Chapter 1164 : The Son of God is famous throughout the country (3)

“Referee, announce the result!”

Yukimura spoke lightly.


Referee was taken aback.

“Liu is already deep in my dream, and within 15 minutes~ I can’t wake up!”

Yukimura replied calmly.

The words fell.

The audience was dumbfounded, and then burst into an uproar.

“Just kidding-right?”

“Yanagi Renji can’t match?”

“Is Yukimura really so powerful that he can defeat his opponent in one minute?”

The audience talked and looked at the court at the same time.

In the two appearances, people thought it would be a fierce match.

But who could have thought that such a thing would happen.

However, there are still some people who don’t believe it, and look carefully at Yanagi Renji.

But Yanagi Renji stood there blankly, his body motionless.

After a full minute, it was still the same.

At this time, people believed that what Yukimura said was true.

“One minute!”

“Seiichi Yukimura really ended the match in one minute!”

“It’s terrible, who can contend with such strength!’

The audience was in an uproar again, their eyes filled with shock.

The match ends in one minute.

It can be said that it broke the fastest record in the history of the national competition.


“Yukimura used Dreamland as soon as he played!”

Shiraishi sighed.

He has personally experienced this trick and understands the terrible dreams.

Dreams are completely spiritual skills and can be used at the beginning of the match.

Without strong mental power and will, it is impossible to break free.

“What a desperate trick!”

Kite Eishirou pushed his glasses, his face serious.

He estimated whether he could break free if he was stuck in a dream state.

But the final result is no!


“I don’t know if this uncle can break free!”

Atobe’s eyes flashed.

There is no fear in the face of this trick, but a little eager to try it.

During the discussion, the referee on the field hesitated.

However, he did not announce the result immediately, but signaled Yukimura to continue serving.

After all, Yanagi Renji only fell into the illusion for a minute, not enough to announce the end of the match.


Yukimura did not refuse and served again.

The hitting sound radiated, and the tennis ball cut through the court like a golden beam of light.

Directly rush out after landing.

And Yanagi Renji didn’t wake up from beginning to end.



“Just wake me up!”

The big team of Rikkai shouted, their faces full of anxiety.

This match is extremely important to Rikkai.

If they lose, their hopes of winning the championship will become extremely slim.

But the calls of a few people were useless at all.

Yanagi Renji was still in a dream.

The corner of the mouth was drawn with a smile, and it seemed that he had seen the scene he wanted to see.

Bang! Monument! Bang!

One by one the tennis balls landed, and Yukimura won the next round.


In the second round, Yanagi Renji serve.

However, Yanagi Renji, who is deeply in a dream, cannot exchange courts, let alone serve.

The referee couldn’t help blowing a whistle when he saw this: “Yanagi Renji is temporarily unable to match, and now we are given five minutes to wait. If it fails to proceed normally, this match will be handled as Rikkai abstaining!”


The Rikkai team looked unwilling, but could not say anything to refute.

After all, there are match rules for match.

The audience cannot wait forever.


“You must wake up!”

Jackal Sangyuan roared.

The other team members also shouted, trying to make Yanagi Renji sober.

But the result was destined to disappoint them.

One minute!

three minutes!

five minutes!

Five minutes later, Yanagi Renji remained in place, without any movement.

The referee didn’t hesitate anymore and immediately blew the whistle: “Yanagi Renji can’t continue the match, so this match is handled as Rikkai abstaining, and Seigaku Seiichi Yukimura wins!”

The words fell.

The audience boiled instantly.

“too frightening!”

“Seiichi Yukimura actually killed Yanagi Renji in a second!”

“Let the opponent fall into a dream, completely unable to match, now who else in the country is the opponent of the son of God Yukimura!”

The surrounding audience was talking excitedly.

The Seigaku players also uttered deafening cheers.

As the overlord of the country, Seigaku lost two games in a row at the start, making them extremely frustrated.

Now Yukimura is on the court and wins with Thunder, making everyone proud.

“As expected of Yukimura-senpai!”

“Of course, Yukimura-senpai is called the Son of God!”

“Now pull back one game, and we will definitely win the next two matches!”

“There will be no dead ends in Seigaku’s four consecutive hegemonies in the country!’

The players cheered.

And Yukimura also walked away under the attention of the public.

At this moment, the name of the Son of God once again shook the country.

“Senior is really amazing!”

Kintaro, who had already returned, looked excited.

“Just win the remaining two matches in one go!

Taocheng also cheered.

“The dream is really terrible!”

Echizen Ryoma pressed his hat down, a flash of seriousness flashed in his eyes.

Yanagi Renji knew the existence of the dream, but he didn’t break free, instead, he fell deeply into it.

This is enough to show that Yukimura crushed his opponent mentally.

So that the other party knew the trick of dreams, but couldn’t break free, and eventually fell into it.

“It seems we must study mental stunts carefully in the future!”

Inui Sadaharu closed the notebook.

He and Yanagi Renji are both data players.

Now Yanagi Renji was killed in a second.

It is conceivable that even if he meets Yukimura, the result will be the same.

“The next match is up to you!”

Yukimura smiled softly.

“Don’t worry, there will be no dead ends in Seigaku’s four in a row!”

Sanada nodded heavily.

The next match is doubles one, which will be played by him and Fuji.

on court.

Yanagi Renji has been helped by the Rikkai team.

Compared to Seigaku’s cheers, Rikkai’s large group of players were silent.

The fiasco of Singles II dealt a huge blow to the morale of the team.

Don’t talk about ordinary players.

Even Niou Masaharu and others have some doubts whether Rikkai can win the championship.

After all, Seigaku didn’t play too many masters.

And they?

The main players are Marui Bunta and Jackal Kuwanabara.

Compared with Seigaku, it is not an opponent at all!

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