Chapter 155 Higa Junior High

The tennis talents of Fudomine’s overall players are very good. Under the dual training of weight-bearing and training room, the improvement can be said to be rapid.

When the most important thing is their unremitting persistence, although each of them was very miserable when they first contacted the training, but after seeing their own progress.

No one complained about Lin Feng’s strict training.

He even asked Lin Feng to give them more training.

The strong contrast makes Lin Feng dumbfounded, but Lin Feng will not add training to them indiscriminately, after all, their physical endurance is still there.

The training that Lin Feng has arranged now is the limit they can bear. If the training intensity is increased, the result will only make their bodies collapse.

In the hall, Lin Feng gathered Ju Jiping and the others together, his eyes swept across their bodies, Lin Feng said lightly.

“In the past month and a half of training, your strength has increased a lot. Now it’s time to find some opponents to experience it.”

Hearing what the owner of the museum said, all Fudomine members including Tachibana Jiping had a happy expression on their faces.

During this period of time, they have been suffocating their heads and practicing, but they are all suffocated, so when the owner of the museum said that they would arrange opponents for them, everyone seemed very excited.

Of course, it is more that they want to see what level of their strength has improved.

“Master, what opponent are you planning to arrange for us this time?”

Ju Jiping asked Lin Feng.

This question is also what other people want to ask.

“You’ll know later.”

Lin Feng pretended to be mysterious.

Tachibana Jiping looked flabbergasted.

He has a feeling that the opponents arranged for them by the museum owner will be very strong this time.

“Go get ready and set off in ten minutes.”


Ten minutes later, everyone in Fudomine was ready, carrying their bags and leaving the hall under the leadership of Lin Feng.

On the train, Yang Jiping not only inadvertently glanced at the terminal where the train was heading, but couldn’t help but pass a little strange in his eyes.

“Okinawa? Is it possible that the owner of the museum arranged for us this time against the school in Okinawa?”

For Okinawa Tachibana Yoshihira, he knows a little bit. When he was at Shiraku Middle-School, he often went there. Naturally, he also knew a little about the Middle-School.

There are many strong schools. Among them, Higa Junior High is the strongest. It is the team that entered the national competition this year.

It is also the only school in Okinawa that has entered the national competition this year.

“I don’t know which school the museum owner arranged for us this time.”

Ju Jiping was faintly looking forward to it.

After driving down the car, about half an hour, finally arrived at the destination.

This is a school with a very peculiar architectural style, which is completely different from Middle-School in Tokyo.

Right above the gate of the school, the four characters of Higa Junior High are very conspicuous.

When the school owner led them to Higa Junior High, Tachibana’s reaction was good, but Kamio behind them couldn’t help showing a trace of amazement.

They naturally also know that Higa Junior High, the school that entered the national competition this year.

They did not expect that the owner of the museum would actually regard such a strong school as their opponent for this experience.

Beyond their expectations.

“go in.”

Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

Be the first to step into the gate of Higa Junior High.

The Fudomine people behind him also quickly followed.

“Excuse me, how can the tennis club of Higa Junior High School go?”

Lin Feng came to Higa Middle School for the first time and was not familiar with Higa Middle School.

He asked a student from Higa Junior High School on the side of the road about the location of the tennis club.

This teenager was obviously frightened by Lin Feng’s huge battle.

“Front… Just go straight ahead and turn left.

The young man stretched his hand straight ahead and said falteringly, perhaps because he was scared, his speech was a bit uncomfortable.


Lin Feng smiled slightly, and then went to the tennis club of Higa Junior High with Yang Jiping.

Looking at the Lin Feng and his group, the young man couldn’t help passing a touch of doubt on his face.

“Looking at these guys, it seems that some of the visitors are unkind. Maybe they came to our Higa Middle School Tennis Club to make trouble. No, I have to notify the minister immediately.”

Thinking of this, the boy took a shortcut and ran to the tennis club quickly.

Higa National China Open court.

Minister Kite Shiro Yongzheng stood by the court and instructed members of the community to conduct training.

There were two teenagers standing beside him.


One of the teenagers wore a hat, his yellow hair was very eye-catching, and there was a trace of iron in his eyebrows.

The other young man’s face was slightly mature, and he looked no different from a high school student.

The boy with a hat is named Kai Yujiroh, standing beside him is Heiguchang.

As the official players of Higa Junior High, the two are very strong. The strength of the tennis team in Higa Junior High is only so good as Kite Jiro Naga.

At this moment, the three of them gathered together, and they seemed to be talking faintly.

“Captain, it’s not good.

At this time, a panicked voice suddenly sounded from the side.

A young man ran up to Kite Nagajiro, breathing a little fast, and his expression hurried.

“What’s so flustered?”

Kite Nagajiro frowned and asked.

“A group of people broke into Higa Junior High just now to find out where the tennis club is. Maybe they came here to make trouble.”

“An outsider broke into our Higa country?

Kite Eujiro’s eyes condensed, and then he asked.

“Did you see the identity of the other party?”

The boy shook his head: “No, they don’t wear school uniforms, but I can be sure that they are not from our Higa country, and they are in a huge battle. Eight people came.”

“It’s really interesting. It has always been our Higa Junior High School who went to trouble with other schools, but now it’s been found by others.

Kai Yujiroh grinned.

“Let me see if it’s the guys who don’t have eyes.”

Kai Yujiroh’s words just fell, and a rush of footsteps came from the entrance of the court.

Lin Feng, dressed in casual clothes, took Fudomine into the shrine, and the momentum was not small.

“It’s finally here.

Lin Feng swept his gaze at the court, and the corners of his mouth became curved.

Then he cast his gaze on a vigorous young man with glasses next to the court.

The familiar appearance made Lin Feng recognize the other party’s identity almost at a glance.

The captain of the tennis club of Higa Junior High, Kite Yongjiro.

“The two guys standing next to Kite should be Kai Yujiroh Peace Ancient Farm.

Although Lin Feng has never seen them, Lin Feng also recognized these two people by virtue of their appearance. pill,

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