Chapter 163 :Publish the cover of the newspaper (7/7)

“The Kanto Contest finals are over, Seigaku won, please congratulate the team members!”

The referee blew the whistle.

The players from both sides shook hands with each other, led by Zongshen and Tanegashima to the net.


Tanegashima Shūji stretched out his hand, looking a little complicated.

Although a little unwilling, he admitted that he indeed lost.

“Thank you, looking forward to fighting with you again!”

Zongshen also looked serious.

“Most definitely!”

Tanegashima nodded. Although he lost the match, he was not discouraged.

If the national competition meets, then Rikkai University will definitely challenge Seigaku as a challenger.

The two teams salute, and the final of the Kanto Contest came to an end.

In the afternoon, the match of the loser group ended.

The six places for the Kanto Contest will be determined, and the closing ceremony will be held at the same time.

“I announce that the Kanto Competition of the National Middle School Tennis League is officially closed!”

Officials from the Sports Section stood in front of all the teams and spoke loudly.

At the same time announce the ranking of each team.

The third place is Hyotei.

Tsukimitsu Ochi silently walked onto the stage and took the medal for the third place.

Although it is third, it is not bad for Hyotei, so Hyotei’s people are not lost.

“Now, please come to the stage for the runner-up-Rikkai!’

The person in charge spoke again.

Tanegashima Shūji calmly walked onto the stage and took the runner-up medal.

Rikkai’s 263 players were a little frustrated.

Because they are the kings of Kanto 12th consecutive hegemony, but today they only got the runner-up, and the winning streak was terminated.

This contrast makes them feel inexplicable.

The expressions of everyone around him were a little strange.

Because at this time in previous years, Rikkai was mostly the last one, and then took the championship gold medal.

But this year has changed.

The champion is no longer.

Tanegashima Shūji felt everyone’s gaze, and silently walked down without saying a word.

Everyone shook their heads when they saw this, and then looked at the same place at the same time.

Because the champion of Kanto will soon be on the stage!

Before the person in charge could speak, all the members of Seigaku cheered.

“King Seigaku!”

“Kanto Champion!”

“Long live!!

Cheers went straight into the sky, and Zongshen also walked towards the podium under the eyes of the public, and took the gold medal from the person in charge.

“We finally won the Kanto Championship!”

The Mutsu brothers sighed.

They have been waiting for this championship for too long.

The hard work and hardships made during this period is beyond everyone’s imagination.

“we are the champion!”

Zongshen looked at the players in the audience and raised the trophies and medals high.

“we are the champion!!!

All the members of Seigaku trembled with excitement when they heard this, and then yelled at the same time.


Seigaku has won the Kanto Contest!

A year ago, they also lost to Rikkai University, and finally entered the loser group to get the tickets for the national competition.

This year Seigaku regrouped and finally defeated an opponent who was previously invincible.

Seigaku has created a miracle.

The cheers did not stop, and tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The closing ceremony came to an end.

The teams from various universities left one after another.

Next will be the national competition and the final finals.

The national competition will be held on August 17.

There is still one month away from the national competition.

“Winning the championship is worth celebrating, so I invite everyone to eat barbecue tonight!

Zongshen looked at all the players and smiled.

“Long live!”

“Long live Minister Zongshen!”

When the team members heard this, they cheered.

Seeing this, Zongshen waved his hand and led the players away.

“Mr Zongshen, wait a minute!”

At this moment, a cry sounded, making Zongshen’s footsteps stagnant.

He turned his head to look, and saw Inoue Mamoru and a woman trotting over.

Seigaku’s victory in the Kanto Contest is big news, so the two wanted to interview Zongshen.

“Is Mr. Inoue looking for something to do with me?”

Zongshen stopped (cffb) after seeing that it was Mori Inoue.

“That’s right, we want to conduct an interview with Mr. Zongshen.”

Inoue Mamoru did not shudder, and directly stated his purpose.


Zongshen was taken aback, then nodded, waiting for the other party’s question.

“Not this interview!”

“I want to invite Mr. Zongshen to participate in an interview with Tokyo newspapers!”

Seeing this, Inoue Mamoru waved his hand quickly.


Before Zongshen could react, Shiba Saori screamed.

Tokyo newspaper interviews and interviews are fundamentally different.

Because the people interviewed will be the cover characters of this monthly magazine.

The Tokyo Newspaper is the number one newspaper in Japan, and those who can be the cover of the monthly magazine are all people with great prestige.

But now Inoue Mamoru wants to invite Zongshen to conduct a press interview?

This made her feel incredible.

“Zongshen-san, there is only one person who has appeared on the cover of Tokyo newspapers in tennis, and that is the samurai Nanjiro ten years ago!”

“So I hope Mr. Zongshen can agree!”

Inoue Mamoru explained.

He is really optimistic about Zongshen and thinks that Zongshen will become the next samurai Nanjiro.

That’s why he fights for this opportunity for Zongshen.

“Publish in the newspapers?!”

All of Seigaku’s players stared.

They are usually very happy to be interviewed by reporters.

But now Zongshen is going to publish it?

And is it the most famous newspaper in the country?


Zongshen was stunned when he heard this.

He has no opinion on publications.

However, he knew that once he appeared in the Tokyo newspaper, it would be equivalent to an invisible advertisement for Seigaku.

This is beneficial to the tennis club without any harm.


Thinking of this, Zongshen nodded.

“Okay, the interview will be three days later, does Mr. Zongshen have time?”

Seeing Zongshen’s promise, Inoue Mamoru hurriedly asked.


Zongshen nodded.

The members of Seigaku saw Zongshen’s promise and were even more excited than Zongshen himself.

“The minister is going to be on the cover of the newspaper!”

“It’s amazing!”

“Hey, I don’t know if I have this kind of opportunity!”

“Forget it, don’t think about it.

Everyone is talking, because this is a Tokyo newspaper.

I heard Inoue Mamoru said that only the legendary samurai has been published in the entire tennis world, and Zongshen is the second one.

Echizen Nanjiro is a professional player, while Zongshen is just a middle school student.

Middle school students published newspapers that even active professional players could not.

Once the report goes out, Zongshen’s name will surely become famous all over the country. .

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