The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 221 - Noodles...

Why must the Earth become the target for those Rulers and Monarchs?

Can't they just find somewhere else to take as their stage and kill each other however they want?

Rulers killed their master for what they call peace but then put Kamish under their control to wreck havoc on Earth. Then later saying this and that from their point of view, to make their reasoning become something akin to be for everyone.

The Monarch wanting to destroy Earth... Must it be Earth?

Silly things, selfish reasons just to justify their own fuċkėd up thoughts.

Though, I wouldn't have cared one bit as long as my daughter never came into harm because of their schemes.

I cannot and will never forget when that Dungeon Break happened at her school and her coming to near death along the other innocent children. I cannot forgive such a thing.

Chaos Beast, Rulers, Monarchs, Dragons, if any of them were to appear before me I'll just do one simple thing, annihilate the hell out of them.

But must I really annihilate them all?

I think I shouldn't.

Chaos Beast or whatever they are called have their own world/s. Their own system. Their own lifestyles.

But, why must those Monarchs send them to Earth? Reason they must kill the humans?

Even if they did kill the humans, what's in it for them? None.

They are just being controlled, threatened and whatsoever.

I don't like how the Rulers paint themselves as the personalisation of their so-called 'Protector or whatshit.' I also don't like how those Monarchs treats Earth like something they must posses. Something they must rule. Something that where they must be treated as Gods. Lest they kill them all if they were to go against them.

I don't care about their war.

If they want, they can go and annihilate each other and I won't bat an eyelid and just watch.

But to treat Earth and its people as 'something', ain't gonna let that happen.

Silver thought to himself as he watches the starry night sky accompanied by Little Black and Kamish as they la down on the grassy field in front of the hidden island's mansion.

Silver knew some bits about the world but not all, but after observing for some years and seeing that his adopted daughter nearly killed by some monsters from a dungeon break made him think deeply.

It was also the reason why he fused the Half Human Half Devil Bloodline to Chalsea, his adopted daughter.

Taking care of her just maybe a month or two year old to now, Silver's love for the child grew to the point that he would kill everyone that might pose her a danger or even hurt her.

At the time the Dungeon Break happened, he wasn't on the Philippines but going around in some countries. If not for Little Blackie always wanting to keep guarding her, something terrible might have happened.

Not to mention annihilation of an entire galaxy, an entire universe would have ceast to exist, that is if Silver truly went out of control... in rage.

Living for more than a billion years where murder and massacre happens almost everyday change how Silver perceive everything.

But, of course, the system is always there, present and active since it was made solely for him.

So the mere thought of seeing his adopted daughter's death will definitely drive him mad.

Examples was that when Shirone and Kuroka was hurt, not to mention Xiao Rou which made him almost ended up an entire prominent cultivation clan powerhouse.

Thinking about this, Silver change his mentality from having fun, to taking care.

Two words with completely different meanings by themselves.

"Master, I'm done roasting the cow." Little Blackie said, pulling out Silver from his deep thoughts.

Looking over, "Thanks." Silver thanked then looked at his left arm where Chelsea's head rested as she sleeps peacefully.

Shaking Chelsea awake with his available arm, Silver urgently said, "Sea! Uncle Kamish is gonna eat the cow whole! Hurry wake up or you won't get any!"

"Cow! Leave some for Chelsea! You meany Uncle!"

Faster than the blink of an eye, the ruby eyed 10 year old girl hovered on the sky with a whole leg of the freshly roasted cow, hovering as her wings flapped. Glaring at Kamish who was startled awake at Silver's shout.

'What did I do? Can't a Dragon just sleep peacefully? Why must you brat glare at me so hatefully?!' Kamish thought.

Kamish dare not say anything but reach out his claws.


'Big bro's roasting always taste good.' He delightedly thought then went back to sleep.

"Master, the way you wake someone up is always a sight to see." Little Blackie commented.

"Heh. Food is the best thing there is. No hungry animal will ever... Wait! Where's mine?!" Silver abruptly stopped.

Seeing where Little Blackie was roasting before and only to see the stick made Silver stop his shit.

"Kamish ate the rest." Little Blackie replied as if it has nothing to do with him.

'I've done the roasting. Don't blame me for being late.' Little Blackie thought.

"Tsk." Annoyed, Silver got up. Patting his clothes, he glared at Kamish. "I wonder how would Kamish tail would taste like." He said.

'No shit!' Kamish twitched but didn't move. Pretending to be sleeping.

"Nn. I haven't tried cooking dragon meat yet. Maybe, it will go along with my salad." Little Blackie nodded.

'No shit.' Silver thought looking at Little Blackie, wondering what's happening on its head.


Chelsea, with her wings flapping gently slowly descended at Silver's side. Tilting her head, "Pa, we gonna cook Uncle Kamish? I want steak!" She ordered a dish.

'Please. Just kill me.' Kamish trembled at the thought of him being cooked to steak.

Silver and Little Black smirked, of course, they could tell how Kamish is feeling and thinking right at the moment.

"Sea, wanna come with me? I'll go have some noodles." Silver rubbed Chelsea's little head.

"Pa, again?" Chelsea asked. "Please don't mess my hair." She complained.

Silver laughed.

"Yeah. We've tried Japanese ones before, how about Korea this time?" Silver laughingly said.

"Pa, wasn't Korean noodles full of chilli?" Chelsea asked.

"Not really. It depends." Silver replied. "Or we go China? They also have a lot of noodles out there." Silver added.

"How long?" Chelsea asked as if she already knew something.

Silver rubbed his chin, "A month each?" He decided.

Chelsea tilted her little head, thinking about something... "Pa, my school restarts after 3 months." She said, but seemingly unbothered. "When do we go?" Of course, as someone who grow with a glutton, she wouldn't missed out.

"When? How about now?" Silver laughed.

"Now? But Pa, there's no plane and we still need to go some processing?" Chelsea added.

"Nah. We're just going to eat, why bother?" Silver smiled.

Taking Chelsea's hand, and with a thought, Silver and Chelsea dissappeared fron the hidden island.

Appearing somewhere on a bustling night street, Chelsea was shock.

With her mouth with open, she forcefully gulped her saliva. "Pa, where are we?"

"I don't know? I just want to eat noodles and here we are." Silver replied.


Then why is every woman with heavy make up?

Wearing such revealing clothes and their gazes.

How they calls out the men?

Why is the light red everywhere?


Are those men drunk?

Pa! Where are we?

Can we have noodles here?

Chelsea's mind short circuited.

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