Chapter 1883 : Fate War (4)

Whoever gets Basketball gets the initiative.

Zongshen accelerated instantly.

In terms of explosive power, few can compare with him.

Fish lives are far from it.

Seeing that he could not catch up, he directly chose to defend.

At the same time, his will on the court is gradually losing ground.

Zongshen used his personal strength to perfectly explain what a genius is.

If three people cannot be sent to stop, then they must be the losers.

But three people were sent, and the other team members couldn’t defend.

It is impossible for Xiandao alone to stop him.

Zongshen won Basketball unexpectedly.

Seeing the defending Yuzhu in front of him, he smiled lightly, and his body’s momentum changed at this moment.

God’s hand field!

This is different from the Emperor Eye of the previous world, it adds momentum.

Zongshen himself conquered these people with “four, two, seven” with strength, and now the momentum has suddenly increased, and several people in Lingnan High School have no courage to make a move.

Aida Yayoi said in surprise: “Why do you feel that something has changed?

“He seems to be a different person!” said the man beside him.

“It belongs to the aura of the king.

Aida Yayoi uses two words to describe it-the king!

That invisible aura has subconsciously conquered everyone.

Zongshen took Basketball and shot directly.

His movements are extremely fast.

Yuzhu had been sluggish for just a moment, but he hadn’t reacted yet.

By the time he reacted, Basketball had already flown over his head.

Sky hook, score!

Zongshen said: “On the match court, don’t be distracted.”

Distracted? This kind of situation doesn’t happen to players like Yuzhu!

He was just shocked by Zongshen’s aura.

At that moment, I couldn’t bring up any desire to shoot at all.

Coach Anxi also looked at Zongshen in surprise.

There are so many crazy things about this little guy.

The match continues.

Just after the goal was scored, Zongshen led the players to launch a wave of attacks.

The cooperation of the several players was perfect, and the movements were not muddled in the slightest.

This wonderful pass was discussed in advance by them.

The role is to break the opponent’s formation.

Zongshen took the lead, and Akagi Gangxian assisted, and the players set the formation instantly.

The people in the Xiangbei High School team jumped frequently, and Basketball quickly spread in their hands. In the end, Takanori Akagi made a lore.

The audience screamed frantically.

The scene just now was really exciting for the senses.

The Sakuragi Legion is also unbelievable. The scene of the Sakuragi Flower Road was very useful.

“What happened just now, Sakuragi actually works. He seems to be getting stronger now. He didn’t even know how to dribble before, but now he can take shots!”

“Yeah, did Sakuragi Huadao drank stimulants today? Why are you so strong?”

“Our team is too strong, and Sakuragi Huadao is suddenly so accurate?”

When they gather together, this group of players is definitely the strongest combat power.

Aida Yayoi said: “An era is really coming, and the previous era will eventually end.”

Her Rong Zhi’s eyes had already seen everything.

Hand Zongshen, a powerful and all-around player, is not a defeat.

A few simple words can already sum up everything about him.

Takaken Akagi, with very strong physical fitness, loves Basketball very much, offensively and defensively, the opponent is afraid of.

Rukawa Feng, a genius player, has been famous for a long time, and his strength is unfathomable.

Sakuragi Flower Road, judging from today’s performance, he has been able to be alone, not only in physical fitness, but also in technical aspects.

Miyagi Ryota, the ace guard, is not tall enough, so he can get his skills together.

Mitsui Kotobuki, a top player, his strength is recognized by everyone.

With this group of players, they have never feared any team.

The real strong never fear pain or challenge, but enjoy the process of conquering.

The audience has been talking on court.

“Too strong! I remember that this high school was very average last year. I didn’t expect it to be reborn this time. It is worthy of being the dark horse of the biggest match.”

“Judging from their strength just now, this time the championship has been set, and I believe they can perform miracles.

“Not only in terms of personal strength, their cooperation is also extremely brilliant, it is hard to imagine that many members of this team are newcomers.”

Any one of the players has a strong control over Basketball, and may not be enough in some aspects, but these will become stronger and stronger over time.

Coach Anxi nodded and said, “The players are very good!”

“The captain’s strength is really too strong. I still can’t see him. I don’t know how such a person came to our team.” Said Inoue Caizi.

The more she thought about it, the more surprised she became. Zongshen could definitely go to a strong team.

Anxi said, “Don’t worry about the others, as long as you know that he is one of us and will accompany us to the end.”

On the field, Lingnan High School did not expect the situation just now.

The instant explosive power of this team is so strong.

Xiandao frowned and said, “They have improved again in this period of time!”

The last three minutes.

Time is faster than expected, and the scores of the two sides have been pulled apart by a small part.

Xiangbei High School has achieved a huge advantage in this situation, which is very terrifying.

The commentator said: “The first match was hosted by me. Before that, I never thought that this team would go to the present.

“He has created miracles for us and brought us many wonderful matches along the way.”

The game was fierce, and two and a half minutes passed quickly.

There is still the last half minute.

The match in the third quarter has become the climax of the audience.

In the last half minute, everyone is also looking forward to more exciting things happening.

Yuzhu got Basketball, without Zongshen’s blocking bar, his strength has been 100% in front of everyone.

Not only is Field Goal’s high accuracy, but also his physical flexibility and jumping ability are very powerful.

His performance is once again worthy of the name of genius.

Last time!

Akagi was standing under 5.2 of the basket, waiting. For him, being able to stand on the final stage is also the best end of high school life.

This is a wonderful basketball world, and every time he encounters a strong opponent, he is excited and excited.

There are many powerful teammates in this world, and he has also found someone he can trust.

This comes at a price. If you are not strong enough, you will become the object of being devalued and criticized by others.

Sometimes, the loss is more than the gain.

However, as long as you make up your mind and have a belief that you will not admit defeat, there should be nothing you can’t do.

Yuzhu quickly came under the basket.

Sakuragi Flower Road and Mitsui Shou’s blockade did not achieve the desired effect.

In the end, it was still a confrontation between two people.

“Which one do you think will win this ball?”.

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