The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 195 - Tenth World...

All Heaven Grotto...

In a cave lighted by all sorts of unknown treasures, there sleeps a bird.

The bird is that of a crow, black it is. Too black, giving off the vibe of death.

It sleep peacefully, in the corner, seemingly guarding a treasure that looked like a lampose.

The lampose floated in front of the dark crow, humming sounds could be heard sometimes.

If one were to know the origin of said looking lampose, they will never believe it.

The said lampose held unimaginable power. Maybe it could even destroy an entire planet if its true prowess were to be unleashed. But sadly, it can not be used at this time.

For it to be used, it must be charge with unimaginable Primordial Energy which only Immortal Emperor's could do.

This lampose is a one of the things that were given to the dark crow to find by an overpowered dragon.

The dark crow sleeping was named Li Qiye at the time he was human. But fate played and here he was, in the form of a crow.

He slept, seemingly hibernating, not knowing how much time had passed.


An old man, his hair white as snow, his beard white speeds up into the skies as thousands of angry mobs chases him.

"Hahaha! Who would think that telling them that I know where one of the Heavenly Treasures is could get me into this" laughed the old white haired man as his brown robe flutter while speeding up into the sky as he runs away from the angry mob.

This old man is called by many as 'Trickster' 'Liar' but there is only one who calls him 'Wizard'.

The white haired old man is has his title: Purewood Divine Emperor.

He is the first one to shoulder the Heaven's Will at the Tenth World and also the oldest.

He is by no means weak. He just loved to trick people which they believed and now being chased by an angry mob.

The Tenth World is vast. The Nine Worlds is also vast, but one of the Nine Worlds is far from how the Tenth World measure.

One continent is just as big as one of the Nine Worlds, and there is 13 continents on the Tenth World. Meaning, the Tenth World is far bigger than the Nine Worlds combined.

The Tenth World consist of a hundred and twelve races.

There's the 108 races which the other four calls sub races or sub species.

The other four consist: The Heaven Race, The Ming Race, The Divine Race, and the Devil Race.

Purewood Divine Emperor belongs to the Divine Race. They have a powerful life force and also unprecedented strength. Not to mention their longevity.

Purewood Divine Emperor possesses the 'Grand Thought Heavenly Treasure' and told others where he had found it after taking it for granted.

After hiding it somewhere he only knows, he had told people about him finding traces of said treasure. The people after hearing the Divine Emperor's words, got rattled and rallied up. Excited they were.

Purewood Divine Emperor, after leading thousands of people, with deaths form the traps on the path (which he put himself) reached the place.

But after reaching said place, the was none. Only the altar looking table with candles on both sides greeted them.

"Oh... Now that I remember. I have already taken the treasure before." He said, laughing as he watches the dumbfounded mob.

Realisation hit the mob. They turned angry and curse the Divine Emperor.

Rage, Hate, Jealousy, Idiocy, hit them hard. Specially idiocy. Why would one tell others about such a treasure?

He tricked us!

Goddamn old man!

Old Purewood seeing that the mob are angry with thier eyes full of kiiling intent decided to run.

The chase has thus begun, with Purewood laughing at them.

How could one not be angry?

Lives were lost. Who would have thought that this Divine Emperor would trick them into believing that everyone would share said treasure?

Damn old coot! You played us!

More than fifteen races chased the old trickster in anger. Ming Race is amongst the group.

Ming Race are those who were born from the dark. They are greedy, vicious, and would do anything to get and take whatever they wanted.

Followed by a person that seemed noble and possessing strength that could rattle every existence and another that looked meekly, as a girl with beatiful figure and next a winded old man also mae out of the portal.

These people are Silver, Immortal Emperor Gu Chun and his followers.

They have finally came to the Tenth World.

Though, Silver seeing a man being chase by a group of bugs, frowned.

'The hell did Old Wizard do?' he thought in wonder while the group behind him looked on in shock.

So many powerful being!

Why are they chasing the old man?

He seem far more powerful than the people chasing him!

Why would he run away and laughed?

Can't he just beat them up?

Immortal Emperor Gu Chun's first time on the Tenth World was met by a bizzare experience.

His and his group's wondered, curious as to what was happening.

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