The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 21 - Conquer?...

Dimensional Gap~

Silver asked if his Goddess wants to come with him, but the Goddess said "No, I want to take some rest" then she went to bed and sleep for who knows how long.

Ophis also didn't want to come with him saying she needs her Peace and Silence. She just asked why is he going there and he said he's going to have fun.

Rose did not even bother to answer because she was busy driving trying to perfect her skills. Silver bought her lot of cars and a race track which cost him 100,000 System Points.

Soon Silver opened a portal and disappeared.

Sometime soon, Rose and Ophis were arguing while sighing at the same time while the Goddess just slept and did not bother them.

Human World~

"So where are we now system and whose room is this?"

[ Answering to host... We are now in the Human world and this is your own room and house, the Creator has gifted you for your first world. Please note that you have school tomorrow to attend to which the Goddess made possible for your missions ]

'Thanks, system, what time is it now? I feel like sleeping'

[ Answering to host... It is past 3 am now ]

"Thanks, System"

[Your welcome Host]

Silver then proceeded to his bed to get some rest and finally have some peaceful sleep.

"Goodnight system"


Morning... Time 7:23

Silver woke up because of his clock keeps ringing, when he sees the time he slowly got up because it is almost time for him to go to school as this would be his first day as a student 'again'.

As he got out of the bed, he went to find the bathroom, he couldn't find it upstairs, so he went downstairs and found it just at the corner at the back of the stairs.

His house only has two rooms which are located upstairs and a kitchen, a living room, a dining room, and 1 bathroom, it is just a normal Japanese house.

But the one who's living or will be living from now on is not normal.

As he finished his bath and some personal hygiene and changed to his school uniform. His uniform consists of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved button-down shirt with vertical linings, a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes, just a normal Kuoh school uniform.

After changing, he went and made his breakfast and right after ate. Checking himself before going out of the house and after he is satisfied he went out.

Along the way, he asked an old lady to which direction is Kuoh academy at, to which the old lady happily gave him directions.

As he entered the gate, the girls around saw him and keep saying

"Kyaa he is so handsome"

"Is he a new student"

"Does he have a girlfriend?"

"What is his name, anyone knows"

While the males have envy and jealous saying

"Tsk, what so great about him"

"Show off"

And many more.

Reaching the faculty, he entered and introduced himself while asking which class he will be at.

"Hello, you must be Silver Blaze-kun, right?" asked a female with a voluptuous figure

"Yes ma'am I am" replied Silver

"My name is Amane, and I will be your teacher, and I'm still single," said the teacher named Amane

"Nice to meet you Amane-sensie," said Silver with a smile

"Your class will be 3-A, why not come with me now as the class will start soon," said Amane

"Alright, Thanks, Sensie," said Silver

Both then started walking out of the room as they walked through the hallway and going to where the classroom is at.

The teacher is the first to enter as Silver waited just outside the door, after a minute or two he was called to go inside the room.

He saw Sona Sitri, Tsubaki Shinra (Sona's Queen), Momo Hanakai (Sona's Bishop), Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima (Rias's Queen) and some other normal students, mostly girls.

"Hello, Name's Silver Blaze, I'm from Earth" introducing himself with a smile

"Earth?" asked the students

"Yes, Earth" replied Silver nonchalantly

Hearing his answer, everyone was dumbfounded and thinking, 'Earth? Where's that? Isn't this Earth?' but they didn't bother to ask.

"Hey, Are you single? if so wanna hang out with me?" asked someone

"Hey! No fair, We also want to hang out with him"

"Don't listen to her, hang out with me"

"No, with me"

But Silver still answered he said "No, I am not single, thanks for asking anyway"

The Devils did not speak and just listened.

After that little fiasco, the teacher told him to sit wherever he wants. Hearing that the girls tried inviting him to sit beside them, but to their dismay, he sat at the back row where no one is beside him as there are not many students at 3-A class.

Soon, the teacher started her lessons.

Lunch break...

Silver stood up from his seat and walked towards Sona and said "Yo! Megane, where's the cafeteria? I'm hungry and don't know the way, and why not join me while you're at it, I don't know anyone here" in a familiar way.

Sona's Queen and Bishop stared at him like they want to beat him up, while Rias and Akeno were shocked by his nonchalant attitude for asking the Sitri's heir like that.

