The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 208 - Multi-Verse: War? Part One.

Author's note:

This will be my longest chapter so far.

I don't know how many words exactly it is.

I Will put it in the end.

+ Surprise!


I want to do something no other's had ever done.

Against the Gods, Invincible Conqueror, Emperor's Domination.

How about a royal rumble, no?

"You really saved me out there. Thank you for helping me out. In exchange, I will fulfill one request from you." Silver thanked the man who helped him out earlier with a smile on his face.

Silver wanted to enter the city but after some explanation from the system, he thought that he would just enter from the city gates normally.

But Silver didn't know that he had to pay some entrance fee like he was going for a resort which gave him a bit of a problem.

Silver didn't know the currency of the Multi-verse that the system called Against The Gods, making him helpless. But after a question here and there, he learned about it.

However, even after learning about the currency used, he didn't have any of it!

Not that he would take out any treasures from his inventory as any treasures he keeps within his inventory are things that even Immortal Emperor's from Cycling Verse covets and would kill anyone just to get their hands on it.

Not to mention the treasures he had just taken earlier as the price of such treasures can't easily be calculated using Profound Coins.

Even if he just takes out a thumb size of the said treasure, no matter how much the amount of Yellow Profound Coins there is, one cannot pay for it as the value of the Purple Veined Divine Crystal is just too much.

Not to mention the troubles it would bring him.

It might even bring calamity to Floating Cloud City.

This is because if any powerful sect, clan, or even the Sacred or Holy Grounds were to hear a word of it, troubles will surely come one after another.

It wasn't that Silver was afraid of trouble, he just doesn't want to bring any kind of harm towards the people of the Floating Cloud City.

Silver could surely destroy anyone who comes, but he didn't come here to deal with troubles.

He also doesn't want to just kill and destroy any kind of powerful group that might come because by doing so, it would lead him to kill many innocent lives just because of such a mere little treasure.


Do you really believe that?

Do you really believe that this blasted idiot would think like that?!

Silver took out a finger-size Purple Veined Divine Crystal and wanted to use it as payment to enter the city, dumbfounding the guard who didn't recognize the treasure that Silver wanted to use as an entrance fee.

Looking at his fellow guard and seeing that the eyes of his fellow guard were filled with greed the guard smiled widely. "Alright. You can enter the city, but a word of advice, do not make any trouble or you won't know what kills you," he warned. Taking the thumb size Purple Veined Divine Crystal from Silver's hand and thinking to himself about asking his comrade about the piece of crystal used by the newly seen handsome young man.

Silver just nodded at the guard's warning and proceeded to enter the city.

Walking around, Silver saw people walking here and there.

Some were dress in fancy robe clothing followed by ass-l.i.c.k.i.n.g idiots, praising the fancy clothed man which Silver calls, Young Masters, and their ass-l.i.c.k.i.n.g subordinates that never seem to stop.

- - -

Silver continued walking around not minding the gazes on him.

Make or female stopped in their tracks when they saw Silver. His handsomeness that he himself had forgotten, and which always gives him trouble was long forgotten.

Silver spent billions of years at the Cycling Verse and the people who knew him had long gotten used to his appearance. While in the Martial Spirit Verse, he already has two wives and not many are qualified to even come near him to flirt.

Silver had never thought of his appearance; wearing black pants, sneakers, and just a plain grey V-cut shirt.

The people around the Floating Cloud City, seeing Silver was dumbfounded at his appearance.

Men cursed inwardly while griping their fist in hatred and envy.

While other species seem to be thinking about the unthinkable.

'Where's the restaurant?' Silver thought. Not giving a shit about the others around him.

What was important for him was to eat, taste the dishes the world or the city has to offer.

Silver could cook things for himself, but he had grown tired of it and wanted to taste others.

'Better ask someone' he thought.

- - -

Past noon...

After visiting the Xiao Manor, Xia Hongyi decided not to ride the carriage back home and just walk as it is not too far and walking around is also good for him.

Xia Hongyi had just come back home a week ago and thinking that there's only a month left for his daughter and Xiao Che, who decided to pay a visit to Xiao Lie, Xiao Che's grandfather.

