The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 38 - Ingvild...

Dimensional Gap~

Before Silver went into the Human World.

'System, How do I get my pieces, like the Devils Evil Piece?'

[ Answering to Host... The host can just buy it from the system ]

'Ohh! That's cool, show me the best I can get'

[ Searching... Done. Listing...

Dragon Pieces - 10 Million System Points

Dragon God Pieces - 25 Million System Points

Primordial Dragon God Pieces - 50 Million System Points

Primordial Chaos Dragon God Pieces - 100 Million System Points ]

'Buy me Primordial Chaos Dragon God Pieces'

[ Buying in 3.2.1... Done. Deducting 100 Million System Points... Done. Calculating host remaining points... Done. 699,009,900 System Points left ]

'Show me the Pieces'

[ Showing... Done. ]

When the system finished, Silver saw 32 chess pieces, they all look like chess pieces but they are all with a Dragon figure that looked like him when he is in his Chaos Dragon God Form, and they are colored Dark-Crimson.

But when Silver stared at them, he noticed and asked,


[ Answering to host... That is because of host Bloodline ]


[ Answering to host... It is because of host Bloodline ]

'That doesn't explain anything!'

Silver then started pondering about his bloodline and the pieces he got after putting the King Piece at himself.

Silver thought 'Is it because of my Primordial Bloodline? Or Dragon God Bloodline?'

[ Answering to host... Both ]

'The f*uck! Do you mean that all possessor of these Bloodlines have multiple wives!?'

[ Answering to host... The host already have multiple wives and counting ]


[ ..... ]

After talking a bit more with the system, Silver went and gave Ophis and Rose one piece each, Ophis and Rose were happy when Silver gave it to them and without asking, they both merge with the piece.

When they merge with it, they can feel some kind of connection to Silver from their very own Soul's, as happy as they were, they dragged Silver somewhere.

After getting out from Ophis and Rose grasp, Silver went to the Underworld and also gave Serafall one.

When the Satan saw what Silver is giving her, she was happy and cried a bit as she hugged Silver and dragged him somewhere also.

After getting out of Serafall's grasp, Silver next went to Heaven.

When Gabriel saw Silver, she was happy. But, she became happier when Silver gave her one of the Queen's pieces. She just hugged Silver and kissed him, but, Silver did not get dragged this time for they still don't have the 'Green Light'.

After Silver was done giving Gabriel the piece as she merges with it, Silver then left.


Human World~

School time has just been finished, Silver who has nothing to do went walking all over the Kuoh Town.

Hours passed, of Silver just walking around town, until he felt something again.

That resonance he was waiting and searching for, all this time Silver has visited and traveled all over the realms but nothing, until now.

Silver who felt the resonance was startled, he looked around and walk everywhere, trying to find where she is.

As he walked all over the place, there is a certain direction where the resonance felt stronger and stronger as he neared it.

Hurrying his footsteps is, Silver soon reached the place where Issie was killed by Raynare(Fallen Angel).

Nearing the fountain and where the resonance is at its strongest, Silver saw her, she was singing with a beautiful and lovely voice as the resonance got stronger and stronger.

Silver felt the warmth as he heard the lovely voice.

He saw her, she's there, sitting in the fountain sitting as she sings.

Her purple-colored long hair floats like it was dancing as the wind blows, wearing a white dress, she might look like a bit sleepy but her pair of orange eyes paired with her purple hair and white dress made Silver felt something.

He was mesmerized by her singing voice along with her beauty, but that is not the one that made Silver stop in his tracks, what stopped him in his track was the presence he felt that surrounded the girl and the park.

The girl who was singing knew that Silver is there, she could also feel the resonance along with Silver, but, she did not stop singing until she finished.

Silver activated his {Space Locked-Dome} Skill, sealing the whole place up along with the Devils.

The girl said "We meet again" in a happy tone

"Yes we did, I have been searching for you all this time," said Silver

"Why?" asked the girl

"Because you are the first one to have a resonance with me," said Silver, then continued "We talk later, I'll deal with these Devils crawling around"

As Silver finished speaking, 10 Devils came out from the shadows revealing themselves to Silver and the girl.

"Hand over the girl if you want to live," said the Devil

"That's one," said Silver

"Are you deaf!?" said another Devil who is a girl

"That's two," said Silver

"Seems like you don't want to live!" said another Devil who is high-class rank.

