The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 18 - Serafall P.O.V...


*Serafall Leviathan P.O.V*

When the dragon told me to take care of the two nekomatas I didn't know what to do.

I asked him why would he choose me to take care of them. I was afraid, but only to hear him answer that he trusts me so I choose to agree.

After he said that he gave me a talisman that he said to only put magical power in it that if it deemed worthy of his help he will come.

When he gave me the talisman, I can feel the other Devils stare at me with envy and jealous feeling.

The good thing is, he threatened everyone that if the two nekomatas that he is leaving with me to take care off are to be hurt or anything he will hunt anyone them down.

Before the dragon left he gave the two sisters some sort of book to which I don't know the contents off, only saying that it will make the two sisters stronger faster.

After giving the books and bidding farewells, the Dragon finally left.

When suddenly, I can again feel many greedy eyes looking at me more like to the talisman I'm holding and the two sisters. Well, not all exactly, only the high-ranking house not the other three Satans because they knew how much of a burden I have.

I any harm came to them, the Dragon might kill me first for letting be hurt.

They are sure greedy, I thought, but remembering the dragon's words I started putting magical power into the talisman.

And ss one of the Four Satans, this irks my pride. I unleashed my demonic magical power and told them "Did you forget the dragon's words!? You are all looking to die"

Hearing what I just said, the devils with greedy eyes flew away like a mouse being chased by a cat.

After some discussion, we all agreed to watch over the two nekomatas left by the dragon for me to take care off.

After that, I look at the two nekomatas which one is a little girl with white hair and I thought she's so cute maybe cuter than my little sister Sona, while the other one with black hair, I thought she's gonna have a seductive body in the near future as I look into her figure and possible growth.

"Hello, I am Serafall Leviathan from the house of Sitri and one of the Great Satan, and I will be taking care of the two of you from now on. Nice to meet you" I greeted them cheerfully.

"Nice to meet you, Great Satan, I am Kuroka and this is my little sister Shirone please take care of us" introduces the black haired nekomata name Kuroka.

"No no no, call me Sera onee-chan from now on, and I will also call you Shiro-chan and Kuro-chan from now on. Why don't we go to my place so you can take a rest there, I'm sure you are tired of everything that has happened and please don't fear me, I am your onee-chan from now on and will protect you two" I said to make them not fear me also and I already like them, seeing how cute they are.

"Umm... Thank you S-s-sera O-o-onee-chan" said Kuroka

But, it seems like Shiro-chan is still afraid of me, it can't be helped it, I guess.

"Well then let's go," I said as I lift them up with my magical power and flew towards our house.

As we entered, I lead the sisters to a vacant room and told them that they can use the room as they like.

I even tried giving them their own rooms but Kuroka rejected, seems like she wants to stay together with her sister, so I just let them stay in one room which is also a bit big as it has too much space.

Our house only consists of my little sister Sona Sitri the heir of our house after I became a Satan, my father and my mother and me, with some maids and guards so it is a bit gloomy here as there are not many people. But, I guess that will change now as we have two new members of the family which made me happy.

Checking at the two sisters, it seems like they are sleep, wow that was fast I thought.

Maybe they are really too tired, I guess I'll just go and inform my family about them, then I left the two sisters in their room.

Two days have passed since the two sisters went to sleep and not coming out of the room. I got worried, so I went to check them out if they are still sleeping, when I open the door I can see them sitting in bed, seems like they just woke up.

"Good morning, did you have a good rest?" I asked while cheerfully greeting them.

"Umm.. yes Sera onee-chan thank you" answered Kuroka

Seeing Shiro-chan being quite, I asked her "Hello Shiro-chan, how are you feeling?"

"I feel hungry Sera onee-chan," she said as she holds her stomach as it growls.

"Oh right, it's breakfast time soon, why don't you two take a bath first and we will go right after? There's a bathroom in the room so you can bath here" as I went and lead them where it is

"Thank you Sera onee-chan," said Shirone which made me smile.

Remembering that they don't have a change of clothes, I said "Right right clothes, you don't have a change of clothes right, here take this I made them especially for you two" as I brought out clothes for each of them

"T-t-t-this is a bit," said Kuroka seeing that the clothes I gave them exactly look like the one I'm wearing.

"Now now, we will get you new clothes later" I happily said, because I really want to see how they would look wearing it, well to be more precise, I would love to see how would Shiro-chan look like wearing it.

The two sisters did not say anything anymore and just went to take a bath which took them only 15 minutes or so.

When they came out they already changed in the clothes I gave them, Kuroka was blushing hard while Shirone doesn't seem to not notice but looking at her, made me drool *gulp* a LOLI!! A LOLI IN A MAGICAL GIRL OUTFIT!!!.. Kyaaa kawaii I thought.

Soon, I finished admiring how cute they are and lead them to the family's dining room.


