Chapter Ninety Four Intense Battle

Broken pieces.

In the center of the court, Shiraishi and Fuji competed fiercely.

Just as Qian also said, although Shiraishi is still at a disadvantage, his every goal is constantly rising, and he is almost about to break through the net.

Fuji was clearly aware of this, and his heart became serious.

This Shiraishi is really amazing, and he has adapted to his giant guard with one hundred arms in such a short period of time.

But even so, he can’t lose this game.


Fuji once again used the Hundred Arm Giant Guard, and the tennis shot quickly towards Shiraishi with a super high-speed spin.

Shiraishi’s eyes were tightly locked on the rapidly shot tennis ball, and after analyzing the ball’s landing point, Shiraishi quickly rushed out and stood on the ball’s landing point ahead of time.

After using racquet to resolve the spin of the tennis ball as much as possible, he hit the ball back.

leaf. “Eight Nine Seven”

The tennis ball burst out with lightning speed, hit the edge of the net, and almost went over the net.

This scene made Fuji’s face changed.

Shiraishi’s distance to the net has increased again.

In this case, anyone will be panicked, but Shiraishi can be so calm, practice again and again to make the tennis a little closer to the net.

It was the first time he saw anyone who could be so calm.

But thinking about the current score, the pressure in Fuji’s heart also diminished.

Now the big score is 6.5, 40:0, he occupies an absolute advantage.

As long as he scores another point, he won the game.

Although it was only a practice match, Fuji also didn’t want to lose to Shiraishi. After all, the opponent was Shitenhouji’s deputy minister.

Under this belief, Fuji continued to maintain his original offensive.

Fuji’s figure swiftly passed from the court, and after catching up with the tennis ball, he used the Hundred-Armed Giant guard to hit the ball back.

The tennis ball was shot out with a violent spin.

Shiraishi’s footsteps slammed on the ground, and an afterimage was brought up by the graceful figure.

Standing where the ball fell, Shiraishi’s bandaged right hand held the racquet and slammed it on the tennis ball.

This time, Shiraishi gave the ball a stronger reverse rotation force than before.


The tennis ball hit the net and then landed directly above the net.

The eyes of all the people around were staring at the tennis ball that landed on the net. Which side of the ball would it roll to?

The tennis ball swung around the net two or three times and landed on Fuji’s court.

The soft landing sound made Fuji’s face suddenly changed.

Shiraishi turned out to be able to counteract the reverse turning force of the Hundred-armed Giant guard.

Shiraishi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart at this time. After practicing so many balls in a row, he finally hit the Hundred-armed Giant back.

“We’re going to fight back next, Fuji.”

Since the guard of the Hundred Arms Giant has been cracked by him, in Shiraishi’s view, he still has a good chance of winning this game.

“What a terrible man, he really cracked the guard of the Hundred-armed Giant.

Fuji stared at Shiraishi intently, but his heart was extremely solemn.

Although the match is still his match point, Fuji is not happy at all. Facing Shiraishi who has already cracked the Hundred Arms Giant, it is a bit difficult for him to use the Hundred Arms Giant to score points.

Shiraishi’s just let that ball successfully mastered the reverse rotational force to crack hekatonkheires guards need to play is.

Therefore, in the next game, using the same reverse rotation Shiraishi continue to crack hekatonkheires guard, and each ball just good netball, Shiraishi quickly put leveled the score.


The two sides into the tiebreak tiebreaker, first get on one of seven wins, if the two sides hit 6.6, then scored two consecutive points which party would get the game victory.

For the final tiebreak tiebreaker, Shiraishi and Fuji obviously have to look very important.

Shiraishi as Deputy Minister Shitenhouji, he did not want to lose to Fuji, but Fuji Seigaku as a genius, he also does not want to lose Shiraishi.

They will own strength to an extreme, the game even more intense than before.

Bang bang bang.

The sharp sound of shots rang constantly, Shiraishi Fuji in court and you come to me, who also refused to take a step back, and the score is always maintained in the event of a tie.

No matter which side the lead, the other party is able to quickly catch up.

Five minutes later, Shiraishi With its amazing outbreak of the first to get match point.

6: 5.

Shiraishi lead.

But even to the match point, Shiraishi also can not careless, in the previous innings, when he was 5: 0 in the case and get the match point, are being caught up to Fuji …

Faced with this strong opponent, a little moment of slack are likely to become fatal.

Shiraishi deep breath in an effort to adjust to the best state of their own.

Like that of an eagle’s eyes flashed a sharp light.

next moment.


Tennis out bombarded by Shiraishi, speed is quite fast.

Even the physical Shiraishi already consumed almost, but his powerful serve but did not not much diminished.

Ball up to 200km / h.

Tennis is like a lever-like Fuji ran towards the shot away quickly ejected out of the moment of landing.

Fuji forward step by step, clasped racquet suddenly waved in the air.


Shiraishi The ball is perfect comeback in the past Fuji.

Back to the ball very tricky angle, almost equal to the edge of the dead Shiraishi right.

After landing suddenly ejected out of tennis, but this time a figure has been immediate concern behind the ball.

Is Shiraishi.

Fuji Shiraishi look, the eyes glanced inadvertently left empty region Fuji, Fuji aware of the change of Shiraishi eyes, moving rapidly toward the left.

“You fools, Fuji.”

Shiraishi mouth one case, in the hands of the tennis racquet flying out gently pick.

Just that he used 4.6 kinds wink, as it is the Fuji thought he was going to play the ball toward the left side of the area, did not think Fuji has indeed fooled.

Tennis gently over the net, Shiraishi his face can not help but play a hint of a smile, also will relax frayed nerves.

The ball even Fuji catch up now.

But the next moment, but it is a figure galloped out from the baseline, so that the speed of the outbreak crashing Shiraishi suddenly a stiff smile.

“Why is this guy so fast?”

In the case of such extreme physical overdraft, even Shiraishi’s speed has slowed down, but Fuji’s speed even accelerating.

Just Shiraishi, Shitenhouji and other participants on the sidelines and it was such an alarming rate to Fuji scared a lot.

(Shiraishi and Fuji Fuji battle is to make evolution, so the story is somewhat similar to the original.),

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