Chapter 1481 : Light and Shadow (New Book Prince of Tennis: Rikkai Da)

Especially Tetsuya Kuroko Tetsuya, they watched the match and couldn’t find the person.

“These people are really too strong!”

The initial worries of the three were also dispelled, and they began to fear that these four people would be bullied. It now appears that these four people are bullying five people.

In the eyes of others, it was a five-person suppressed match, but the crowd was suppressed.

It was more than five o’clock in the afternoon, and it only took them ten minutes to knock all these people down.

Five people lay on the ground, and Luo Luo was panting.

This is a shame for them. They originally wanted to use Basketball to suppress others, but they were completely suppressed by others!

“Too, too good!” The white-clothed boy couldn’t help but said.

The four of them took their clothes and walked slowly away under the sunset.

Walking to a remote corner, Kagami Taiga began to roar: “What exactly did you want to do? Anyway, there is nothing left. We are wasting so much time here again.”

“Do you really think you will win if you fight them?

“I will be beaten down 100%.” ​​Tetsuya Kuroko is also very clear about his strength.

The more he understands others on court, the more he understands himself.

Even if it is the four of them, if they really fight, they are not necessarily opponents. After all, Tetsuya Kuroko’s strength can be directly ruled out. It is a bit difficult to play three against five.

Little Tetsuya Kuroko said, raising his arm, and said, “Look at my shy biceps.”

Kagami Taiga continued to growl: “It’s not okay at all, right?”

Zongshen said: “Sometimes, some things don’t require too many reasons. Whether you can win, whether you are willing to make a move is two different things.”

Seeing the captain said this, Kagami Taiga stopped talking.

Kise Ryota said: “Well, since everything is over, I should leave too.”

He came here this time to ask Tetsuya Kuroko again if he wants to be with him.

“Little Tetsuya Kuroko is really enviable sometimes…!”

“I just think they did a little too much, so I wanted to teach them a lesson.,

Kise Ryota nodded, but seeing his current teammates, suddenly felt that being with these people is also a happy thing.

“This is the path you chose yourself. I hope you can go down. They are very good.

Zongshen also said: “Everyone’s path is different. This is not given by God, but we are looking for it. It is better to be strong than to be depressed.”

This is what he told Kise Ryota.

If this person’s strength is trained well, it will definitely not only be the case at present, it may be that it has been slackened recently.

“I see.” Kise Ryota smiled while holding the clothes.

“It’s very satisfying to be able to have a match with little Tetsuya Kuroko in the end.”

His team is also good, with a captain and other players who love him.

Just like what he said, everyone in this world chooses their own way. Since they have chosen, there is no reason to regret it.

Although he likes his current teammates very much, junior high school life is when he really loves Basketball and is the beginning of his basketball career.

“By the way, Little Tetsuya Kuroko, Little Zongshen, Little Kagami, I will definitely avenge you at that time, waiting for me!” Kise Ryota suddenly turned around and said.

“Little Kagami?!”

Kagami Taiga heard this new name and said it was terrible.

Tetsuya Kuroko said: “He likes to add a small letter before the name of the person he recognizes. Congratulations, it is recognized.”

“By the way, I don’t need his approval at all, okay?!”

Kise Ryota turned around again: “You must not lose in the qualifiers.”

Kagami Taiga can’t wait to send him away.

But today’s match has really gained a lot.

Tetsuya Kuroko said: “You said that we will always play Basketball on court and continue to match?”

“I think Kise Ryota, I’ll talk about parting ways or something next.”

“This may also be a big problem currently facing.”

Kagami said indifferently: “By the way, we are not like-minded at all. Anyway, we are now in the same team.”

Tetsuya Kuroko also looked at Kagami.

He was carrying the sunlight at this moment and his body was covered with a layer of gold. From him, the whole person was radiating light.

“Your path is with light and shadow! What else to worry about, we are already there!”

Kagami Taiga’s words can be regarded as “confession” and a yearning for the future.

He didn’t think he would fall on the current road. If this is the case, it would be better not to start.

Zongshen said: “Light and shadow are at the same time, everyone will shine, everyone will also have shadows, and the road is different. One of you is light and the other is shadow. Together, you are a complete individual.

It is a complete individual.

This sentence sounds a bit contradictory. If it is complete, why should it involve the individual.

Zongshen didn’t know why he said such words.

For this world, he is probably the only person who can pass the prophet.

Because of this, he knows things that many people don’t know.

This sentence also popped out of my mind.

Everyone is an independent individual. Kagami Taiga and Tetsuya Kuroko are two individuals, but when they are together, the energy they radiate is not just as simple as an individual.

The two talents on court are truly complete.

“…1 Stop talking, we should go back now!”

Indeed, at this time Aida Riko has been looking for them crazy.

In the end, everyone came to this street Basketball Court.

“You are not allowed to act without my permission in the future.” Aida Riko was very angry at what these players did today.

If anyone in the team has an accident, it is her responsibility.

“Everything is over (Wang Zhao)!” Kagami Taiga put his hand on Tetsuya Kuroko’s head and walked leisurely.

Tetsuya Kuroko also shrugged helplessly: “No, everything has just begun.”

Aida Riko said to Zongshen: “What happened to you just now?”

Zongshen was there thoughtful, and was suddenly interrupted by Aida Riko: “Light is looking for his shadow. At this moment, they are completely together. Everything is over and it is the beginning.”

This sentence is even more so.

Aida Riko simply stopped asking.

For him, the mystery of everyone in this team is put together, and there is no stronger mystery than Zongshen alone.

Zongshen must have a secret she doesn’t know.

The team members walked on the road and went home.

Soon it will be the days of the national league. They don’t have a long time. For them, the time is currently the most and the least.

After all, the real match is about to begin. .

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