Chapter 1542 : Lose Aomine Daiki

Aomine Daiki has fallen into a dilemma.

If you choose to slam dunk, the opponent will find a chance, and he will not be able to defend the opponent’s attack.

At this moment, the shortcomings of his Basketball skills are completely revealed.

Defend is always effective, like their pure offensive method, if the strength cannot be completely suppressed, it will be suppressed in the first place.

Just like Zhengbang, the reason why they can go to the end is because of their strong defending ability.

But too much attention to defend is not enough. A truly strong team must be an integrated offensive and defensive team.

Zongshen was panting heavily, sweat dripping from his forehead, and evaporating from the rapid movement.

His stamina has been completely exhausted.

This kind of high-intensity running can make people breathless in one minute, not to mention persisting for so long.

It was not the body but the will that supported him during this period of time.

“Sure enough, this mode is very labor intensive, the first time I went in, I still felt a little uncomfortable.”

Zongshen was exhausted, but at the moment he was extremely excited.

This model made him feel powerful, stronger than ever before.

Since he feels tired 207, the other party will definitely not be well.

Because his training method is a combination of offense and defense, he keeps breathing even though he is very fast during exercise.

But Aomine Daiki is not like that.

His philosophy is to fight a team with his powerful strength. In this case, coupled with his fast dribble and pass, his body has reached a limit.

Aomine Daiki’s eyes were bloodshot, staring at Zongshen.

“I can, and I can beat you!”

Just when he was about to sprint, his body trembled suddenly.

There was severe pain in the arm, which was already unbearable in the current state.

“I must persevere, and I can persevere.

Aomine Daiki hinted to himself again and again, but when he took the first step, his body fell down with a bang.

Momoi immediately asked for time out.

She didn’t want to see this scene.

She had seen this scene just now, but she didn’t stop it, because if she stopped, the other party would not obey her orders.

Instead of doing this, let him have a taste of failure.

Maybe this kind of feeling (cffc) feels very uncomfortable, but sometimes people have to experience some failures to truly grow.

There is one minute left when the match time is out.

Aomine Daiki struggled on the ground to stand up, “I can still match.”

As soon as his arm touched the ground and wanted to support it, he felt severe pain and fell to the ground again.

The difficult movement at the beginning caused his body to suffer a lot of damage, and it broke out completely at this moment.

Zongshen came to him: “If you don’t get treatment right now, you won’t even have a chance to match me in the future.”

“I’m okay, I can continue to match!”

At this time, Aomine Daiki’s players gathered around to see how his injury was.

“Don’t move, your body is very fragile now, although I don’t understand what just happened, but you can’t continue to match.”

The captain of their team said.

Aomine Daiki pushed everyone’s hands away: “Leave me alone, you continue to defend, I can still match, we can still continue to match.”

Momoi also rushed over at this time. Behind her was the doctor on the court.

The doctor brought the stretcher, and soon, with the help of everyone, carried Aomine Daiki onto the stretcher.

Aomine Daiki still wants to resist, but he also knows his physical condition and it is impossible to continue.

At this time, Zongshen’s physical strength has also reached its limit. After the match time out, he also retreated from that mode.

“The match is not over yet, you should take a rest at the back and let the doctor take a look at your body, and leave the rest to us.” The captain said to Aomine Daiki.

At this moment, Aomine Daiki thought of the previous match days.

At the beginning, he also fought with his team members on the front line, and each team helped each other out.

Later, it was himself who chose another path.

Now that so many people care about him suddenly, his heart is a little shaken, and his heart that has not been influenced for a long time warms up again.

Momoi said: “Go to see the doctor first, leave the match here to me, and I will save the second half match.

The manager made such a guarantee, and Aomine Daiki nodded.

He knows how capable this person is. As long as he wants to win a match, he will never fail.

After all, the success of Generation of Miracles has a lot to do with this person.

“Then I beg you.

Aomine Daiki suddenly said this, which surprised everyone.

The latter has, no, never said such a thing.

Since he became the strongest person on the court, he has become a maverick, and no one can integrate into his collective.

Momoi knew that this time he won and really won.

“Thank you!” she said softly in a subtle tone.

Zongshen seemed to have heard it: “Don’t thank you for shooting.

The match just time out, and Zongshen completely retreated from that mode at this moment.

The body’s weakness is very strong.

As if all his power had been emptied in an instant, he couldn’t do anything now.

Aida Riko came up: “Can you continue to match? Do you want to substitute?”

She took a look at Zongshen’s data, and his physical condition was obviously terrible.

After such a harsh match, it is also an extremely high load on the body.

Although it seems to others only a few minutes, but for them, it is as long as a century.

“Let me create a win at the last minute, I can still support it now.”

Zongshen did not choose to back down.

He didn’t want to retreat, but just withdrew from that state. He now wants to truly feel the physical condition, and he can definitely take his strength to the next level.

At the last minute, the match continued.

After Aomine Daiki retired, he was replaced by a new player.

Looking at the situation on the match court, Momoi said silently in his heart: “Although thank you very much, I still hope that this match can be won.”

Originally, she thought it was okay to lose, but seeing Aomine Daiki’s eyes, her heart softened.

The players have indeed given a lot of things up to now, and it is obviously unacceptable to let them fail in this way.

If this is the case, I will accompany them again to see what they can achieve.

There is only one minute left before the end of the first half match, and the match begins. .

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