Chapter 285 : The opposition between junior high school and high school (3/7)

Inside the U-17 training camp.

In front of the central court.

All the high school students in the sixteen courts are all lined up at this moment, and they look towards the balcony of the villa.

On the balcony.

Mifune entered the road and waited for a group of coaches to appear in front of all high school students.

“Junks, I am calling you here this time, there is one thing to announce!”

Mifune entered the road and looked viciously at all the high school students off the court.

The high school students looked a little weird when they heard this.

The last time Mifune entered the Dao to summon them, it was because of the Japan-Germany friendly match.

“It’s November, isn’t there a new member coming?”

Watanabe Guijie whispered.

Every November, the training camp will send out invitation letters to let some junior students who are about to foul out go to the training camp for training.

He thinks about time, the new members should be coming soon.

“The training camp has issued an invitation letter, and the new members will arrive at U-17 soon!”

as predicted.

When Watanabe’s thoughts fell, Mifune had already opened his mouth when he entered the road.

“A new member?”

“In other words, those people from Seigaku will also come?”

“Seigaku’s people are strong, and they will definitely be summoned to U-17.”

The high school students started talking.

“Shut up all to me!

Mifune roared into the Dao, and roughly interrupted everyone’s discussion: “This time, it is not only the junior three students who came to the training camp, but all the junior high school students!!

When this word came out, the high school students were shocked.

“All middle school students?”

“Doesn’t it mean that more than twenty people came to the training camp?”

“How could this happen? Nothing like this happened in previous years!,

The high school students were in an uproar.


Mifune enters the road and hums: “In addition to middle school students, there are also a group of elementary school students who are coming to visit U-17!”


All the high school students were stunned on the spot, with dull faces.

If they are middle school students, they can still accept it.

After all, Zongshen and his party came here once to let them know that this year’s junior high school students are all tough.

It is unacceptable for elementary school students to come.

“Doesn’t the instructor think it’s too sloppy?”

Nishikawa Longzhen, who was the number one in the training camp, stood up and said solemnly.

U-17 is the holy land of tennis in Japan.

He could bear it when he came to junior high school.

But the elementary school students also came, this is something he cannot tolerate.


“Isn’t the instructor afraid of this group of elementary school students getting hurt?!”

Yao Dou spoke coldly, with a threat in his tone.

“Just rely on you rubbish?”

Mifune entered the road with a sneer, and looked at all high school students contemptuously: “You don’t dream about there anymore. With the strength of your group of garbage, who can you beat?!”

He didn’t say this to stimulate high school students.

But he just thinks so.

Zongshen’s junior high school students are too strong.

He knew that once the shuffle game started, let alone ordinary high school students.

Even among the top 20+ U-17s, more than half of them will be eliminated.

They are elementary school students.

But from the perspective of Mifune, it is better than some high school students in the training camp.

That’s right!

Elementary school students are better than high school students, and it is not his imagination.

It is real!

“The instructor is too underestimating us!”

Moriki Kenpachi, who ranked third, heard such contemptuous words, a cold flash in his eyes.

He wanted to see if all middle school students were really as strong as Zongshen.

“Looking down?”

Mifune snorted coldly and glanced at all high school students: “Five days later, the training camp will hold a team shuffle. Don’t you think you are very good?”

“Then defeat them and let me see!

The words full of contempt made many high school students angry.

They have made up their minds.

The team shuffle game after five days must give the middle school students a good look.

“Okay, everyone continue training!

“Also, the elementary school students only come to visit, so any team members are prohibited from actively challenging the elementary school students. Once they find out, they will be expelled from the training camp immediately!

Kurobe Yukio stood up and ordered.

At the end, he made a special exhortation.

After all, although some of the elementary school students are quite strong, they are far from high school students in terms of physical stamina and strength.

If there is a conflict between the two, the primary school students will definitely suffer.

“How can we challenge elementary school students!”

All the high school students scoffed at the final rule.

Although a little unhappy about the arrival of elementary school students.

But after all, they just visit, not come for training.

As high school students to challenge elementary school students, whether they win or lose, it is a very embarrassing thing.

Those who can come to U-17 are all geniuses.

Proud of them, they won’t do those things that are cheap.

“…1 Then disband!”

Kurobe nodded.

The high school students quickly left and returned to their court.

But every high school student is gearing up a bit.

Five days later is the team shuffle.

They decided to show off their strength, let the middle school students know that they are the masters here.

“Into the Dao coach, will this be a bit too much?*

Saitō Itaru frowned.

He knew that Mifune entered the Dao to summon high school students to say these things completely to stimulate high school students.

However, in this way, the junior high school and the high school are completely opposed.

“Isn’t this better?”

Mifune sneered in the way.

What he wants is this result.

Because only in this way can both parties show their full strength.

The team can select the best players.

And the French (good good) competition will be held in January.

If you participate in the current U-17 strength, I am afraid it will be the same as two years ago, and even the group stage will not be able to break through.

I want the team to achieve good results.

Then we can only take such an extreme method and let the junior high school and the high school fight each other.

Then decide the strongest player.

“Coach Kurobe, today you take them to visit the training camp.”

“Tomorrow, we will have a personal shuffle game between junior high school and high school, and the day after tomorrow we will have a junior high school shuffle game to determine the winners and losers!”

Mifune entered the Tao without explaining his thoughts.

After giving an order, he turned and left.


Kurobe nodded.

He knew that such a method was a bit extreme.

But this is the best way for both sides to grow, and it can also select the strongest players the fastest.

The French competition will be held soon.

There is not much time left for them!

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