The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 54 - Makarov...

Magnolia... In the Forest where Silver made his House...

A portal appeared and Silver exited it as it closed after doing so.

Arriving back outside of his house, Silver thought 'I'm sure they are angry at me for leaving them for three days' and sighed.

Silver who is outside spread out his sense trying to locate where the sisters are at.

He found them inside the house so he walked towards the door and opened it as he entered.

Upon entering, Silver prepared himself from sister's wrath. Looking around, Silver found them sitting at the couch in the living room, watching something. Slowly walking towards them he said "I'm back" as he prepared himself from being hit.

The wrath he expected to come never came, Shirone looked at him and said "Welcome back Onii-chan" as she went and hugged Silver.

Silver who is being hugged by Shirone is confused, he asked "Are you not angry at me?" while ruffling the hairs of Shirone.

"Why would we be angry Onii-chan? You said you have something to do and it only took you three days and came back, unlike before" said Shirone who also became confused at Silver's question.

"Weren't you bored when I left for three days? Silver asked

Kuroka replied "No, Ophis onee-chan and the others came here so we got company and we all tour around the city. but they left hours ago, saying about doing something" finally standing up from the couch.

"I see, that's good then. Did they told you what they are going to do?" asked Silver

"No, they did not" answered Kuroka and thought 'We promised them not to tell you, your in for something' as she smirked

"Onii-chan, where have you been?" asked Shirone

"Here and there. Anyways, have you guys eaten?" asked Silver

"We just did earlier Onii-chan" answered Shirone.

"Alright, Let's go to the guild then," said Silver

"Okay" agreed the two sisters.

Some time passed as they walked slowly, reaching the guild entrance. They can hear loud sounds, laughing, cursing and sounds of things being thrown about and some more.

Silver pushed opened the door, finally seeing inside and what greeted their view was, a mess hall, chairs, and tables broken, while others are fighting and some drinking as they watch, there was even someone who doesn't have any kinds of clothes on.

Silver smiled upon seeing this and thought 'Just like in the anime, they sure know how to have fun'.

The guild members who are having their own 'fun' stopped when they saw three figures standing into the entrance of the guild and looked at them.

Mira who is currently at the bar talking with an Old man who is short with white hair and almost losing all his hair, stopped talking with the Old man and looked towards the entrance and saw three familiar figures standing there then blushed.

The Old man who is talking and drinking the beer in his hand also stopped and looked at the guilds' entrance then looked back at Mira, he frowned when he saw the blushed face of Mira then looked again at the entrance of the guild.

Looking more with a bit of focus as he is a bit dizzy from drinking, sobered up in an instant and thought 'Could it be!?' to himself as he slowly put down the glass with beer in his hand at the table, after doing so, he tried to calm himself and thought 'No, It shouldn't be possible!' and kept staring at one of the figures standing in the entrance of the guild with wide eyes.

Mira then started walking towards the three figures at the entrance as she slowly reached them and said "Welcome back, Silver-kun, Shirone-san and Kuroka-san" and smiled with her all whilst still having a red hue on her face.

"Thanks, we came back as I told you," said Silver as he smiled

Mira who saw the smiled on Silver's face gained more red in her face, if it's possible for smoke to come out of her face then it just might happen.

"The master just returned earlier and is currently sitting there, I already informed him about your sisters wanting to join the guild, Let's go over so you can speak with him," said Mira as she leads the way.

Everyone in the guild was confused but did not say anything and just watched them walked towards the bar where their guild master is with Mira leading the way with a red face.

Reaching where the bar and the Old chibi man is Silver greeted "Yo, you look really old now, Makarov" in a nonchalant way.

Everyone in the guild who heard him call their master by his name and without respect of the sort became angry.

A pink haired guy who wields Dragon Slayer Magic said "You! How dare you call the master like that!" as he dashes towards Silver with his right arm covered in flames, intending to attack Silver who is

currently facing Makarov.

But before the Dragon Slayer could hit Silver, Makarov activated his own magic making his arm bigger than possible with his body and hit the Pink haired Dragon Slayer. The Dragon Slayer got hit from the giant fist and got squashed into the ground.

Makarov then said "Natsu! How Dare you! Repent on what you just wanted to do!" in an angry tone

He then looked towards Silver and asked "Is it really you?" wanting to confirm his guess.

"Yes it is me, Chibi, You look old now haha," said Silver, he did not mind Natsu attacking him because he knows that it is his fault, to begin with.

Makarov has a picture of the Guild's founders, it was left to him by his father before dying, so Makarov who is now seeing Silver standing right in front of him who looked just like in the photo just had to ask to confirm his suspicions, but now that he got the answer he became wide eye and dumbfounded.

Makarov quickly went to his knees and banged his head on the table and said: "Please forgive that imbecile child".

Silver was shock on what Makarov just did and quickly helped Makarov up, he said "It's alright, I don't mind, so leave it be" as he smiled.

"Can we please go and talk in my office? It is just upstairs" Makarov said politely

"That we should" Silver said in approval.

Makarov then quickly got off the table and started leading the way, Silver followed together with Shirone and Kuroka, Makarov saw them but did not say anything and just let them follow them.

Mirajane was shocked and so is all the other members of the guild. This is the first time they saw their Guild Master act so politely towards someone.

A certain Red-Haired teen that is wearing some sort of armor walked forward and asked: "Master, Who are they?" she still wears the necklace Silver gave her.

Makarov heard the Red-Haired teen and replied "I cannot tell you Erza" as he proceeded to lead the way.

Silver hearing the Red-Haired teen's question looked towards her and said "Name's Silver, Silver Blaze" and thought 'My daughter really became beauty' then proceeded to walk up the stairs.

Reaching up into a room, Makarov opened the door and let Silver, Kuroka, and Shirone in first then entered as he closed the door.

Closing the door, Makarov said "It is my p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet one of the founders, please forgive the child's act before" as he bowed down.

Silver seeing Makarov in person was happy and said "I don't mind it, Here I got a present for you"

Silver waved his hand and a portal appeared, then two figures exited the portal.

Makarov seeing the two figure that just exited the portal, went on his knees as tears came out of his eyes and said "Mother! Father!"

Yuri and Rita who came out of the portal saw an Old Little Guy, kneeling and crying and called them Mother and Father. Looking at the figure and scanned him they realize

It is their one and only Child!

As quick as they can, they went and hugged the Old Little guy and said


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