While Xia Hongyi walked followed by his guards, he saw someone that he doesn't recognize that was only standing and looking around, seemingly lost.

But what caught his eyes were the clothes he was wearing; it is his first time seeing such unusual clothes; not to mention the seemingly comfortable thing on his feet.

Being a merchant he was, his merchant instinct kicked in.

Since the young-looking man was near, he hastens his steps and when he was just a meter away, he was shocked when the young man turned around and made him quickly chanted.

'Dongxue. Dongxue...'

Silver was at a loss because when he goes near anyone, they would either faint or walk away from him.

With his keen senses, he felt someone walking fast right where he stood.

Turning around he saw a slightly overweight middle-aged man who upon him turning could hear 'Dongxue' again and again and looked down.

Not minding it, Silver spoke and asked, "Hello. Can you tell me where can I get some food? I'm starving." as he laughed. (Imagine Goku doing this)

Hearing the handsome young man's voice made Xia Hongyi come back to his senses.

Looking at the clothing the handsome young man was wearing, Xia Hongyi couldn't help but ask instead, "Young man, where did you get those clothes? What are they made of? Can I buy them?" as he rapidly asked.

"Huh?" Silver hearing the questions couldn't help but ask the system.

"This? This is made using Cashmere," he said.

"Cashmere? Can you tell me about it? Can you sell some to me?" Xia Hongyi once again asked.

"This..." Silver didn't know how to answer. He can tell what cashmere is, but selling it gave him a problem.

Silver now doesn't have any system points to buy anything.

So mentioning selling, he doesn't have any way to do it.

Silver also has other clothes in his inventory but those as for him and he wouldn't sell it.

'System. Are there any types of beast or animals here that have the same property as cashmere?'

[ Answering the host... There is a kind of beast that posses almost the same kind of fiber located at Snow Song Realm ]

'Snow Song Realm? Where's there?'

[ Answering the host... Snow Song Realm is located at **** ****** ]

'Got it. Thanks'

[ Welcome host ]

After asking the system, Silver said; "Do you know Snow Song Realm?"

Xia Hongyi who was but a merchant hearing the Snow Song Realm was confused. "Where is this Snow Song Realm?"

Silver raised an eyebrow, "You don't know? It is somewhere far away."

After Silver said that, he remembered a certain skill he has.

That's right. He has Creation Skill!

"I haven't heard of Snow Song Realm. Can you tell me about it?" Xia Hongyi said.

"Maybe? Oh! And about the cashmere I can give tons to you for free, but can you tell me where I can get some food? I'm starving." Silver said as he rubs his stomach.

'S-cell really needs a lot' Silver sighed.

Xia Hongyi hearing the words from the handsome young man was taken aback.

He knew that the fiber used to make such clothes must be expensive, and with the young man saying that he would give him tons of it for free just to point him where he could grab a bite said, "No, no. I will pay for it. You tell me the price and I will see if I have enough to pay for it. If you want, we can go to my manor, I'll treat you while we talk about it."

"Really?! Man, I can't ask for more. I don't have any Profound Coins you see so I was thinking about playing with something else, haha."

"So, where is your house? Let's go." Silver eagerly said. As hungry he was, Xia Hongyi was in for a surprise.

- - -

Xia Hongyi jaw had long dropped. The guards didn't know what to think.

The chef was panting in the kitchen, hoping that the nightmare would soon be gone.

The maids were all sweaty.

A beautiful girl hidden from on the corner looked on, dumbfounded.

After arriving at Xia Clan Manor, Silver had asked the system to give him the history of Xia Hongyi and his family.

Learning that Xia Hongyi was a good person, Silver decided to help him with one thing.

But first, gotta fill the raving stomach of his.

Upon arriving, Xia Hongyi had ordered a guard to tell the kitchen staff to prepare some food for the guests.

But little did Xia Hongyi thought, the guest that he had come to know as Silver ate like a barbarian.

It was already evening and he was still eating.

Knowing that it is already dinner time, Xia Hongyi regained his calm, like he was already used to seeing Silver eating, and told a maid to prepare for dinner.