"That's Three," said Silver as he leaked his aura out pressuring the 10 Devils.

He then asked "Who commanded you to take her? And for what purpose?"

"This aura, It is you!" said another high-class rank Devil

"Tell me, or you will all suffer for eternity" threatened Silver

"It was Nyx! She wants to use the girl's ability to take control of all the Dragons!" said another one

"Nyx? Control? I don't care about what you all people plan to do, but to use her and control Dragons? Who gave you the guts and balls to don so!" asked Silver in an angry tone

"It's Nyx, she's cooperating with the God of the Netherworld Hades!" blurted out one who knows something.

"Hades? Ohh, that skeleton looking guy? Not only did I asked him to let me know if he found her, and now he is even coopereating with this Nyx girl huh, I should go visit Hades later" said Silver

Then he added "Since you all have finished giving me what I wanted, go and suffer, don't worry though, you won't die" said Silver.

Silver then opened a portal and sent the 10 Devils to the place where he sent the 30 Devils with Rias and Loki.

After doing so, Silver looked at the girl and asked: "So, what's your name?"

"Ingvild Leviathan, but I'm sure you already know," said Ingvild

"Yep, my name is Silver, Silver Blaze," said Silver as he smiled then he asked, "Do you want to meet your mother?"

"Mother? Do you know where she is!? Is she alive!? Where is she!?" asked Ingvild as tears started forming in her eyes, she was told that her mother is dead, but now that Silver said that she is alive made her happy and couldn't help but ask.

"Woah woah, calm down a bit, I have to settle something before you can meet her," said Silver as he went and hugged the now crying Ingvild.

Ingvild's ability to teleport out of a sudden wouldn't work because Silver already locked the space around the park and no one could break in and out as long as they are not stronger than him.

Suddenly, a queen piece flew out from Silver's inventory and merge with Ingvild.

Ingvild felt it but did not say anything for she always wanted to be with Silver since they first met years ago, both didn't know why they have a resonance.

'System, how did a piece flew out from the inventory?' Silver asked as he hugged Ingvild who hugged back.

[ Answering to host... It is because of host Bloodline ]

'That doesn't explain anything!'

But Silver felt glad and happy to be able to find the one he was looking for all this time.

After some time, Ingvild slowly calmed herself down and said "Silver?" as she slowly went to sleep.

Seeing her falling to sleep, Silver quickly activated his {Instant all Zero} skill and healed Ingvild from her disease.

After curing Ingvild, the girl still fell asleep in Silver's arm.

Silver knowing that she has fallen asleep, he made a portal leading to his house as he carried Ingvild in a bridal carry and entered it dissappearing from the place as he deactivated his skill {Space Locked-Dome}.

Arriving back at his house, he put Ingvild into the bed to let her rest, Silver then went to heaven and asked the Biblical God about Katerea, he learned that Katerea is sealed, so Silver asked the God to free her.

The Biblical God did not ask anything and freed Katerea. When she was freed from being sealed, Katerea was terrified when she saw Silver.

Silver seeing her like that quickly explained to her everything. After some time of explaining, Katerea cried and thanked Silver.

Silver just smiled and told Keterea a certain condition, if she agrees, she can be with her daugther.

Katerea did not even bother to listen to the conditions and quickly agreed. She loves her daugther to the point that it led her astray.

All this time, Katerea only wanted to find a way to cure her daughter, but as years passed, she has led astray from everything, but now that Silver told her that her child has been cured and is with him, she felt happy and gratefull.

She wanted to go and see her child, she missed her child. But Silver said that she is currently resting and will take her to meet with her child later.

Katerea thanked Silver and promised to never be led astray again. This was all witnessed by the Biblical God and the Seraphs. They felt happy for her.

After some more talking, Silver left and went back to the Human world and take a rest.


Morning time came, the both of them woke up.

Ingvild now has full control of her teleportation skill, unlike before, being teleported randomly.

As she woke up, she can smell something delicious so she went towards where the smell is coming from and only to see Silver cooking.

Silver noticed her, he said "Morning, wait for me at the table, I'm almost done cooking"

"Okay," said Ingvild as she went to where the dining table is at and sat on a chair as she waits for Silver.

After some minutes, Silver was done cooking and preparing the foods.

Both of them proceeded to eat and after eating.

Silver said "Get ready we will go meet someone" as he smiled towards Ingvild.

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