Chapter 1945 : Grow in training

A member of Lingnan High School passed the ball to Xiandao’s hand.

Ikegami changed his original tactics and turned his attention to the ball instead of Rukawa Kaede.

After getting the ball, Sendao did not choose to attack immediately.

The situation on the court is very unfavorable to them.

If their score cannot be tied, they will fall into a passive position.

Akagi Takeken stood in front of him.

This match also opened up his demeanor.

From beginning to end, it showed strong basketball control and captain execution ability.

Xiandao jumped up, and as he jumped up, Akagi Gangxian also jumped up.

The height difference between the two people’s jumps is very different, which can be felt visually.

Akagi’s hand can’t touch Basketball at all.

The opponent’s shot is up, he didn’t want to score, he just wanted to throw the ball to someone else.

Another player is playing Basketball and shot directly.

Since this player has no one defending, he did succeed.

shot, score!

But this ball is not over yet.

Because Mitsui was already waiting under the ball frame at this time.

After the opponent sent a three-pointer, he immediately passed the ball to Sakuragi Hanado, who was slapped with the ball and was on the same line as Akagi Takeken.

The opportunity that Chishang was looking for in secret, he was not discouraged, on the contrary, more fighting spirit emerged.

They are still young, and this kind of thing will not hit them.

When Sakuragi Flower Road and Akagi Goken dribble, Ikegami and Sendo rushed up at the same time.

Sakuragi Huadao saw two figures, and after finding the opportunity, he threw the ball directly behind him.

For this kind of behavior, both people are puzzled.

Another figure appeared at this time.

When Mitsui Threw the ball, he started sprinting.

The cooperation of the three people is very tacit, just for this ball.

After he got Basketball, he immediately passed it to Takaken Akagi.

Their cooperation was extremely clever, and they completed the pass perfectly.

Akagi Takanori jumped up high.

After getting the ball directly in delay, he did not choose to take a shot, but gave Basketball to Zongshen.

Xiandao and Zongshen, both locked in Basketball at the same time.

Whoever gets Basketball gets the initiative.

Zongshen accelerated instantly.

In terms of explosive power, few can compare with him.

Fish lives are far from it.

Seeing that he could not catch up, he directly chose to defend.

At the same time, his will on the court is gradually losing ground.

Zongshen used his personal strength to perfectly explain what a genius is.

If three people cannot be sent to stop, then they must be the losers.

But three people were sent, and the other team members couldn’t defend.

It is impossible for Xiandao alone to stop him.

Zongshen won Basketball unexpectedly.

Seeing the defending Yuzhu in front of him, he smiled lightly, and his body’s momentum changed at this moment.

God’s hand field!

Zongshen took Basketball and shot directly.

His movements are extremely fast.

Yuzhu had been sluggish for just a moment, but he hadn’t reacted yet.

By the time he reacted, Basketball had already flown over his head.

Sky hook, score!

The match continues.

Just after the goal was scored, Zongshen led the players to launch a wave of attacks.

The cooperation of the several players was perfect, and the movements were not muddled in the slightest.

This wonderful pass was discussed in advance by them.

The role is to break the opponent’s formation.

Zongshen took the lead, and Akagi Gangxian assisted, and the players set the formation instantly.

The people in the Xiangbei High School team jumped frequently, and Basketball quickly spread in their hands. In the end, Takanori Akagi made a lore.

Time is faster than expected, and the scores of the two sides have been pulled apart by a small part.

Xiangbei High School has achieved a huge advantage in this situation, which is very terrifying.

Akagi Tsunen stood under the basket and waited.

Yuzhu quickly came under the basket.

Sakuragi Flower Road and Mitsui Shou’s blockade did not achieve the desired effect.

In the end, it was still a confrontation between two people.

The fish jumped up high.

With the same actions as him, Akaki Takeken followed.

The two people attracted all the eyes of the match field.

What will be the result this time.

Akagi jumped higher than before, and this ball is bound to win.

Score successfully!

Then, Zongshen got Basketball!

Yuzhu was the first person to stand in front of him.

Zongshen passed him easily with his reflexes and skills that don’t need to stop.

The same is true of Xiandao, no one on court can stop him.

The members of Lingnan are now suppressed a lot, and there is no room for display.

This kind of situation was something he didn’t encounter at the beginning, after all, he has a little suppressive power in the first half match.

The duel between Xiandao and Zongshen also ended in failure. Every time you think you can beat him, he will show a little stronger than you.

Not a lot, just a little, but you can’t surpass it.

This feeling is really bad, and it’s a bit of a breakdown.

But these people are all geniuses in Basketball. They are not depressed and sad because of this, but Jiang is depressed.

As long as you use your best, you will be a winner even if you fail.

Sometimes more and more training will make a person grow more.

Akagi Gangxian has already targeted Yuzumi completely.

The defend and offense between the two people are improving. In this match, the two of them have improved the most.

I’m afraid this is something that no one expected.

The score between the two sides has been opened by twenty points.

What Zongshen is showing now is just the tip of the iceberg, but others have no choice but to take him.

The suppression of strength cannot be changed by skill.

Yu live on the field against Akagi Takeken. The two are now evenly matched. Akagi got Basketball and did not choose to break through.

(Wang Zhao) This match has already done what I want to do, giving the fish a fierce block.

Now that he has done it, he will better integrate into the group and no longer choose to be alone.

On the contrary, he likes this state more and more, with the feeling of help from his teammates.

This is exactly what Zongshen wants to see in the match field.

Only when the players are strong enough can they attack a stronger team.

He can never beat five people alone.

The match spends two minutes again.

At the last minute, the score doesn’t make much sense at this time.

A gap of tens of tenths is not something that can be done in one minute.

But no one will give up, because this is their way of youth.

Everyone puts out their full strength, no matter whether they win or lose, they will not be disappointed in themselves.

For them, this match is about to end, but for the whole life, the real match has just begun. .

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