Chapter 1892 : New staff arrangement

“I hope you can understand my approach!”

Zongshen looked at the players.

Because of his existence, this team can easily win.

He stopped the opponent’s main force every time.

However, this is not a good thing.

The overall strength of the players has also declined because of his appearance, as well as mentally.

In the first thirty minutes, he has helped the team to a win-win ending.

If they couldn’t even maintain this advantage in the last ten minutes, Zongshen would have nothing to do.

In the match field, the duel between the two sides ~ started.

Zongshen was not on the court, Akagi Gangxian carried the-beam.

He is the former captain of the team, and he is also very experienced in terms of experience and skills.

The players took him as the center and arranged a triangle tactic.

Akagi got Basketball at the start.

Xiandao defended in front of him.

The current main players of the two teams are standing together again.

Xian Dao’s inner anger was extremely angry.

The captain of the opposing team didn’t pay attention to him at all, otherwise he wouldn’t end at this time.

“We haven’t lost yet!”

Akagi Gangxian stared at him, and had no choice to break through immediately.

Because he said a word to the players in the few seconds before going on the field.

“Don’t confront them head-on!

The players did not play tricks at this moment, and kept this sentence in their hearts.

“The captain was there just now, and now it’s our match.”

After Akagi finished speaking, he even threw the ball aside.

From the beginning, he didn’t plan to face the main captain face to face.

The team has achieved such a big advantage, it only needs to stabilize the advantage.

Sakuragi Flower Road is ready.

The moment Basketball appeared, he hugged him tightly.

The predator-like outbreak of vicious dogs cannot be stopped by ordinary people.

After he came into contact with Basketball, he immediately began to use the frog dribble.

This kind of dribble method of opening and closing is especially suitable for him who is carefree.

The dribble method does not conflict with him.

Yuzhu didn’t keep up with him for an instant.

At the beginning they were all shocked by the strength of the captain, forgetting that the other players were also extremely strong.

It’s just that they can’t emit their own light under the cover of absolute light.

Now, it can be regarded as liberating their nature.

Sakuragi Flower Road dribble and quickly reached under the rebound.

The fish stopped several times to no avail, but did not get away from him.

Sakuragi Flower Road jumped directly, shot.

His choice is very decisive.

Yuzhu smiled at this time and followed closely.

Although Sakuragi’s dribble has a very good effect, because no one is defending, once it comes to delay, it will not have much effect.

After removing the dribble method, his experience is still insufficient. At this point, he will easily be blocked by others.

“You are fooled!” Yuzhu patted horizontally with both hands.

As long as you hit Basketball, everyone will have a chance for the next point.

“It is not me who is really fooled, but you!”

Sakuragi Hanado, who was taking a shot, did not think of the shot but threw Basketball behind him from delay.

This scene puzzled everyone.

There was a chance for this ball suddenly, but throwing it back was a bit weird.


At the moment when everyone was like this, one person jumped up.

Mitsui Kotobuki!

He received Basketball at delay.

“Not good!” Yuzhu also knew the other party’s methods.

But he hasn’t fallen in delay now, and there is no chance at all.

After Mitsui got Basketball, he scored with a perfect posture.

It was originally a two-pointer, but after such a pass, it became a three-pointer.

The audience burst into applause.

They didn’t expect that after losing the captain, this team would be able to explode with such combat effectiveness.

“It turns out that it’s not just their captain being strong, every team member has such a strong strength.”

“Yeah, I thought this team was just Jiang Mi’s sluggishness. I didn’t expect such a good jumper at the beginning of the game.”

“Each of their players is very good, a comprehensive team.”

Aida Yayoi also nodded and said, “This team is really good.”

“I just thought that they were mainly because the captain was strong. Now it seems that everyone can be on their own. After losing the captain, they did not panic.

The man beside her said.

“We underestimated this team!”

Zongshen’s own light is too strong, enough to cover other people.

Now that he is not on the court, it happens to give others room to play.

“The ending of this match has been set, there is nothing to watch, Zongshen will not play anymore.” Aida Yayoi said.

…For flowers…

She stood up, ready to go back immediately and write a manuscript.

The report about this person must be as soon as possible.

Once someone else takes the lead, it won’t work.

The match continued, Zongshen nodded silently, seeing the players playing on the field.

These players are better than he thought.

Without him, not only did he not panic, but he came out on top.

Xiandao was also stunned by their performance.

These players are so good.

On the other hand, they retreat steadily.

The scale of failure is leaning towards them, and it is the kind that cannot be returned.

“We are really going to lose!”

Xiandao shook his head helplessly, but this is also a fact.


The gap of more than forty points can not be made up by everything.

I’m afraid even the coach doesn’t know what method to use.

For five minutes on the field, the scores of both sides remained in this state.

After losing the captain, the two teams are evenly matched.

In the end, the audience became calmer.

In other words, they didn’t panic at all who knew the result.

It is already known who will win this match, but it is not as exciting as before.

Sakuragi Hanado won Basketball again.

His performance on court this time was the most eye-catching except for the captain.

Accurate shot, wide open and close but dribble that caught the opponent off guard.

Sakuragi Flower Road uses the shortest time to show the strongest talent.

He can now be on his own.

With Basketball, he came under the rebound again.

Feeling the cheers of other people in the audience seat, Sakuragi Flower Road was intoxicated.

“This is what my genius Sakuragi Flower Road should look like.”

Just as he was intoxicated, the Basketball in his hand was snatched away by himself.

Xiandao took advantage of this good opportunity and began to pull Basketball back to the other side of the field.

Akagi Goken punched his head with a fist.

“Match well, what are you in a daze now.”

Seeing Sakuragi’s performance, the Sakuragi Army was also relieved.

“This is what Sakuragi Flower Road can look like. Otherwise, I would be frightened, and I thought it would be a different person.”

“I thought I could become stronger by shaving my head, and I have to change a hairstyle when I go back. Now I look at it, it should be stupid.”

“This kind of Turnover is normal.” Maru,

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