Xia Qingyue was watching Silver devour the food on the table like it would run away if he didn't do so.

She was watching him ever since he had arrived.

Seeing the handsome young man eat made her stomach also grumble.

When a maid saw her who wanted to ditch and take a rest somewhere remembered that Xia Hongyi had told them to call for her and her brother.

"Young miss..." the maid said, but she couldn't finish her word as Xia Qingyue stopped her from continuing.

Silver who was at the table finally stopped eating and patted his belly.

"Man, that was good!"

Xia Hongyi smiled widely seeing that Silver had finished eating. "Can we finally talk about the cashmere?"

The cashmere never left Xia Hongyi's mind, he didn't even mind taking out money for the guards to go buy some meat and other necessities to keep feeding the glutton.

Silver who was finally full was feeling happy. "Cashmere? Didn't I say I'll give you tons of it? Don't worry. But man, those dishes were really good." Silver praised.

"Hmm? Who's that?" Silver asked, sensing a girl hiding on the corner.

"Yue're, come here. Meet our guest." Xia Hongyi said after seeing his beloved daughter.

Xia Qingyue didn't want to meet such a barbaric person. She hesitated for a bit after hearing her father.

Walking over, Silver saw a graceful figure. Wearing light blue colored robe with a light blue veil covering the lower portion of her face.

With her cultivation, she felt that the man that her father invited wasn't any normal human, far from that.

She felt that there's something hidden within the man that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't see through.

But no matter how suspicious she becomes, she felt no malicious intentions coming from the man.

Silver nodded upon seeing the girl. "You are?" Silver asked. Although the system had already told him, Silver decided to ask anyway.

Xia Qingyue arrived in front of the dining table and greeted, "Xia Qingyue." albeit coldly, Silver didn't mind.

"Name's Silver. Nice to meet you." Silver said with a smile.

After Xia Qingyue took her seat beside her father and in front of Silver, another figure appeared, he embarrassingly said, "Forgive me, father, I was just doing something." Xia Yuanba said while taking a seat for himself.

Seeing a new person within the messy dining table, Xia Yuanba said, "Father, he is?" while looking at Silver, almost not believing his eyes for how handsome the man looked.

"Oh. Hello there, I'm Silver." Silver said.

"Oh." Xia Yuanba stood up then saluted. "I'm called Yuanba, Xia Yuanba."

Silver sensing the formidable power within Yuanba was surprised. He already felt Xia Qingyue's physique earlier and was also surprised. 'Is this family blessed or cursed?' he thought.

Without a care in the world, Silver decided and said, "I thank you for the meal Mr. Hongyi. Like I said before, I will fulfill any wish or request you want." gazing at Xia Qingyue and Xia Yuanba and knowing about their family, Silver decided to do something for them.

For Silver, there weren't too many things that could please him, except for food and family.

Knowing the Xia Family and seeing just how good of a person Xia Hongyi was thought of doing something.

He wouldn't mind destroying an entire realm for it.

Because for Silver, the family is a thing that can't be bought or changed by anything.

"What does friend Silver mean by that?" Xia Hongyi asked in confusion.

"Well... I can tell that you are a good person, so I, Silver Blaze grant you one wish. Be it destroying the world, the realms, the entire universe, killing gods, or whatever you want. Or maybe, seeing your wife, Xia Dongxue again? I will grant it." Silver said as he floated from his seat, staring at Xia Hongyi's eyes.

Silver didn't give any feelings of majesty or anything, he just floated there and asked while looking at the three Xia family.

'Don't waste this chance brat.' Silver thought.

Xia Hongyi seeing Silver afloat eyes went wide, even though Silver didn't leak any aura out, he could tell that the man in front of him is a supreme expert.

He knows that only those of the Sky Profound Realm has the ability to fly. But just by looking at Silver's figure, he could tell that Silver is far more powerful than that.

Xia Qingyue was the most shocked. She had never thought that the barbaric eating man, even though handsome could have the cultivation attainments and have the ability to fly.

"G-god Realm!" Xia Qingyue said.

Xia Yuanba didn't know what was happening, he only has a bit of recollection about his mother or even none at all, but seeing the tears in his father's eyes, and his sister's usually cold face now in shock could tell that something he never imagined to be happening.