When they saw us they had this dumbfounded look in their face, even the maids stopped at their tracks and look at us while also having this dumbfounded look in their faces, some even nearly tripped and almost lost grip at the plates with the dish they are holding.

Not knowing why I tilted my head to the side while touching my chin with my finger and ask "Why the looks?"

"Nee-chan, there should be other clothes, why would you give them those?" said my little sister Sona as she removes her eyeglass and clean it then put it back.

"Now now it's fine isn't it, it fits them perfectly" I replied cheerfully.

While My Father and Mother just facepalmed.

After that, I started introducing Shirone and Kuroka to my family and likewise, I also introduce my family to Shirone and Kuroka.

After introducing everyone to each other and some little fiasco we started eating.

After eating I asked the sisters what they would like to do and they said they wanted to train to become stronger and help their onii-chan later on and not be a burden to him.

Curious as I was, I asked their Onii-chan's name, and they told me his name is Silver Blaze.

Thinking of the name, I don't know anyone from Humans to Gods who's name is Silver Blaze, so I asked again what he looks like, and to my surprise, they said it was the Dragon that left them to my care.

Getting out of my shock and gaining my senses back, I lead them to the training bas.e.m.e.nt of our family which is located underground.

The two sisters did not want to go underground as they still have fear for being in the underground, seems like the trauma they experience is still there.

After some time of convincing them and promising that nothing will happen to them like before they then agreed.

But before we can even start training, they took three books and started reading them.

Time passed, after an hour they suddenly sat down and started conversing to each other, it's like they forgot about me being with them.

Time passed, a year has passed which was spent in training, and its time for my sister go to the human world to attend a school named Kuoh Academy as a first-year student.

Kuroka now looked more m.a.t.u.r.e with a big b.r.e.a.s.t bigger than mine, more taller than before at the height of 5'3 ft. A seductive figure and her back hair was longer than before and looked darker, black ears that looked like a cat along with a tail in her back inches above her b.u.t.t. Overall she looked like a seduction empress!

Shirone now have longer hair that reaches until the middle of her back but it stayed white but with more glimmer of white than before, she grew a bit taller 4'7 ft, cat ears and cat tails that colored white, eyes that looked like her older sister but the thing is she stayed a LOLI! which made me happy.

Seeing Kuroka's figure now made me envious, so I made the decision. I'm going on a diet! But wait do I really need to? And why?

Three Months later, I am currently training with them when suddenly a guard came to the training room saying,

"Ma'am there is a 'Human' in front of the house asking about Miss Kuroka and Miss Shirone," said the guard

"Who is it?" I asked and it got me thinking 'A human?'

"He said his name is Silver Blaze," said the guard


Hearing what the guard said I was confused, so I asked just for confirming that I am not going deaf, "You said a 'Human'? Don't you mean Dragon?"

"No ma'am, he is a 'Human" replied the guard

'How is it possible for a 'Human' to come to the underworld?' I asked myself, not knowing how. I asked the guard again "How did he come here?"

"He came out of the portal ma'am. Some of the Guards are interrogating him just in front of the house" said the guard

'A portal? How is it possible for a 'Human' to come out of a portal!?' I again thought, "Umm... You can go back now, I will come and check the situation" I said

"Yes ma'am," said the guard, bowing then left

When I was about to ask the two sisters I couldn't see them anymore within the training ground. Hearing some thing like hurried footsteps I tried to follow the sound, only to see Shirone and Kuroka raising against each other while going up the stairs leading above ground.

Seeing them acting like that, I followed them up when a sudden realization came to me, I remembered that the name of the so-called Onii-chan by them is also named Silver Blaze!

As I follow the two sisters, soon we reach the hallway and unto the main door, I notice the door is opened and the guards were surrounding someone, to my dismay I can't see the person named Silver Blaze as he is currently being surrounded.

Before I can even tell the guards to get out of the way, the black and white sisters dashed forward in amazing speed throwing the guards out of the way as they hugged the said 'Human'.

Then I heard Shirone speak "Silver onii-chan why only come now we missed you a lot" as she hugged the 'Human'.

"Yes, you said you will always come to visit us," said Kuroka in an angry tone as she also hugged the 'Human'.

"Sorry, something came up, and I was busy so I was only able to come now, I'll make it up to you two and stay here for a while then," said the 'Human' named Silver.

"Can I?" he asked while putting down Shirone and Kuroka getting out of her hugged from him as he looked to me with questioning eyes.

'Now I can finally see his face' I thought to myself. But, seeing his face made me fl.u.s.tered and almost couldn't speak but was still able to weakly muttered: "Y-y-y-yes, y-y-you ca-ca-can s-stay as l-l-long a-a-as you like, m-mo-more l-like p-p-p-please s-stay h-h-here f-f-f-for-e-ever!"

When he heard me he smiled, that did it! I almost fainted, so I ran away as fast as I can, I did not even know why I even ran away but one thing is clear he is soooo


*Serafall P.O.V End*

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