Chapter 128 : Seigaku under siege (3/7)

The lottery ended soon, and the names of each group were also finalized.

However, the Kanto Contest was not held so quickly, but a week later.

At the end of the draw, Zongshen and Oni Jujiro left.

They didn’t greet Rokkaku, let alone clash with people around them.

When the others saw nothing good, they left one after another.

However, every school has seized the time to train, knowing that the match of the Kanto Contest will be extremely fierce.

Tokyo Hyotei.

There was a burst of shouts, and the entire court was in full swing.


“Our goal is to win the Kanto Championship!”

“But our opponents are strong, so we must hurry up and train!”

Akuto completely acted as a coach, looking at each team member solemnly.


Hyotei and his team responded with a loud “two thirty seven”, and the original running speed increased by one point.

“Haruma, if we can still meet the Mutsu brothers this time, then we must win!”

Taro Yanagida gasped and said.

After losing to the Mutsu brothers last time and being informed by the two that their strength was king, the two began to no longer rely on coherence, but stepped up time to improve their strength.

After more than a month of hard work, the strength of the two has increased significantly.

“Of course!”

“We are Hyotei’s first doubles, how can we keep them winning!

Xiaoshan Chunma replied firmly.

The last defeat made him learn from the pain. If we can meet again this time, they will avenge the defeat of the last time.


“If I can meet Seigaku this time, then the uncle must show his hand Zongshen a good-looking guy!”

Sasobe yelled straightly.

In Zongshen’s first grade, he competed with Zongshen, but Zongshen shaved his head.

So Sabe Junichi naturally did not dare to say this to Zongshen.

But it’s okay to say something privately.


Tsukimitsu Ochi was silent, recalling the match in the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition.

The deprivation of the five senses made him fail miserably, but it also made him stronger.

If the Kanto Contest meets again, he wants to compete with Zongshen.

“Morale available!”

Akuto saw the players’ situation in his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Sometimes, the outcome of a match is not just the ability to win, morale is also a very important factor.

Now Hyotei is so vigorous that he will surely get a good result.

Kanagawa, Rikkai High School.

As the king, Rikkai University is also stepping up time training.

Their 12th consecutive hegemony in the Kanto region is not a game, but a competition through unremitting training.

“If we can make the promotion smoothly, it is very likely that we will meet Seigaku in the finals.”

Tanegashima Shūji said.


“They lost to us last year. Do they still want to win this year?”

The Date man didn’t care.

In his opinion, the Mutsu brothers and Zongshen are worth noting in the whole Seigaku.

As for the others, he is not in his eyes at all.

“Do you think so too?”

Tanegashima Shūji looked at the players and found that their expressions were similar.

Seeing this, Tanegashima shook his head, picked up a pile of materials from the side, and handed it to all the players.

The players were taken aback for a moment, took the information and turned it over.

After reading it, everyone’s face was stunned.

“Irie Kanata was defeated?

The Date man who despised Seigaku at first couldn’t believe it.

He knows Irie’s strength, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the top in the country.

But now he lost to a man named Onijujiro.

He dare to swear that he has never heard of Oni Jujiro’s name.

“Not only that, Akuto also lost to a player named Tokugawa Kazuya!”

Banli also spoke in a deep voice, and saw an unfamiliar name on the material.

“Akuto lost too?”

People from Rikkai hurriedly looked at it and saw a message on the data.

Rikkai and his party, who had been dissatisfied with Seigaku, immediately became serious.

Irie Kanata and Mitsuya Akuto are both powerful people.

But now he lost to two unknown people.

This does not mean that they are weak, only that Seigaku has found two strong rookies.

“It’s really troublesome!”

Omagari held his forehead, a little helpless.

In his opinion, the stronger Seigaku is, the more troublesome it is to match.

“So don’t underestimate Seigaku, this year’s Seigaku is very strong!”

Tanegashima Shūji’s face was no longer random, but rather serious.

There are indications that this year’s Seigaku is more than twice as powerful as last year.

If Rikkai still fights with the mentality of last year, they will only lose in the end


The Rikkai crowd were nodding their heads, putting away their contempt.

Tokyo, Yamabuki.

Irie Kanata is in a match with Tonin.

The tennis ball swiftly shuttled between the two sides, constantly hitting the ground.

“Irie, you said Rokkaku can win against Seigaku?”

After all forbearing to hit the ball back, he couldn’t help but ask again.

“Don’t you have the answer?”

Irie smiled gently. Although Rokkaku is a strong school, it is far from Seigaku now.

“So we are likely to meet in the semifinals?”

Du Ren’s expression was a little serious.


Irie Kanata nodded. They were placed in Group D. There is no strong school in Group D. It can be said that they are completely recommended to the top four.

Once in the semi-finals, the two teams may meet again.

“But I really want to compete with Zongshen!”

Irie smiled, eyes flashing sharply.

Chiba, Rokkaku!

Unbreakable Iron Man sat on the ground with his eyes closed, motionless.

The other members of Rokkaku are as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

After all, their opponent in the next match is Seigaku, the champion of Tokyo, who is strong.

“No, shouldn’t we discuss how to deal with Seigaku now?

Next to him, a very fierce-looking man asked all the players his heart after making a 5.1-low waist movement.

“There is nothing to discuss, match is impermanent, do you think it will proceed as we thought?”


Unbreakable Iron Man opened his eyes, and his pupils flashed with silvery white light.

“makes sense!”

Matsudaira Chikahiko nodded, then turned away.

He doesn’t want to discuss, the reason for asking questions is to help his teammates ask questions.

For him, instead of discussing here, it is better to train as soon as possible.


Matsudaira Chikahiko remembered that he still had three hundred sets of actions to complete.

All schools are preparing, and the day of the Kanto Contest is getting closer.

PS: It feels so difficult to write. Every time I write, I am afraid that the information of the players is correct. After all, the new Prince of Tennis has a brief introduction to the high school students. Time is wasted on this. .

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