"God Realm?" Silver looked at the shocked Xia Qingyue.

"Y-yes! Do-do you know the God Realm?" Xia Qingyue asked, hoping that the handsome young man knows about it.

Xia Qingyue dearly misses her mother, she cultivated hard in hopes of being able to ascend to God Realm and search for her mother. And if the man in front of her could help her, she doesn't mind doing anything in exchange.

"Well... Yeah. Want me to destroy them all?" Silver asked indifferently.

"Mr. Hongyi, what is it that you wish?" Silver looked at Xia Hongyi after answering Xia Qingyue.

Xia Hongyi was staring at Silver as he floats, looking at him with a smile.

Kneeling, Xia Hongyi said, "Please, help me find my wife and get her back. I miss and love her." as tears pour down his face.

"Father!" Xia Yuanba ran over to help his father up while Qingyue fixed her gaze at Silver.

"I will give you anything in exchange, give me my mother back." Xia Qingyue said. Her cold temperament broke.

Silver smiled, "Your father already wished for it, no need to ask a second time."

'Unseal Cultivation' Silver commanded.

[ Affirmative! ]

[ Unsealing Cultivation...

Cultivation Unsealed! Cultivation: Primal Ancestor ]

{Law Breaker}

Silver activated his {Law Breaker} skill that he had gotten years ago and broken many laws restricting planets and realms.

'Find Xia Dongxue's coordinates'

[ Command Accepted...



Moon God Realm: Moon God King Palace. ]

[ Coordinates: ****** ]

- - -

Moon God Realm...

At a luxurious room within the Moon God Palace, Yue Wugou (Xia Dongxue) was staring at the window.

Loneliness, sadness, and longing could be seen in her eyes.

Ever since she had gotten her memories back and leaving her husband and children not wanting to bring them any harm, she always thought of them all the time.

'My dear Yue'er, I miss you.'

'Hongyi. I am sorry.'

'My little Yuanba, forgive mother for not being there and accompany you all.'

'I hope you can forgive me. I miss you.'

'Oh, how I wish to see you my loves.'

Xia Dongxue cried.

As Xia Dongxue thought of her loved ones, she heard a voice.

"Oh! Do you miss them? Why not come see them?"

"Who's there?!" alerted, she prepared herself.

Feeling something wasn't right, Xia Dongxue tried fleeing but only to learn that she couldn't move.

Underneath her, a spiraling black portal appeared and dragged her down, much to her fear that death finally came and taking her.

- - -

Blue Pole Star...

Xia Clan Manor...

Xia Hongyi continued kneeling, Xia Yuanba didn't know what to do. Xia Qingyue fixed her gaze at Silver.

Within seconds a spiraling black vortex appeared in front of Silver.

After the appearance of the spiraling vortex, a figure slowly descended, shocking the Xia Family trio.

As the figure slowly descends, Xia Hongyi weakly stood up. With trembling arms, he runs and hugs the figure even before the figure could touch the floor.

Xia Dongxue who had thought that death had come to take her feeling that someone that felt familiar was hugging her couldn't help but open her eyes and much to her shock, Xia Hongyi, her husband was hugging her tightly, seemingly not wanting to let go of her for the eternity to come.

"H-honey?" She said in disbelief.

Xia Hongyi hearing the voice that he had dreamt for years to hear once again said in between tears, "Do not leave us again." with a hint of pleading. "I missed you."

Xia Qingyue seeing her mother once again couldn't help but shed tears.

The cultivation she practices broke like a glass with no resistance and ran over, hugging her mother as she cried. "Mother, mother, why did you leave us?! Please do not leave us again!"

Xia Yuanba didn't know when tears started flowing down his face, he could only mutter, "Mother?"

Xia Dongxue seeing her son couldn't help but smile, forgetting everything else, "My child."

- - -

After making the family reunite, Silver had already stepped out from the hall. The guards and maids also did so, not wanting to disturb the family's reunion.

Silver floated to the skies, watching the bright moon.

'I really need to become a Universe God. I miss my family.' he thought.

