The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 202 - God of Light?

Silver calmly stood right where he was while pinching the sword tip at his fingers.

Looking at the green haired woman who had just slashed at him with confusion.

"Hey. Why attack so suddenly? Did I do anything to anger you?" he asked as he let go off the sword.

The green haired woman was shocked to her core, she had never expected someone to be able to stop her swing just by their finger.

She the Swordmaster, undefeated throughout her life couldn't believe that someone to pop out of nowhere, blocking her path, to be able to stop her sword.

She, the Swordmaster Gyel Balchad, to meet an unkown man, a handsome young man, to be able to stop her sword like it was nothing.

Gyel Balchad was hailed as one of the four strongest human, the Strongest Swordmaster, to meet an entity who just pop out of nowhere to be able to stop her sword.

With her sword, she could split and shatter the ground, she was undefeated at sword play, but... how can the unknown man just stop her sword while looking bored? She even used one of her family's top style to cut the man, but what?

"Who are you?" she asked as she retracted her sword, her guard still up.

She understood that the man infront of her is not to be understimated.

Silver didn't took the attack as a threat as it was only nothing to him. "Silver, like I said." as he kept his gaze at the baddass woman in front of him.

"Gyel Balchud." She gulped and took a few steps back.

Silver seeing her actions and wariness couldn't help but chuckle. "Now now. No need to be afraid. I mean no harm. But that technique sure is good, just lacking power."

"Anyway. Nice to meet you" Silver was delighted at meeting such a beautiful woman right after coming to the verse. Presenting his hand and waiting for a handshake.

Gyel Balchud knew that she would be killed if she insisted in fighting, walking a few steps forward, she took Silver's hand for a handshake.

The smile in Silver's face never disappeared, after being brief by the system he finally knew who the woman was in front of him.

"Can you help me meet Jersus Jam? I need something from him." Silver said.

Gyel was taken aback when she heard what Silver said, her face turned gloomy. She didn't want to go there as much as she could, if possible, never again.

But she was helpless, thinking that Silver might kill her if she were to decline, seeing Silver's strength, she couldn't help but make a request of her own, hoping that the man infront of her to agree.

Nodding, she said, "Can we take a little detour? I have something I need to do."

Silver who just came to the verse took sometime and think of something. 'Since ai just came here, it won't hurt taking a tour, might even get to try some good food.'

"Why not? Where do we go?" he asked.

Since he met Gyel, why not take the chance to tour around with someone? Traveling alone is boring. And accompanied by a beautiful woman, who can refuse?

"Katran. I heard they will execute that idiot brother of mine" Gyel said.

"Really? They did not even give you a face as the Swordmaster? And now they want to execute your brother? Aren't they afraid of you?" Silver asked, he wasn't surprise since he now knew things as the system already gave him enough knowledge, but he still pretended to not know things.

"I don't know. He became a hero to slay the Demon King but instead of killing the Demon King, he became a General. Now they captured him due to the demons lossing the war and to be executed today." Gyel was supposed to be in a hurry and she is just some kilometers away from the Katran Empire now, but with Silver popping out of nowhere, her schedule got a bit messed up.

"Oho? Ain't that fun? Wanna destroy Katran Empire thingy?" Silver asked.

"Destroy? No. Rumors said that there is a Dragon protecting the empire. If the Empire were to be attacked, the dragon will come out to destroy it." Gyel said, not sure of the rumors.

Silver hearing that already knew what she meant. 'The Cursed Dragon or Crybaby, Dar Daru, huh. Not a threat.' he thought.

"I see no problem then. Let's go." Silver said and started walking.

'Not a problem?' Gyel thought. Though she believes that she could get away along with her brother if the dragon were to attack, she didn't know about the man named Silver meant.

She could only think that Silver might have means to get away or keep his life but not to fight it.

Considering her own prowess, she didn't think much more and followed.

They are getting farther and farther away from Katran.

Gritting her teeth, she said, "This isn't the way to Katran!"

Silver stopped in his tracks, "Really?! Why didn't you tell me?" shocked he was.

"Just where did you came from? How can't you even know?!" Gyel turned angry. "Follow me." She said, with a boom, the griund where she was standing on cracked and turned into a small pit.

In a blink, she was already fyling fast through the skies.

Silver just scratched his head, but decided to follow.

Not a long while, Silver flew matching Gyel at her own pace.

Gyel didn't think much but just kept her own pace while Silver followed beside her.

As the both of them flew in the sky, Silver felt something trying to connect with him.

Asking the system what it was, Silver frowned hearing the answer.

'The f.u.c.k is with this God of Light trying to read my mind? She even wants to control me?!'

'Heh. I didn't plan doing anything here and leave after getting my answers, but to think that a god wannabe wanting to control me?'

'Control this Dragon God!? How dare she!'

'Want to read my mind?'


'If I don't show what I really am, they thought they could mess with me?!'

"Gyel." Silver said with a frown.

Gyel seeing the frown in Silver sweated. "W-what?"

"I'll be going somewhere in a bit. I'll join you later." Silver said.

Gyel said nothing but just nodded.

Silver stopped mid-air. 'Time to f.u.c.k some God.'

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