Emperor's Domination Verse~

Desolate Era~

Mortal Emperor World~

Eternal Chaos Empire…

Silver facepalmed at his disciple's request, not knowing what his little disciple's thoughts. He could only sigh and explain to her that she couldn't eat the Pheonix or the other three, namely the White Tiger, the Black Tortoise, and the Azure Dragon since they act as the guardians of their empire.

Lin Xie hearing that she couldn't eat the flaming bird (Pheonix), pouted like its the end of the world, not long after she sat and started started sobbing, saying; "But teacher, I'm hungry. Sob*"

The guards looked at Silver as Li Qiye just shook his head. Feeling the gazes on him, Silver said with a panic: "See, it's already time for lunch, how about we go to inside and eat there? There'll be a feast."

"Really!?" Lin Xie immedietly stopped sobbing and looked at her teacher with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Of course!" Silver said, patting his c.h.e.s.t assuring to his disciple that there will be a feast.

The little golden haired girl jump and hugged her teacher in happiness which made Silver smile in relief. Silver then looked at the guards and commanded: "You lot! You know what to do. Be quick"

At his command, everyone disppersed, all the guards quickly went to the kitchen and removed their armors then changed into a that of a chef uniform without saying anything and quickly did their job, some went and butchered some beast while other prepared the ingridients and some started cooking.

The guards could be said to be one of a kind, they not only have the strength to be a guard of the Imperial Palace but they must also know how to cook. (Silver's standard)

When everyone left, there's no more guards, leaving the trio on thier own.

'Hmm?… I think something's wrong' Silver thought.

Throwing the thought at the back of his head, Silver took Lin Xie's little hand and procceeded along with Li Qiye (Dark Crow Form) to enter the palace without anyone to bother or greet them. Heck, no one even announced Silver's arrival.

As they entered, what greeted Li Qiye and Lin Xie was something they have never thought to see within a palace.

Bright different lights lighted the whole room along with all kinds of weapon scattered about in the middle and they could hear some shouting here and there, saying; "Hey, where should these refined jades go again?"

"Refined Jades? What level?" asked one.

"Enlightened Being Refined Jades!" answered a young male voice.

"Enlightened Being Refined Jades? Throw them away. We don't need trashes!" shouted an old voice.

"Throw? Isn't this valuable? Why Throw them? There're millions of them!" shouted the asker.

"Kid. Since you are new here, let me tell you, we don't keep those Enlightened Being Refined Jades ranked here. We only keep those at the Heavenly Sovereign and above here!" answered the old voice.

"What!?" the young male voice shouted in shock.

"Just do what we tell you. Throw them or keep them, we don't need those trashes." said the old voice.

"Then what about the treasures?" asked the young male voice.

"Depends. First, let's finished sorting the refined jades then the treasures. Why the hell did those lunatics even took trashes and gave it to us to sort!" snorted the old voice in anger.

The young male voice said no more and just put anything he could into his dimensional pouch, with a smile on his face.

Li Qiye and Lin Xie's mouth were wide open, they both thought; 'One Enlightened Being Refined Jades could settle anyone to live forever in peace (Mortals) and never be hungry, why does this people calls it trash?'

Silver seeing the mess shouted. "Why are there only two of you? Where's the others!?" not minding the mess one bit.

It startled the young voice and the old voice hearing the shout and quickly stood up, seeing that it's their emperor, the old voice answered. "Y-your majesty, you're back!"

The old voice greeted and bowed a bit then walked forward as he kicked the trashes in his way. The old voice belong to someone that looked like someone that is a half-step to death, his hairs were all white, his long beard, mustache and wrinkled face.

"Old Cheng, where's the others?" asked Silver, not acting like an emperor on how the old man kicked the trashes about as he walked forward.

"Your Majesty, they, well… resigned" Old Cheng answered like it is just a normal thing to say.

"Again? Haist… Why do they keep resigning, anyway?" asked Silver.

"My emperor, as you can see those mountains like trashes keeps coming from the people but most came from the lunatics, they couldn't handle the work hence they resigned." answered Old Cheng with a sigh.

"Ooh… Who's the lunatics, anyway? Why do they keep giving treasures?" asked Silver.

Old Cheng was shocked at Silver's question. "My emperor, did you forgot saying about a competition? That you will reward the ones who found the most gets rewarded?"

"When did I say that?" asked Silver, wondering about it.

"Hundreds of years ago." flatly replied Old Cheng as he gave a list of participants to Silver, then walked away and continued his work.

Silver looked at the paper with thousands of names listed along with their contributions. Li Qiye and Lin Xie sneaked a peak but quickly took their eyes away from it.

'Hmm… There's too many. Oh well, I'll just let someone take care of it later,' he thought as he threw the paper away.

Silver's empire rule wasn't that of a tyrant but that of a free-willed one.

People live freely, in peace. He gave them work, taught them everything he could as to not starve. Sometimes he would make a competition but will always forget about it until someone reminds him of it.

The people love him as he does. They are free to do whatever they want. They could work, cultivate, and any other. But there is an iron-clad rule. Never betray the empire or kill anyone within the empire willingly without a proper talk on the court.

The people could also talk to Silver like he is their equal. Honorifics are useless, he doesn't like it. The people working on the palace are free to resign whenever they want; he doesn't care or he will force them to.

Little did the people know. Silver never forgets those who are loyal and would do everything for the empire. Like Old Cheng, who had worked for Silver for hundreds of years could talk to him like they are friends. Silver treated no one, nor would ever treat anyone like garbage.

He is strong, but that isn't important.

He thinks about his people, not about his empire and just like the saying goes: No people, no country/Kingdom/Empire/Sect/Clans/ Etc.

Mortals live in peace, never to have any discomfort from the cultivators. The mortals who choose not to cultivate and live just like the mortals they are, are working in fields freely. No one forced the others. They are free.

Sometimes, cultivators would even help them at their fields with a payment of one free meal from their crops if they do accept.

Cultivators can go and fro as they wish, if that is what they so wished not leaving the mortals to live as they wish.

Silver just wanted a peaceful empire in the world with a law of the jungle. Anyone who comes bearing ill will, will be dead before they even know it.


After throwing the paper away, the trio then continued to walk (One flied) to the dining hall.

As they arrived, the trio could see a bunch of maids and butlers preparing the table and dishes. Silver and Lin Xie sat beside each other at the 30 meter long and 5 meter wide table while Li Qiye just went and flew at the upper corner and rested.

Not long after, the table is filled with all kinds of dishes which made Lin Xie's and Silver's stomach rumble.

Lin Xie saying nothing took a plate filled with some kind of chicken meat and tore the leg as she took a bite, saying. "Tea…cher, it's delicious!"

Silver smiled and pulled a big plate with a whole beast-like pig and started eating.

The teacher and the disciple raced on who could eat more as more dishes kept coming non-stop making the table always full.

Not long after, Shen Mie and Li Qin came to the dining room upon hearing Silver's arrival along with his disciple and a crow.

After some greeting, the couple took their seats and also started eating.

Silver seeing the maids and the butlers just standing there along with the 'chefs' said; "Why are you guys not eating, ah? Sit and eat" he ordered.

The maids, butlers, and chefs sat, filling the whole 30 meter long table full and started eating along with their emperor.

It wasn't their first time eating with Silver their emperor so they acted just like they normally would and ate happily.

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