Chapter 144 : Dreaming Irie (5/10)

“Game, Seigaku Zongshen, 5–0!”

The whistle blew and the referee announced the result.

Yamabuki’s group fell into complete silence.

After the extinction of the five senses was completed, Irie fell into a state of being unable to hit the ball.

However, in just five minutes, Zongshen won several games in a row, and now the match has come to the end.


in the dark.

Irie Kanata froze in place.

There seemed to be a scourge hidden in the darkness, making him afraid to take a step.

Inevitably, there was a wave of fear in my heart.

“Am I still matching now?”

Irie suddenly remembered something.

This match is about Yamabuki’s victory or defeat. If he loses, then Yamabuki will lose.

“My partner must really hope that Yamabuki can win, right?”

Looking at the darkness in front of me, Irie whispered, and the steps that had been stagnated took the first step.

His companions treat him very well, making him a regular candidate when he was in the first grade.

So he didn’t want to see the disappointed expressions of his companions and companions.

Step on!

With the sound of footsteps, Irie’s spirit fluctuates violently.

He was originally a player with strong spirits, and in the original book, the five dimensions of spirit are as high as 7.

Although the five senses are strong, they have reached their limit.

“I want to get out of this darkness!”

The fear in my heart was slowly overcome by Irie.

He strode into the darkness.

The surrounding darkness slowly disappeared, and a ray of light appeared, instantly lighting up the entire dark place.

There was a sound in my ear, and the long-lost touch also reappeared.

“I recovered!”

Irie opened her eyes sharply, and a sharp flash of light flashed in her eyes.

The Yamabuki team, who had been full of frustration, looked at the scene after seeing this scene.

“The minister is restored?”

“Great, the minister has recovered!”

“We still have the possibility of winning!”

There was a fierce cheer in Yamabuki’s direction.

They did not expect that under such circumstances, Irie Kanata could break away from the five senses and restore the original.


A strange color flashed in Zongshen’s eyes.

I didn’t expect Irie Kanata to get rid of his five senses in the final game.

“However, when the match reaches this point, how do you win!

Zongshen put away his surprise, and continued to swing.


The tennis ball burst out and hit the ground heavily.

Seeing this, Irie Kanata didn’t have the gentleness of the past, but became fierce.


The tennis ball had just bounced back when it was violently beaten back.

A sonic boom sounded, and the tennis ball tore the air, slammed to the ground swiftly, and kept spinning.

Zongshen’s eyes flickered, but did not move.

Instead, waiting for the tennis ball to bounce.


The ball quickly rushed up after spinning on the ground for a while.


Zongshen spoke suddenly with a smile on his face. This expression made the wary Irie stunned: “You should have a sweet dream now!”


When the words fell, the racquet in Zongshen’s hand struck out.

The obscure aura condenses in the entire tennis, and a spiritual force permeates out.

The tennis ball flashed and landed in front of Irie.

Irie Kanata looked at the ball and suddenly felt dizzy.

He shook his head hurriedly to wake himself up.

But he quickly glanced at Zongshen suspiciously.

Because he didn’t feel special from this ball.

No matter how you look at it, this is an ordinary Flat ball.


Racquet waved and knocked the tennis back.

The tennis ball flashed and rushed directly from Zongshen’s side to score.


Irie was taken aback for a moment, but he didn’t expect to score a counterattack.

But he did not underestimate it, thinking it was Zongshen’s strategy.

The match continues.

The match appears upside-down.


“game, Yamabuki Irie Kanata, 5–1! ”



“game, Yamabuki Irie Kanata,5–3!”



“game, Yamabuki Irie Kanata,5–5!”

In just ten minutes, Irie even directly equalized the score.

“In the end what happened?”

Irie felt something wrong.

Because he found that Zongshen seemed to be weakened.

He even lost several games in a row under his attack.

“Perhaps his physical exertion is too great?”

Irie looked at Zongshen.

It was found that Zongshen was breathing heavily and his clothes were soaked in sweat.

Seeing this, he could only attribute the reason to Zongshen’s lack of physical strength.


With the last ball falling, the match ends.

“I won!”

Irie Kanata was still a little worried.

But after seeing the last ball fall, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Referee, announce that the match is over!”

Zongshen stood on the court, glanced at Irie Kanata, turned and walked off the court.


Irie Kanata opened his eyes.

But his eyes lost their focus, and the whole person stood in place, motionless.

He seemed to be in a dream.

In his dream, he seemed to see what he wanted to see.

A smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

“…” Irie, have your dream autumn and beautiful dream!”

“I won this match!’

Zongshen whispered and walked away.

This trick is called Dreamland!

Through mental attacks, let the opponent see illusory things, thereby producing hallucinations, just like dreaming.

Irie’s victory just now.

It’s just what he saw and heard in his dreams.

In reality, he stood still and lost any resistance.

“Spiritual skills again!”

Oni Jujiro’s eyes couldn’t help but show a touch of amazement.

The elimination of the five senses, spiritual oppression, and the current dream.

No matter which one (has it been good), the trick is powerful and terrible.

Irie Kanata first fell into the five senses, but when he was sober, he fell into a dream.

From beginning to end Irie didn’t know how he lost.

“The first person in mental tennis!”

Tokugawa Kazuya spoke.

In the entire middle school class, there is probably no one who can match Zongshen in spirit.

Even Tsukimitsu Ochi, known as the spiritual assassination, is a far cry.

Soon, referee’s verdict resounded throughout the audience.

“The semi-final of the semi-final of the Kanto Contest, Seigaku vs. Yamabuki, 3 to 0, Seigaku won!”

All the members of Seigaku cheered immediately.

But Yamabuki’s group was full of disappointment.

When Irie Kanata got rid of the five senses, they thought that the match might still win.

But with the appearance of the dream, their thoughts were completely shattered.

Yamabuki eventually lost.

Seigaku also successfully entered the final of the Kanto Contest. .

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