The Strongest Omni Traveler

Chapter 79 - Child and Family...


Fairy Tail Guild...

The guild is the same as always, rowdy and messy and since it is evening time, you couldn't ask for more since a certain Dragon Slayer is happy to have to another S-class quest, the same can be said to a celestial spirit user who finally has enough to pay for her monthly rent.

They party as always, but suddenly a portal appeared.

Three figures exited the portal, Silver, Warrod, and Serena came out of it, Serena who has tears in his eyes.

When they saw Silver, everyone cheered, but when they noticed the other two figures, someone got curious and asked, "Excuse me Silver-san, but who are they?"

"This one is Warrod Sequen, one of the founders of the guild, and this one hehe. Oi Chibi, come here" said Silver

Makarov who was sitting at the bar and drinking saw Silver and co. arrived, when he heard what Silver said he spit out the drink that was on his mouth and stare at Silver then to the figures who were with him.

Yuri and Rita who was also sitting at the bar along with Guildarts were startled. Yuri looked at who Silver pointed and called Warrod and when he saw him, his mouth twitch. Slowly walking towards Warrod, he patted his shoulder and asked: "You came back to life also?"

"Pfft! Hahaha, No I never died Yuri, Silver just made me younger" said Warrod.

Everyone on the guild was shocked but didn't say anything, they are already used to how Silver does things.

But what got everyone's attention is the other one who is with Silver, Yuri asked "Hey Silver, who is he?" as he pointed to Serena.

"Well, it seems like he is your Grandson hahaha," said Silver

"What!" said all the guild members. This time they are truly shocked.

"Grandson? Who's child, is he?" asked Yuri

"Heh~? Are you hiding something from me Yuri-san?" asked Rita who went and pinched Yuri on the waist.

"No no Rita, you got it wrong! What I mean is, who is the father!" said Yuri as he felt pain from being pinched by his wife.

"Ohoho, Who is the father you say? Did we have another child maybe? hoho" said Rita as she pinched harder.

"No Rita, what I meant was not like that!" said Yuri then Rita dragged him somewhere on the corner.

Makarov then went and asked, "What is it Silver-sama?"

"Yo Chibi! Recognize who he might be?" said Silver.

"God Serena! The strongest mage of Ishgar!" said Makarov in a shocked voice.

"Yes, he is, but does the name Rena ring a bell?" said Silver

"R-r-Rena! Of course, I know her! She was~" said Makarov

"Well, this guy, God Serena is her child and the father? hehehe~" said Silver as he smiled

"You don't mean to tell me," said Makarov as he stared at Serena. He asked "Me?"

"Correct! She had a child and it is yours and this Serena here is that child, right kid?" said Silver as he looked at God Serena

"Y-y-yes!" said Serena.

"M-my name is Serena Dreyar, I'm sorry for not telling you before but it was the last wish of my mother before dying, father," said Serena as he bowed to Makarov

Makarov's eyes almost popped out from their sockets, also is everyone on the guild, they said "What!"

Makarov couldn't believe it, but upon taking a closer look, Serena's hair is just like Rena, his face resembled the face of a Dreyar. Makarov thought, 'Could it be at that time?'

When he thought of that, tears started forming on his eyes as he went and hugged Serena, he said "Thank you, thank you for telling me, forgive me for not noticing it all this time"

"No father, it is not your fault," said Serena as he also hugged Makarov back.


After some time, everyone calmed down as they all welcomed Serena to the Fairy Tail guild, Serena joined the guild because he was not in any guild before and of course, Silver was the one who said so.

Since it is almost midnight, Silver went back to his house located in the west part outside the city, before going back home, he also walked Mira home since Elfman and Lisanna already went to sleep before.

As they walk and talk, Mira thanked Silver for what he did and for saving Lisanna. Silver shook his head and said that he just helped a bit and he was not the one who did everything and it is with everyone's help.

As they walk, soon, they reached Mira's house. Stopping just in front of the house Silver said that she should go and take a rest, Mira nodded and started walking. But, she suddenly stopped on her track and went back to Silver who was just standing there watching her.

As quick as she can, Mira pecked a Kiss on Silver to the Lips and said, Thank you as she quickly runs inside the house.

Silver stood there, dumbfounded, he knew that Mira held feeling for him as he also did, but he didn't know that Mira could also do that.

After some time, Silver smiled and started walking back to his house. He thought 'How should I tell them?'

Next Day...

He was thinking last night about something and decided to do it.

After some time, he was done doing his daily routines. Opening up a portal and entered it disappearing from his house.


Alvarez Empire...

Silver appeared inside the Alvarez Empire Palace, as he appeared, he spread out his senses trying to

locate where August is at and found him drinking a tea.

When he found him, he started walking to where he is at. As he walks he met the other Spprigans who for some reason is in the Empire.

