Chapter 1496 : Defend of Tsugawagawa! (New book Prince of Tennis: Rikkai)

As soon as Zongshen’s voice fell, his body moved, and Jinchuan was surprised by the opponent’s speed before he could answer.

“What’s this possible?”

Just when he thought he would be able to defend the captain of this team, the situation immediately reversed in the next second.

Their strength does not seem to be on the same level.

As the team leader, Iwamura was always observing the situation at this moment. At the moment Zongshen moved, the bad premonition in his heart came again.

I don’t know why, he always feels that this match is different from usual, and their chances of losing are gradually increasing.

Aida Riko also cheered: “How come I have such a strong self-confidence, it turns out that there is still so much strength hidden.”

What is Zongshen’s strength, she doesn’t know, this person seems to have no limits, no matter how strong opponents he encounters on court, he can confront him head-on.

There is also a gap between genius and genius, and this person is obviously the genius among geniuses.

After thinking about it, I can’t help but sigh, “How many things do you have? I don’t know yet.”

The secrets of others must not be “severely tortured to extract a confession.”

Everyone has the right to say and not to say.

The situation on the field was fleeting. At the beginning of the match, Zhengbang still had the advantage.

Unexpectedly, Zongshen’s sudden shot caused an immediate change in the situation on the court. The reason why Zongshen didn’t use all his strength at the beginning of the match was because he had his own ideas.

If the team relies on him, at least there will be no opponents before the qualifiers.

Even with some strong opponents, you can easily win.

However, if everything depends on him, then this team has no meaning to exist.

If he is strong alone, he may defeat some people, but he certainly cannot defeat everyone.

Only let your teammates improve in the match and make their team more harmonious, there is a further possibility.

Kagami Taiga and Tetsuya Kuroko Tetsuya, to put it bluntly, they just met for a short time. No matter how talented they are, it will take only a month to know each other.

If there are two people who have the same strength as them, and they have been training together for a year or two, at least they can definitely be defeated easily.

Potential and talent are important, but sometimes hard work and the fermentation of time can also make an item qualitatively change.

For example, cultural relics, the qualitative changes brought about by thousands of years will double his worth.

Although Zongshen usually doesn’t speak, he has been paying attention to his players and thought of many ways to help them improve during the period.

But the best way to improve is to pass a match on your own to check for missing holes.

The first match ended soon.

In the opening four minutes, their scores had already differed by a dozen points, but the next scene was beyond the understanding of all the audience.

For them, this match is a bit funny.

The perfect advantage created in the first few minutes was completely equalized by just one person in the last few minutes.

No, when the last second fell, Zongshen made another three-pointer. In other words, he played against a team alone in the past few minutes and gained a three-point advantage.

It’s so horrible, Aida Riko can’t find other adjectives.

He doesn’t know if it is good or bad for such a person to join the team, but judging from the current situation, Zongshen seems to be able to create a miracle.

Everyone in the audience sighed, and the scene that happened before them made them dare not think about it.

Because this is a national high school qualifier, most of the people who come to watch the match are students and their families.

After seeing this situation, they thoughtfully asked themselves, can such a thing be done on the court? Obviously impossible.

Invisible, this person left an indelible impression on their hearts.

“When was there such a strong person in this team? I didn’t have it last year. Seeing him participate in the match, is it a newbie in the first grade, but I never heard of him in junior high school.”

Such a person is a genius everywhere, and it is absolutely impossible to be an unknown person.

“He is a member who has a crush on you, but he didn’t participate in the match a year ago and has been training. I didn’t expect this to be the killer bronze of this school.”

If Zongshen is really likened to killer copper, he is probably a killer copper that can earthshaking.

Kise Ryota said: “Why is there a feeling? He has improved a lot in such a short period of time.”

Zhengbang College is a very good school, because most of their students are of mediocre talents, but with their own efforts, they have developed a new basketball model, so that all self-proclaimed geniuses will eat cancer for it. .

They integrated Basketball into Guwu.

It sounds like a mysterious thing, but this captain really did it.

With strong physical fitness and a new nuclear model, they developed a new tactic.

It is precisely because of the emergence of new tactics that the three kings and the three-legged situation have been established.

“”1 Maybe when he matched with us, he didn’t give his full strength at all. “The person next to Kise Ryota said.

Although this result is a bit angry, the current situation is like this.

How can a person’s strength soar in such a short period of time? The best explanation is that he has never used his full strength.

“Then do you think he is using all his strength now?”

Kise Ryota looked at Zongshen.

The expression of the latter is as plain as usual, even if Match has gained an advantage, it has not changed, just like an old man.

It is really hard to imagine that this person is only a teenager.

As far as the mind is concerned, he is probably the same as the old people playing chess in the long pavilion, on the side of the road.

“Why is there always an intuition that tells me that his current strength is not in his complete state.”

(Take Zhao Zhao) “Don’t talk about you, even mine feels like this.”

The two looked at each other and smiled awkwardly.

Regarding such people as opponents, I don’t know if it is a good thing or a bad thing.

“After we go back, let’s train well, otherwise it will be really bad once it tastes bad when we wait for the real national competition.”

“I’m afraid the captain will knock us flat at that time!”

After thinking about the consequences, they decided to train hard immediately after returning.

Zongshen never thought that this would happen.

At the beginning, he just wanted to motivate his players to train, but he didn’t expect to motivate Kise Ryota and the others by the way.

In the high school era, a new miracle seems to be rising, no one can see, but destiny is pointing in a new direction.

Although the Generation of Miracles is powerful, it has become history. As history changes, new miracles will also appear. .

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