It has been billions and millions of years for him since he had seen his wives, and he greatly misses them.


[ Yes host ]

'Anyways to speed up the process?'

[ Answering the host...

The host must first complete the Foundations before proceeding.

This process must be followed or the drawback could kill the host ]


'Wait! System! Didn't I unlock the so-called 'Fanfiction-Verse before?'

[ Answering the host... The host did indeed unlock a hidden Verse called Fanfiction. ]

'Can I travel into it?'

[ Answering the host... The host can. But the worlds that the host knows is different as there would be other characters created by others too as 'Protagonist' ]


[ Answering the host... Undetermined. ]


[ Answering the host... The host can travel to any worlds without any restriction ]

Silver smiled.

'Open Cycling Verse Secret Realm and Martial Spirit Verse Immemorial Realm, connect them here.'

[ Command Accepted!

Creating Portal...

Connecting Against the Gods Verse, Martial Spirit Verse, and Cycling Verse...



Done! ]

'Put the portal at Blue Pole Star... Heaven Burning Sect.'

[ Command Accepted...

Portal creation will be finished within three days... ]


'Let's see what happens whe three Multi-Verse connects and fights.'

A devilish grin appeared at Silver's face.

He wanted to try and see if the Multi-verse of Against the Gods could win against the other two multiverses.

Silver didn't want to do this but seeing how f.u.c.k.e.d up the world of Against The Gods is, 'Let us try and see if this Multi-Verse wins or gets erased.



The blasted idiot went crazy!

- - -

Sneak a Peak!









[ S-cell generated - 9,999 ]

[ The host needs to find a strong opponent to unlock Super Saiyan 2 ]


'Man, Blazing Dragon sure gave her all in that fight.'

[ Request: Please do not try entering Ultra Instinct in the near future host! ]

'Yes, yes. Didn't know that something like that would happen. Sorry.' Silver sighed.

[ ... ]

'So, where am I now? I've been here for a while geez. I'm hungry.'

[ Answering to host... The host in Universe 7. Impotent Galaxy: Planet Silly ]

Silver mouth twitch.

'Where is that Purple Rabbit and Blue Sage?'

[ Answering to the host... They are both on Earth host ]

'Oh! Earth! F.u.c.k! Can I visit Philippines? I can, can't I?!' Silver became exited.

[ Answering to host... There is no Philippines in Dragon Ball Verse! ]


'Anyways... Where can I get food? I'm hungry'

[ Answering to the host... ~

Before the system could finish, Silver was teleported, startling him.

'Huh? System?' Silver asked then looked around.

As Silver look down, he saw people standing on a massive ship, gathered around what seem to be the deck with foods everywhere.

Smelling something delicious, Silver teleported to where it was.

To his surprise, he was sitting in front of what seemed to be a hawker stand with the fresh and delicious smell of octopus being cooked. "Takoyaki?" Silver said.

The man cooking seeing a handsome young man sitting in front of his stall said, "Oh! Bro, would you like a bite? I'm sure you will like it!"

"Yes! Give me everything. Hurry." Silver urged.

- - -

Goku, Vegeta, Whis, Beerus, and many others was shocked when Silver appeared then disappeared only to once again appear at the takoyaki stand that Bulma specially hired for her birthday party.

Shen Long was still hovering in the sky, sweating as he was afraid of Beerus.

Who knows if Beerus decided to obliterate him?

- - -

Silver started eating as soon as the boss started serving, not minding the people around him, he was hungry to pay them any attention.

- - -

"L-lord Beerus. I have granted your wish. S-so may I go now?" Shen Long fearfully asked.

Beerus seeing Silver just waved at Shen Long to go away, to which Shen Long did so with a sigh of relief.

- - -

Whis stared at Silver, devouring the takoyaki one after another. 'Is it that delicious? I want to try it' he thought then walked over.

"Oi Whis!" Beerus said, wanting to stop Whis as he wanted to go and also taste those takoyaki's.

Goku went over, confused. "Ney. Are you the Super Saiyan God?" he asked as he tried sensing SIlver's Ki but no matter how he tried, he felt that Silver was like any other humans which leave him in confusion.

- --

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