When the Spprigans saw Silver, they thought 'Why is this unreasonable person here!?'. But greeted him politely, who knows what he might do to them.

Invel who saw Silver come to the Empire, he went and asked "Welcome Silver-sama, may I know to what we owe this sudden visit?" politely as he bowed with his hand on his c.h.e.s.t.

"I'm here for August and take him somewhere," said Silver

"May I ask where?" said Invel as he adjusted his glasses.

"To where his parents are at," said Silver

"His parents? August-sama is already old and his parents are still alive? How is that possible." said Invel in a shocked voice

"Well yeah, they are, and they young haha," said Silver as he then proceeded to walk to where August is at.

Invel followed and also the other Spprigans, curious about August because they never knew who his parents are and now Silver said they are alive.

As they all walked, soon they reached to where August is. August who was drinking tea calmly stood up from his seat when he noticed Silver and the others are coming towards him. When he saw Silver, he said "Welcome Silver-sama, forgive this Old Man for not noticing your arrival and not coming to greet you" as he bowed.

"August Dragneel, the child of Mavis and Zeref, seems like your father Zeref never noticed that you are his son, huh, well let's go meet your parents," said Silver

"You knew? How?" asked August, he was shocked, shocked to hear what Silver just said. He never told anyone who his parents are for he himself was not sure about it and now that Silver laid the truth in front of him, he couldn't believe it.

When the Spprigans heard what Silver said they were all shock and said "Silver-sama, is what you said true? If it is that makes August-sama as the prince!"

"Well yeah, it is the truth, why should I lie?" asked Silver

"Silver-sama, my father doesn't know and my mother, she is dead," said August.

"Nah, Mavis isn't dead, she is alive, and Zeref, hehe, forget that blockhead who only thinks about his brother and Mavis all the time, don't worry though, I removed his curse long ago," said Silver nonchalantly.

"What!" said the Spprigans, they looked at August then to Silver then looked back to August again then repeat.

"Well, let's go. I'm sure Mavis will be happy to know her son is alive and kicking and earned a title of Magic King at that haha" said Silver as he opened a portal.

August wasn't able to say anything because Silver dragged him into the portal along with him, leaving the dumbfounded Spprigans alone.


Tenrou Island~

Again the group is playing cards inside the guild, Mavis, Zeref, Jellal are all sweating. They have been playing for hours and they can't beat Sera who was giggling all the time.

"Why don't you all just surrender, it has been hours and you guys never won a single round" mocked Sera.

"I'm not called a tactician for nothing!" declared Mavis

"I'm not an Emperor for nothing!" declared Zeref

"I did not become a Wizard Saint for nothing!" declared Jellal.

"Fufufu, then why can't you beat this young lady?" again mocked Sera.

Mavis, Zeref, and Jellal gained a pissed mark on their foreheads and thought 'What young lady! You are the oldest one here!'

As they played and the round ended with Sera winning it again, the three said "Another Round!"

"Fufufuf, let's make it a bit more interesting, the loser shall strip a piece of clothe," said Sera

"We're in!" declared the three.

But, before they could begin, a portal appeared and Silver exited it along with August who he dragged along.

The four seeing Silver and August stopped and looked at them, Zeref said "Silver, why is August with you?"

"August?" said Mavis

"Who?" said Jellal

"Hmm? I can feel something in him, Mavis, is he?" asked Sera

"That's right Sera, this is August, he is the child of Mavis and Zeref," said Silver

"I see, that's why," said Sera

"What!?" said Zeref and Jellal

Mavis felt something within her when she saw August, for a reason unknown to her, she went and hugged August and said "Is it really you? August?"

"Mavis?" said Zeref, he didn't know that Mavis gave birth to a child and it is his.

"Mother? You're alive! How?" said August as he hugged his mother back with tears in his eyes.

"What are you doing blockhead, he is your son," said Silver to Zeref

"My son?" again said Zeref

Silver sighed, he went and touched Zeref's head and showed him something. When Zeref saw the things Silver showed him, he went wide eyes and said: "For real?"

Silver punched Zeref in the head and said: "Of course it is!"

Zeref didn't know, standing up from his seat as he walked to the mother and son hugging and hugged them both and said "Forgive me August for not noticing it until now!" as he felt happy.

August felt happy being hugged by his parents and said "Father, Mother" as he cried tears of happiness.

Time passed...

Silver made dishes and drinks, after some more talking and reunion he said: "Now, let's have a party!"

Jellal smiled, Sera was happy, Zeref the bro-con felt grateful, Mavis the mother said Thank you, August also felt grateful to Silver.

After some time, they all partied as both the mother, father and son talked to each other.

Silver smiled seeing them, and thinking 'I hope I can revive or find my wife soon'

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'Yeah, but while I'm at it, I will also help those who I can'

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