Chapter 1962 : Sweep all opponents

The tennis match ended at a very fast speed. At the end, the whole court was quiet.

“Zongshen, win!”

It was a victory, but no one cheered.

“ten minutes ”

“Unexpectedly, I didn’t even last ten minutes.”

“so horrible ”

Zongshen looked at Wan Hu Liang, whose eyes widened in despair, “I think you have a knee problem. In order to prevent the injury from getting worse, I will speed up the match progress, don’t you mind?”

He has a gentle tone, which is a normal and caring tone.

But this is too annoying.

Not only the Atobe and others who were sitting next to the coach seat and others felt that they were breathing, but even the bystanders who heard the sound around felt that these words were too choking.

For the sake of the opponent’s health, I speeded up and crushed the past and defeated people. Listen, is this human?

So the body is important and the mind is not important?

Have you considered the mentality of being defeated so easily?

Obviously, Zongshen, who said such invisible provocations and irritating words, didn’t notice it at all.

As the face-to-face recipient of these words, Song Huliang’s face turned green.

“You” he shook his hands with anger, “I will definitely defeat you! Sooner or later, sooner or later, I will beat you down! Let you never have a chance to humiliate me!”

After putting down the almost childish words like “Don’t leave after school”, he carried his tennis bag and left without any reason.

Otori Cyotaroh had a match behind, so he could only watch the opponent leave with concern.

And Zongshen, who was let go of harsh words, said hello all over his head.

As a minister, he just cares about one of his outstanding staff, why… the other party will react so much?

When he was so considerate before, the players thanked him for coming.

Why now

Zongshen didn’t know that he had fallen into an inertial thinking error. He only attributed the other party’s anger to Hyotei’s wolfish culture.

Because he is always thinking about replacing, he can’t accept the kindness of his opponent.

He walked to Sakura Taro, “How many matches do I have?”

“There is one more time.” Sakakitaro looked at Mukahi Gakuto, who was sweating on the court, “Soon, it will be you.”

Mukahi Gakuto’s opponent is a very strong man, and the opponent’s serve did not live up to the muscles of that body, and the strong ball that can almost make people hear the sound of breaking through the air.

Mukahi Gakuto didn’t have too much muscle on his body. He jumped to the landing spot lightly. After receiving the tennis ball, he didn’t immediately hit it back. Instead, he leaned back to cushion the ball with the strength of the tennis ball and hit a straight ball hard.

The opponent obviously couldn’t keep up with his strength, and he didn’t catch his ball at all.

Zongshen sat down and looked carefully.

Atobe Keigo was sitting next to him. Halfway through the game, Atobe Keigo said, “Are you really an amateur abroad?”

“Yeah.” Zongshen said: “I don’t like being bound, so I didn’t join any team.”

There will also be teams in the wild. Generally, those who have the strength to form a wild team are very strong, otherwise they would have been defeated long ago.

Atobe Keigo was silent, and after a while he said again, “How long have you been playing tennis?”

If he is younger than him, then this man is a real, legendary genius.

Even Kunimitsu should not be his opponent.

“Yeah” This question stopped Zongshen. He has been playing for a long time, but the original owner is not.

He said vaguely, “It’s been a long time… I don’t remember this. I don’t have any memory of this aspect. It’s been a long time anyway.”

Atobe Keigo’s eyes flashed, and he heard the other party’s vague words. But there is something to conceal. He probably saw it from the admission application materials submitted, but wanted to confirm how long it was.

But this person’s attitude

Is there a problem with the application materials?

How did Atobe Keigo know that the person next to him was a great god, and he was still thinking carefully about why the other party should be vague about irrelevant things.

After thinking for a while, he patted his knee and figured out the reason.

It must be the hand Zongshen who started playing tennis a long time ago, but in order to appear more talented, he shortened his tennis age.

As a result, he did not expect to be seen through.

Atobe Keigo glanced at Zongshen’s face, that face seemed a bit similar to his rival, Kunimitsu.

After he lowered his eyes, the similarity was completely annihilated.

The other party is a long and good being, and Kunimitsu is a good-looking hand.

Atobe Keigo was thinking about it, when he saw Zongshen touched his face twice with his hand, then turned his head and asked him, “Is it enough?”

Atobe Keigo: “!”

He was silent for a moment and then chuckled, “So sensitive, why don’t you hang a sign that charges you at a glance, so that everyone will look at you and you will run up and ask if the other person has seen enough.”

Zongshen was stunned for a moment, but he didn’t expect that the other party would give him such a reply. He thought the other party would say that he felt wrong, and sure enough, the protagonist of Prince of Tennis just didn’t play the cards according to the routine.

Disdain to lie, but must also harm him.

Zongshen shook his head, and the game went to the end.

Mukahi Gakuto won with a five-to-one crushing result, and the match is over.

“Otori CyotarohVS hand Zongshen.”

“Please start preparing.

Zongshen stood up and walked to the field. In his current state, he is very good at heavy ball, and even his trick is to serve.

This kind of powerful person is very dangerous for Zongshen, who is not particularly strong.

If he is not careful, he will not be able to catch the ball, and racquet may be hit.

Zongshen grabbed the racquet mesh, loosened the racquet a bit, and then tossed a coin with Otori Cyotaroh, who was finally serious, to decide who would serve first-Otori Cyotaroh started.

Zongshen looked across.


Zongshen took his footsteps to the left, holding the racquet in both hands and hitting the extremely vigorous tennis back.

“He looks a lot more serious than before.” Atobe Keigo didn’t understand, Otori Cyotaroh didn’t have too many gorgeous moves, he only practiced heavy balls.

and many more!

Atobe Keigo’s beautiful phoenix eyes widened slightly, and he looked at Shintaro, who was sitting next to him, who was silent. “Why arrange the two of them together?”

Sakura Taro looked at the court calmly, “I just want to see if our minister can win beautiful when his own advantage is suppressed.

“Suppressed?” Atobe Keigo didn’t understand, but when he saw Zongshen holding a pat with both hands to pick up Otori Cyotaroh’s heavy artillery serve, he understood.

This extremely powerful existence does not have enough power in itself.

Therefore, Otori Cyotaroh, who was not particularly outstanding among them in the past, at this time, has instead restrained the other’s weaknesses.

“How did you find out?” Atobe Keigo asked Shintaro.

“It’s just a simple investigation.” Sakura Taro looked at the information written on the investigation, and he hadn’t touched tennis for more than a year, and his expression was unclear. .

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