Of course, they don't know who he is, even Sona's Queen and Bishop did not know because Silver asked her not to say anything about him to anyone, same as the Sitri Household, only them knows that he has human form and no aura of any kind can be felt from him if he wishes so.

Sona hearing Silver frown, him asking her not to tell anyone about him but here he is with his nonchalant attitude.

"No, I have work to do" answered Sona

"Now now, don't be like that, let's go I'm hungry you know, I'm sure you also are," said Silver

And by some luck, Sona's stomach growl!

"See, you are hungry, come on" Silver again invited

"Fine! But only this time" said Sona in a defeated tone.

"Really!? That cool, let's go then" said Silver in a happy tone

They then both proceeded to the cafeteria with Sona leading the way.

Rias and the others were dumbstruck because this is the first time they saw Sona act like that!

They thought 'Is Sona/Kaichou falling in love!?' they couldn't believe their own eyes as they all proceed to rub them thinking that maybe what they are seeing is an illusion but it proves nothing because the two are already at the door as they proceeded to leave the room.

Along the way, many students who saw Sona and Silver with a happy smile on his face while asking some questions to Sona, are whispering to themselves and others.

The girls are jealous while the males have envy and hatred in their eyes thinking just how lucky this new student is.


At the Cafeteria, Sona and Silver are checking the foods available.

After selecting what they would have, they went and paid towards the cashier but Silver told Sona that this is his treat this time as thanks for accompanying him.

Silver ordered beef curry with some other dishes while Sona just ordered Parfait.

Silver seeing what she ordered told her, "If you don't eat more you won't grow up you know" which earned him a glare from Sona shutting him up.

As Silver finished paying they went to find any available seat which they saw one at the far corner and went towards it and sat down as they waited for their orders because the cashier said they will bring the foods they ordered to them.

After Silver and Sona finished eating, they parted ways, Sona said she needs to go to the Student Council Office to do some work, then proceeded onward her way leaving Silver alone.

Silver walked out of the building, taking a tour around the school and by some luck, he saw the pervert (Hyoudou Issei) getting beaten up by the Kendo Club members but ignored them and continued with his touring around the school.

Time passed and he hears the bell rang, signaling the start of the afternoon class, Silver then went back to his classroom.

After some boring lectures, the class ended.

Checking the time, there is still some time before the school close so he decided to head towards the library while asking a student which way it is located because he did not go there this afternoon break as time did not allow him to finish touring around the whole school.

Reaching the library and seeing that only the librarian is in he gave his student ID to the keeper.

'System, is there any way to memorize the whole contents of a book just by touching it?'

[ Answering to host... Yes, host, there is and the system will do it for you ]

'Thanks, system'

[Your welcome Host]

He then proceeded to touch the books 1 by 1. Time passed and it took him almost 2 hours to finish touching all the books while taking in only the important parts needed for the school. He told the system to only take in the important ones and doesn't need to integrate the whole contents of each book.

Soon it is nearly time for the school to close, so he proceeded to head home, but before could, he remembered something.

Then he waited for his target, soon he saw his target going home alone as he followed him in the dark.

As he is following his target he can feel another one watching his target and knows that it was Kiba Yuuto the Prince of Kuoh academy which made him smirk.

Soon his target reach the overhead bridge and someone went to talk with him, it is a girl named Yuuma Amano (Raynare a Fallen Angel). Asking his target to be her girlfriend and asking him for a date.

Seeing this, he smirked again, thinking 'Seems like the storyline will still follow some but that all will be messed up soon'.

Then he proceeded to head home.


Reaching home, he was shocked to see Ophis in his house.

"I thought you didn't want to come here?" Silver asked

"I came here to tell you something in the request of Daisy," said Ophis

"Request? What is it?" inquired Silver

"She said, she was called back by her father and she won't be coming back anytime soon, it seemed important as she was in too much of a hurry and was anxious," said Ophis

"Did she tell you what it is?" asked Silver

"No, she only said something important and wants you to become much stronger as fast as you can," said Ophis

"What could it be for her to be in such a hurry and not even coming to tell me herself," said Silver

"I don't know," said phis

"Thanks, Ophis-chan for coming and letting me know," said Silver

"Umm," said Ophis

"So will you be staying here?" asked Silver

"No, I want to go and sleep," said Ophis

After saying so, Ophis opened a portal, entering it and disappearing from Silver's sight.

