's Will; It wanted someone to finally end the cycle of 'Creation and Destruction' of the World.

In fact, in the Buddhist Epoch, there was no such thing as the 'Thought Scripture', also some other scriptures.

The Heaven's Will is: Protect and Destroy.

This is what Silver learned.

But what to protect and what to destroy?

This left him thinking…

After some time of thinking about the thoughts scripture that has just been newly created, he then focused his thought on the 'Physique Scripture'.

"Hm? Eternal Physique?"

"So that is how it works, huh. Time, Space, and Once again Will"

"Death Scripture? Hmm… I think I don't need this. But still, better to keep the laws and dao from it."

"Hmmm… I guess I'll cultivate the Eternal Physique for now. Yeah, I should do it since I need to sleep for it anyways."

And so he did…


Desolate Era~

Mortal Emperor World~


It is truly the only word that could describe this place or the world.

Desolate as its name, it lives up to it.

Barren lands almost to having no next to nothing.

Poor in greeneries.

A world where there is next to nothing.

It is desolate as it could be.

Silver had finally come down to one of the planets and only to be greeted with such a desolate world.

It has been thousands of years of not near million ever since the start of the Heaven's Will Epoch.

As desolate as it may, there are some people living a hard, bitter life struggling to live on.

Silver knew where this person came from for he had watched the creation or beginning of the epoch.

He also knew those who had hidden themselves from the previous epoch and came out now.

He didn't disturb them though, for he didn't care about them. But that would only last if they also don't disturb him or else, he might just kill them. And if he deemed them good, he might even help them.

Walking slowly as he goes he could see the hard life of everyone as he travels through the nine worlds.

The Tenth World is better in terms of life, but they couldn't compare to the Three Immortals World which was never a part of the cycle of destruction and recreation.

The Three Immortals World are also spared from the *Old Villainous Heavens* which is why it would always maintain its peacefulness.

In fact, the Three Immortals World is where the previous Epoch Heavenly Treasure's will go from the Ten Worlds.


There is always looming darkness, hiding with an unknown intention.


Years passed and Silver had traveled across the nine worlds while doing this and that.

In the end, he decided to create a sect, but first, he must find some great seedlings to nurture.

Don't forget, he never stopped cultivating the 'Cycling Verse' cultivation for years along with his clones on the space which made him reached an unfathomable level, even creating a new cultivation law.



Silver sat in a grassy field for his stomach grumbled, making pissed.

Activating the 'Thought law' along with his Creation skill, Silver instantly created a mountainous amount of food then started digging up like there's no tomorrow or someone might rob him of his food.

bè bè bè bè bè bè~~~~~


Silver was eating for almost an hour now nonstop until he heard some sounds which made him stop eating and looked at where the sounds are coming from.

"Hmm? Who's there?" he asked as he stood up and walked away from the food, curious for he didn't notice that someone was nearby for he was too busy eating his fill.

The young male was startled hearing the voice and cleaned the drool dripping from his mouth.

Seeing that someone walked out from behind the food, the young male couldn't help but be shocked.

Who is he?

He looks like someone from the legend!

Is he from a noble family or a royal?

I- I must apologize or he might kill me!

Thought the young male.

The young male quickly went on his knees, trembling from fear with his eyes moist.

"I-I-I-I I'm sorry for disturbing you, sir! I didn't know that… that you would occupy this place! Please forgive my rudeness!" begged the young male.

bè bè bè bè bè bè~

Once again, sounded out the sheep. The young male then noticed that the horde of his sheep went and took a bite from the mountainous of foods from the so-called noble or royal for him.

The young male's face paled. His fear intensified to an unknown level, sweat drenched his clothes with his trembling body.

"I-I-I-I… Please forgive me sir!" he once again begged.

Silver seeing the young male, there trembling, drenched in sweat along with his malnutrition'd physique along with the almost bared ribs of the sheep, couldn't help but sigh.

Slowly walking to the young male, Silver sat down and quickly helped the young male up.

"Don't worry, I'm not from any of those noble's or royals, I am just me. Don't be afraid, come little friend, stand up. I won't hurt you" said Silver in comfy.

The young male couldn't help but tremble more, but hearing what the stranger said, he couldn't help but stand up albeit fearful.


The young male's stomach growled in hunger.

"This… I-I I'm sorry!" once again said the young male and quickly kneeled as he kowtowed.

Silver once again helped the young male up saying, "Don't kneel! Stand Up! You are a man! A man must never kneel except for his father and mother! Come young man, stand up! A man's knee must not be taken too lightly!"

"Bu-But…" said the young male.

"No buts!" said Silver.

He couldn't help but smile at the young male's action, 'Hmmm… Maybe he is a good seed to nurture. He just need some guidance' he thought for he could see what the young male in front of him possesses.

bè bèbè bèbè bèbè bè~~~

Once again resounded the sheep.

Silver and the young male who finally stood up both looked at the sheeps and only to get dumbfounded.

The mountainous ammount of food are gone!

The young male's face once again paled to where no traces of blood could be seen.

The young male was once again wanted to kneel and begged for forgiveness. But stopped when he heard the handsome young man laugh hard to the point of clutching his stomach.

"Haha! Hahaha! What a funny bunch of sheep! They sure do eat a lot and even anything ah! hahaha!" laughed Silver.


Then he heard the young male's stomach again growl from hunger.

"Hmm. Come young man, let's eat. Don't feel reserved." he said then once again created a bunch of food for the sheep and for him and the young male.

The young male didn't know what to think.

First, the handsome man who he thought was a noble or a royal would kill him.

Then he went and blabbered.

Then his herb of sheep ate the handsome young man's food, but instead of getting angry, he laughed?

And now, he just instantly created a bunch of food that appeared out of nothing and he's even inviting him to eat?!

What kind of person is this?! He thought.

Silver tapped the young male's back and said, "Come let's eat, don't mind the small details." nonchalantly as he sat down and started digging in.

The young male couldn't refuse, because he thought that if he did, he might get killed.

Slowly sitting down, he said, "Thank you, sir."

"No mind, eat." replied Silver.

The two then ate as they talked.

The young male slowly got used to Silver's blabbering for he kept on it non-stop.

Who could blame him?

He rarely had anyone to talk to that he doesn't know or anything thus he kept on going to finally release his boredom.

Some hours later…

"It will rain soon, " said the young male.

"Hmm? How did you know?" asked Silver who also knew of it.

"Calculated with my fingers," replied the young male as he stood up.

"Sir, I have to go back because it will rain soon, " he continued and thanked Silver.

'Hmm? I think I remember this word from somewhere?' Silver thought.

"All right. Take care young man." said Silver.

"Once again, thank you, sir. May I know what is senior's name?"

"Silver. I'm Silver Blaze," said Silver with a smile.

"I'm called Li Qiye. Once again, thank you, sir!" bore Li Qiye.

'Li-Li- Li Qiye!!!???' internally shouted Silver, clearly shocked.

"Ki-kid. How Old Are You?" asked Silver.

"I am ten years old, sir," replied Li Qiye.

"Silver Blaze, what a strange name" added Li Qiye then walked away leaving Silver there, standing frozen and dumbfounded.

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