Chapter 1675 : An irresistible force

Tetsuya Kuroko also sat on the chair, watching the match.

His legs kept moving, and he didn’t know where to put his hands, waiting for the match to start!

He didn’t have to participate in the match, he was a little impatient.

The match between the two parties is on the verge.

This time Zongshen and Kise Ryota face each other.

Zongshen held the Basketball he just got in his hands. At the beginning of the game, Basketball came into his hands.

“Without a chance, you can’t surpass me now!”

He stood straight in front of Zongshen, without making a defending gesture.

If it is normal, Zongshen only needs to turn around easily to pass this person.

But now, it is not easy to try, the other party is likely to enter the zone.

His attention is very concentrated. In this state, all your things are invisible, and the shortcomings of dribble will be infinitely magnified.

So what we have to do now is not only to attack, but also to find a way to deal with this model.

Zongshen looked at Kise Ryota in front of him, and his momentum rose a little.

Aida Riko looked at the data of the two people in surprise.

Zongshen is the same as before. When he enters zone mode, the data on his body 25 grows like a blowout, and he can’t see it clearly in an instant.

Basketball in Zongshen’s hands beats again and again.

Huang Ze Ryota still stood there straight, without making any response, leaving Zongshen to look for opportunities.

“Zone mode? There has never been a duel with such a person. It must be a very interesting match.”

At this time, Zongshen also successfully entered the zone.

His eyes are not the blood red after entering the zone mode, but the clear red.

In this state, no one was disturbed in his will, and his actions flowed smoothly.

“Everything really begins now.”

The dribble in Zongshen’s hands is getting faster and faster, and it is almost after images appear, and the audience on the court can’t see it clearly.

Kise Ryota still stood motionless, both of them were looking for opportunities.

They were in a stalemate on court for twenty seconds. This kind of thing confuses the audience.

Obviously it should be the most exciting stage of match, and it suddenly became like this.

Under everyone’s gaze, Zongshen shot.

He didn’t use a special dribble method, basketball down pass, completed a cross over, and then his body was ready to break through.

This is the script he thought of.

However, before completing the first action, an unexpected thing happened.

As soon as the Basketball in his hand reached the position of his chest, Kise Ryota’s hand suddenly moved.

He patted Basketball with a light palm.

Both people looked surprised at the same time.

Zongshen was surprised because the other party was able to understand everything. There were no shortcomings in his movement just now, fast and quick response, the other party still found a way to crack it.

Kise Ryota was even more shocked.

The two people were evenly matched in an instant duel.

Because the current Basketball is not in anyone’s hands, he flew to the delay.

At this time, as long as who gets Basketball, whoever has the initiative.

Kise Ryota just wanted to take a shot, but Zongshen suddenly blocked him, relying on his height advantage to prevent him from taking a shot.

At this time, Kagami had already risen in the air.

When Basketball reached the highest point of delay, he got Basketball with his jumping ability.

He didn’t choose to dunk this ball, the distance is too far, he is now in the mid-court position.

The distance of the three-point line is his limit.

At present, several other people in the team are being defended. If he returns to the ground, he will definitely be passive.

Without any hesitation, he chose to trust his captain and handed over Basketball to Zongshen.

Zongshen won Basketball again. After the action just now, he has learned the power of zone.

“Since you have seen my tricks, you should understand that any attack will have no effect on me. You can only admit defeat.”

Kise Ryota suppressed the surprise in his heart and said calmly.

“There is nothing in this world that cannot be defeated, not even you.”

Zongshen moved, the same movement as before, without any change.

The audience didn’t understand the meaning of doing this action, because just now, this method has failed, which means that this approach will not work.

Aida Riko also wondered: “Why use this method again?”

The answer is all in the next action.

Kise Ryota’s eyes locked on Zongshen.

Zongshen’s seemingly ordinary dribble contains extraordinary power. Starting from dribble, all the strengths in his body are very balanced and there is no flaw.

“How can it be?”

Huang Yan Ryota still couldn’t believe what was in front of him. He had never encountered such an opponent before.

“There is nothing impossible in this world.

In the first test just now, he already understood the opponent’s strength, and he didn’t have a second chance to stop his own ball.

This is Zongshen’s absolute confidence in strength.

The Basketball in hand runs according to the mind, cross over, and then turn around to sprint.

Kise Ryota’s hand is the same as before, slowly reaching out. In the eyes of others, his speed is very slow, but he came to the front of Basketball first.

Basketball’s hand should have been touched, but nothing was intercepted.

Zongshen just made a tiny move to pull Basketball back.

As long as there are no flaws in the process, there will be no chance for Fanggen’s 290 books.

After Zongshen made the breakthrough, he immediately sprinted to the rebound.

Nomada Kazunori made the final defend under the rebound.

Seeing Kise Ryota’s breakthrough, he also made all the preparations.

Zongshen came to the backboard alone, leaped slightly, Nomada Kazuka also followed closely, and the two met in delay.

Two people make the most classic confrontation posture in delay. They hold Basketball at the same time. At this time, whoever has the most power will be the winner.

“How could I lose to you than strength!”

Nomada has absolute confidence in his own strength, how could he lose to Zongshen in front of him.

“Sometimes blind arrogance is not a good thing.”

His current state can be said to surpass the stage of a mortal. If no one can reach the same state, he is a well-deserved god on the court.

Nomada Kazuki didn’t understand what was going on, he felt a powerful force from the Basketball end.

This is an irresistible force.

Confronting him, I can’t afford confidence at all.

“How did this person train?!”

At this moment, a question arose in his heart.

This kind of strength is not something that ordinary people can achieve, and those who have been training strength are very likely to be unable to achieve it.

At the beginning of the match, his heart collapsed and he was kicked and destroyed by this absolute power.

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