'System, teleport me to the place where my Goddess is at' said Silver

[ Teleporting in 3.2. ERROR ERROR ERROR... The host cannot go there ]

'Why!? System what happened!?' asked Silver

[Answering the host... The host is not strong enough, not meeting the requirements placed by the *Creator* ]

'What do you mean!?'

[ Answering to host... Host the *Creator placed the restriction and you will only be able to go there when you reach the Summit of the Omni-Verse ]

'The Summit?? What could have happened for Father-in-law to do such a thing? So, System you mean to tell me that I cannot see my Goddess if I do not reach the Top of Omni-Verse?'

[ Answering to host... The Summit, Yes host you must. The second question, Host does not meet the authority to know. The third question, yes host it was placed so by the *Creator* reasons system cannot disclose ]

'Is he saying to prove my worth, is that it?'

[ Answering to host... The system doesn't know ]

'Fine! The Summit right? Why not! System, how do I reach the summit?'

[ Answering to host... The host must travel the omniverse and conquer them if the host can conquer 10 verses, the host will be able to go and meet the *Creator* but system advice host to conquer more ]

'Okay system, So does this verse count?'

[ Answering to host... No, it is not host, as this is your first world and is designated as your home world but when you travel to other verse's it will be counted but with restrictions that will be different depending on what verse host travel to ]

'Okay thanks system. I guess I should finish my plans here sooner than planned'

[ Host, you have a message from Goddess Daisy ]

[ Open/ No ]


[ Opening... Done. Showing...

To Silver,

Forgive me for suddenly disappearing and not telling you anything and/or why.

My father is preventing me from telling you anything.

Get stronger and get me a lot of sisters :P

We will meet again, I will always watch over you.


Enjoy your journey. I love you.

From Goddess Daisy ]

After reading that, Silver thought 'What do you mean to get you a lot of sisters? Anyways, I will get a lot stronger and be with you'

Silver couldn't do anything if it's the *Creator* that made it so, but there should be a good reason why right?

Silver fell asleep while thinking about his Goddess wife.


Waking up and checking the time, Silver thought 'Crap, if I don't hurry I'm going to late!'

Quickly washing his face and brushing his teeth, he went out of the house.

Silver didn't notice that he is still in his Sasuke's clothes as he runs towards the school because he is in a bad mood, the ladies and girls who saw him running with that attire blushed.

Soon he reached the school and entered the gate, he noticed that everyone is looking at him in a weird way.

Noticing something he looked at himself, 'Sh*t I forgot that I did not change before coming to school! System why did you not tell me?'

[Answering to host... System thought that host wanted to go to school in this attire ]


Running towards the school's washroom and bought school uniform from the system and change into it. When he is done changing he sigh and went out of the washroom.

Those who saw him before now have a glint in their eyes, Silver noticed but did not mind them as he is still in a bad mood.

Reaching the classroom, he entered and saw that class lectures have already started.

"Silver-kun, why are you late?" asked the teacher named Amane.

"I woke up late," said Silver in an annoyed tone

Sona seeing Silver with his current look and his tone of speaking frowned, this is her first time seeing him like this.

Soon class ended which Silver did not even bother to listen to anything, and lunch break it was now but he seems not to notice as he still lost in his thoughts.

He just sat in his chair, not even bothering about others.

Until someone walked up to him and saying something but it seems like he did not even hear the person.

The person then tried shaking him until he came back to his senses.

"What's the problem? And who are you what do you want?" asked Silver in an annoyed tone

"I am Tsubaki Shinra, Sona-sama wants to speak to you" answered the queen of Sona

"So where is she?" asked Silver

"She is at the student council room and she asked me to guide you there," said Tsubaki

"Okay, lead the way," said Silver as he stood up from his seat.

As they are walking, many students keep on whispering again but Silver did not even bother this time and choose to ignore them.

Reaching the student council office. Tsubaki opened the room and they both entered.

When Silver entered he saw Sona's peerage members and asked: "What's up Megane for you to call me here?"

The New Pawn of Sona hearing Silver speak like that said "Watch your words, you lowly human! Do you know who is right in front of you!?"

Silver hearing someone speak to him like that and he is at his current peak of being annoyed finally made him snap.

Before anyone could react, Silver disappeared from his spot, a sound of someone being choke can be heard.

And when they finally looked towards where the sound is coming from, they finally saw what's making it. They can see the new pawn raised by being grab at his neck by Silver.

Silver then said "Lowly Human? Just because you are a Devil does not mean you are all so mighty!!!"

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