Chapter 2025 : The growth of Atobe and Yanagi Renji

The muscles of Zongshen’s face twitched slightly!

Atobe Keigo, this guy really likes to play this trick!

Zongshen Yu, a handist, remembers that Hyotei was like this when he was in Seigaku.

Unexpectedly, it is still the same now!

It’s just that he is in a different camp, so naturally the feelings in his heart are also different.

Yanagi Renji squinted his eyes on the spot for a while, seeming to be studying Atobe Keigo’s skills.

He looked up at the opposite Atobe, he didn’t expect Atobe Keigo to advance his skills in such a fast time!

It seems that Hyotei’s people are also well-deserved!

Atobe Keigo is also looking at Yanagi Renji on the opposite side at this time. The two sides seem to be looking at each other, wanting to see something in each other’s eyes.

Yanagi Renji can see that Atobe Keigo not only uses the Waltz of Disillusionment in serve, but also in the game, as long as he has the opportunity, he will also use it!

If he does not create opportunities for the other party, the other party cannot use it, this is also a way.

But Atobe Keigo is not the kind of person who sits and waits to die, he will create his own opportunities!

Tian オー is always the case, he will not wait for the other party’s opportunity, but is good at creating opportunities by himself!

“As expected to be the king of Hyotei, it is indeed a bit troublesome for 520!”

Although Atobe Keigo is no longer a minister, his status as king has not been replaced. This kind of thing is in the spirit.

Hand Zongshen sat in a position with his arms folded against his chest. He looked at the situation on the match court indifferently, without the slightest expression on his face.

Nevertheless, it was already clear in his mind.

According to Atobe’s current situation, this fight may be a little bit difficult.

Opposite is not a random team, Rikkai is once the king of two consecutive dominance.

“What do you think of Rikkai.

Sakura Taro’s sudden sentence made Zongshen look slightly at him.

“What does the coach mean? Their training methods are similar to ours.

If you talk about people, every player is different. ”

The handist Zongshen had been in Seigaku before, and he probably knew about Rikkai and Hyotei.

In fact, the two teams are similar in some respects.

If there must be a gap, it is natural that Seigaku’s gap is relatively large.

Of course, some are exaggerated than Seigaku’s situation.

But the handist Zongshen knows very well that some things can’t be solved with machines.

The key to the growth of the players lies in themselves, not in others.

Sakura Taro didn’t say much after listening to Zongshen’s words, he agreed with Tezuka Zongshen’s words.

When Atobe Keigo served again, the surrounding support group became noisy again.

“Hyotei is the best!”

“King Hyotei!”

For Yanagi Renji’s analysis, Atobe Keigo also understands.

It’s just that the habit of playing by oneself is not something that can be changed, so these data are very useful in some respects.

When Atobe Keigo returned the ball, Yanagi Renji had reached the predicted position.

Atobe Keigo naturally expected it, so he can hit the next ball more accurately.

When he hit the ball back, he was also wondering how to create more powerful opportunities for himself.

The other party’s analysis of him can be said to be very detailed, except for his disillusioned waltz!

“Interesting! Let this uncle see if your analysis is great or my growth is great!”

At this moment, there is still a fire in Atobe Keigo’s heart, because Huadi was injured before.

Although it was not the person opposite, they were all in the same team.

Yanagi Renji felt that there was some anger or resentment in Atobe Keigo’s heart at this time.

But these things are not enough to affect him, nor will they become part of his data analysis.

Echizen Ryoma raised their eyebrows slightly when they watched the match, making various discussions.

“Senior, who do you think will win? Yanagi Renji plays data tennis just like you.”

Momoshiro Takeshi propped his head and said while watching the match (cffc) on the scene.

“That’s hard to say. It looks evenly matched now. Besides, Atobe looks like crazy!”

Inui Sadaharu said, pushing the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

“I think he is quite normal, that red-eyed lunatic is crazy!”

Everyone knows who Momoshiro Takeshi is talking about!

When confronting such a person, you really need to worry about whether your life will be threatened!

Atobe Keigo and Yanagi Renji are stalemate with each other, and no one is left behind!

You two chase me, they are evenly matched!

“This guy is really difficult. Is this data tennis?”

Panting, Atobe Keigo muttered to himself while looking at Yanagi Renji on the opposite side.

At the beginning, he didn’t feel anything about this predictable style of play.

But playing for a long time will make people a little irritable.

No matter where he hits, the opponent will predict in advance to call him back!

Although he is the same, but this makes him never feel that he has the initiative!

“Damn it! It’s as tight as a gumdrop!”

Atobe Keigo murmured while thinking about the next countermeasures.

He is not the kind of person who likes to be passive, his style is to take the initiative!

It seems that he can only disrupt the opponent’s rhythm if he continues to use the waltz of destruction and constantly creates opportunities for him to use it!

When Atobe Keigo made a decision, Yanagi Renji probably also figured out the situation.

If Atobe Keigo continues to follow the previous trajectory match, it can be said that it will be difficult to tell the winner between the two of them.

Winning the two of them will have to find another way, which is the same for both sides.

When Atobe Keigo serves again, it can be seen from the serve action that it is a waltz of destruction!

“Shattered Waltz!”

This ball is like a broken bamboo, stronger than before, and it also shows his determination!

“Unexpectedly, Senior Atobe still has such a strong power. I thought that both of them were exhausted from fighting!”

Mukahi Gakuto was surprised to see that Atobe Keigo could still exert such power in the future.

After all, they have been playing for a long time now, and the fatigue of both sides has accumulated to a certain degree!

In this situation, no matter which side it is, it’s all about consumption now.

“Don’t underestimate Atobe, he is not the kind of person who gives up at will, this is nothing to him at all!”

Oshitari Yuushi pushed his glasses while talking, but how could he not see the consumption of Atobe Keigo!

Worried, worried, but he didn’t say it!

He glanced at Tezuka Zongshen and Coach Shen from the corner of his eye. The two looked indifferent, as if they were not being matched.

Oshitari Yuushi helped her forehead, it seems that her inner state is still not at home, it is really incomparable!.

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