Chapter 234 : Son of God (1/7)

“This kid is really a monster!”

“Are all primary school students so good now?”

“Although Xibenyi is not strong, his strength is not bad, he was defeated so easily?”

People watching around felt incredible.

Although Nishimoto’s strength is not as strong as Tanegashima and the others, it is also stronger than most middle school students.

But now it was defeated badly by the hand.

Makes a group of middle school students feel unbelievable.

“Zongshen’s younger brother is really amazing!”

Tanegashima sighed.

It was the first time that he had seen such a powerful elementary school student, and even a middle school student could easily defeat it.

“Zongshen’s younger brother will definitely enter Seigaku after foul out?

Akuto said suddenly.

People from other schools were taken aback when they heard this, and then smiled bitterly.

Seigaku is so strong now. After the hand foul out, he joined Seigaku, which can completely replace Oni Jujiro and the others.

It is conceivable that next year’s Seigaku will never fail to pick up.


“It seems we are also looking for some geniuses.”

Irie said.

Now Seigaku has a successor, but their school does not.

Once the third grade foul out, their school will be beaten by Seigaku.

When the others heard it, they nodded subconsciously.

“Let me go next!”

Yukimura also stepped onto the field at this time.

He glanced around, and finally locked on a member of Liuliqiu.


Yasuda snorted and walked up.

But he was not as arrogant as before.

After all, their minister had just been easily defeated by the hand.

This lets everyone in Liuliqiu know that this group of primary school students should not be underestimated.

“You serve first!”

Yukimura stood on the court and said softly.

“You what are you talking about?”

Hideo Yasuda was taken aback, as if she couldn’t believe her ears.

After reacting, Yukimura glared at Yukimura.

Too big!

It’s so awesome!

He didn’t expect these elementary school students to be better than one, and he didn’t think of them as junior high school students at all.

“That kid seems to be more mad!”

“Haha, Liuliqiu is not seen by others at all.”

“If you still lose, it would be too shameful!”

The surrounding junior high school students sneered at this.

“Good, good!”

Hideichi Yasuda trembled all over when he heard the words of the people around him.

He glared at Yukimura and said three good words in a row.


The tennis ball was quickly thrown from Hideo Yasuda.

After swinging the racket vigorously, the tennis shot exploded.

In anger, Hideichi Yasuda didn’t show any mercy at all, and went all out when he shot.

call out!

The tennis ball flew across the net like an arrow.

But Yukimura’s expression remained unchanged, almost catching up to the tennis ball while breathing.

At the moment the ball bounced, racquet hit it.


The tennis ball flew upside down and landed beside Hideichi Yasuda.

Hideyoshi Yasuda’s face changed slightly, but he didn’t expect that Yukimura could break the ball with all his strength so easily.

But he reacted immediately and struck back.

Yukimura has a soft smile on her face, without any fear at all.




The tennis ball flew back and forth on both sides, and the match was fierce.

Twenty minutes passed.

Hideichi Yasuda was already sweating profusely, but Yukimura was fine.

“this ”

Tanegashima and the others were surprised when they saw this.

Yukimura is in the sixth grade of elementary school, and Yasuda is in the third grade of junior high school.

Logically speaking, it should be because Yukimura lacks physical strength, and Yasuda can hold on.

But now the situation is completely reversed.

On the contrary, Hideichi Yasuda in the third grade is about to reach his limit.

“The physical strength of that boy is amazing!”

People started talking.

Unexpectedly, under Yukimura’s short body, there is such physical energy.

“It’s not just physical fitness!”

Akuto shook his head and pointed to both sides of the court.

When everyone looked at it, they saw two deep marks on both sides of the court.

“this ”

When people saw this, they seemed to have thought of something and suddenly realized.

“The boy named Yukimura kept hitting the ball to the opposite corners, forcing Hideichi Yasuda to run back and forth, which made him consume a lot.”

“This is the fundamental reason why Yasuda can’t hold on!”

Akuto analyzed the reason.

Yukimura’s physical stamina is indeed strong, but the real reason is Yukimura’s control of tennis.

“Really a cunning kid!”

Echizen Ryoga chuckled lightly.

In the discussion of several people, there was an obscure light in Yukimura’s eyes.

Racquet swept out, and the tennis ball fell beside Hidetoshi Yasuda.


A soft word came out of Yukimura’s mouth.

Hideichi Yasuda didn’t understand what Yukimura meant, and racquet lashed towards the tennis ball.

But when racquet touched the tennis ball, his expression stopped.

“My sense of touch?!”

Hideichi Yasuda’s face was full of horror.

He found his sense of touch disappeared.

The returned ball also hit the net without passing the net because of insufficient strength.

“Your sense of touch has been taken away by me!”

Yukimura smiled softly.

But this smile made Yasuda feel terrified.

“Deprived of touch 307?”

“Isn’t this Zongshen’s stunt?”

“Did he teach this trick to that Yukimura boy?”

Tanegashima looked surprised at them.

Several people looked towards Hideo Yasuda and knew that the other party was not pretending, but was really deprived of touch.

“A primary school student has actually mastered the five senses, this is true.”

Irie’s eyes were full of surprise.

He has personally experienced the terrible extinction of the five senses.

It is like falling into the abyss, without any sense of resistance.


Soon, Yukimura’s gentle voice resounded on the court.

Yasuda was shocked to find that his sense of hearing had also disappeared, leaving only sight.


Yukimura hit the final goal.

Watching the tennis ball fly in, Hideichi Yasuda saw a black spot appeared in front of her eyes.

Once this black spot got bigger and bigger, it finally covered his sight.

Visual deprivation!

Extinguish the five senses complete!

Hideichi Yasuda stood in place with a dull face, losing any ability to resist.

“Is this the standard of junior high school students?”

Yukimura shook her head, seemingly disappointed, and then turned to leave the field: “There is really no challenge!

Although he was only in elementary school.

But Yukimura has initially possessed the majesty and strength of the Son of God!.

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