Chapter 298 : Byodoin Temple is called the boss (2/7)

“Byodoin, you lost.”

Zongshen turned his head to look at each other, seemingly pointing.

Hearing this, Byodoin had a stern face.

The pupils won all five games, and he lost the bet with Zongshen.

According to the content of the gambling agreement, he must be called the boss of Zongshen.

“Byodoin Temple won’t really call it, right?”

“What’s the joke, call that fellow Zongshen boss?”

“Why does this sound so weird?

Tohno Atsukyo and Kaji Kazena were talking quietly.

Tanegashima and Irie also looked at the group, thinking about whether Byodoin would honor its promise.


Hearing the discussion in my ear, Byodoin’s face twitched.

Feeling everyone’s gaze, he simply closed his eyes and yelled with an unhappy expression on his face.


“Byodoin, your name is too low, right?”

Zongshen chuckled lightly.


When Byodoin heard this, his eyes widened.

Glared at Zongshen.

Looking at Zongshen’s undue beating face, he felt the anger in his heart rising at 25.


“Be sure to calm down!”

“I will make this bastard look good one day!”

Byodoin took a deep breath and kept suppressing his anger.

After a few seconds, he calmed down again, pretending to not squint, and called the boss again.

“Puff chuff~”

The junior high school student who was watching a good show can no longer help but laugh.

It was the first time they saw Byodoin eating cancer like this.

Called Zongshen boss.

“Byodoin, you look very unconvinced, should we take another gamble?”

Zongshen opened his mouth with a smile.


However, Byodoin clearly does not want to continue to talk to Zongshen.

After a cold snort, he kept his eyes open.

He found that he could never say a few more words to Zongshen.

If you talk too much, it is estimated that you will be alive and angry.

“Bored guy!

Zongshen shook his head, then looked at the match.

At this time, the battle between elementary school students and high school students continued.

But Atobe, they are elementary school students after all, and it’s not bad to beat one or two high school students.

Like Tachibana kippei, they were eliminated after only winning one match.

And Atobe didn’t hold on for long.

But for elementary school students, this kind of standings can be said to be very dazzling.

“I didn’t expect these elementary school students to be so good!”

Tanegashima sighed.

This kind of age has such strength, once entering middle school and high school, I am afraid that he will be stronger than them.

“This is not surprising!”

Zongshen shook his head.

From the original book, we can know that the real rise of the Japanese team is in the Byodoin generation.

Before that.

The Japanese team is ranked 23rd in the world, in the middle and lower reaches.

Therefore, the overall strength of this class of high school students is weak.

And not all high school students are elites.

In the original book, Echizen Ryoma and his team came to the training camp as well.

Basically, it swept the entire training camp. Except for the first army, everyone was beaten by the flower style.

This is still the session of the Byodo-In Temple, and the overall strength is strong.

This year is weaker than that of Byodoin, and it is not surprising that he was beaten by elementary school students.

Of course there is one of the most important reasons.

These pupils are not ordinary pupils.

Atobe, Yukimura, Akutsu, Tachibana kippei, Chitose Senri.

No matter which one is the protagonist of the golden generation, the figure standing at the pinnacle of the golden generation.

Even if he is only a primary school student, his strength should not be underestimated.

It is not difficult to deal with some ordinary high school students in the training camp.

Especially Yukimura, who has mastered the five senses, and zero high school students may not be a problem.

“Are they really just a group of elementary school students?”

Kurobe witnessed everything on the field through the screen.

He couldn’t believe it.

The high school students in the training camp are not the opponents of the elementary school students.

“It’s all a bunch of trash!”

Mifune snorted coldly into the way.

The training camp is known as the mecca of Japanese tennis.

Those who can come here are all elites.

However, it now appears that the so-called elite is a complete joke.

Not only can’t beat middle school students, but even elementary school students can’t.

“Instructor, it’s six o’clock!

Saitō Itaru was also full of shock, but soon thought of something.

“What is the result now?”

Mifune entered the road with a cold snort and looked at the staff.

“Fourteen seats in the First Army have been replaced by junior high students.

“There are 22 middle school students left in the training camp, and 34 high school students!”

The staff quickly reported.

The strength of middle school students is indeed strong, but the number of high school students is large.

A large number of middle school students have been eliminated under the rounds of wars.

Even Yamato and Fujiwara cannot avoid it.

“Teacher Kurobe, let’s end the shuffle game!”

Mifune entered the road and nodded.

Except for elementary school students, there are only 56 people left in the entire training camp.

These people can be said to be the strongest players in the training camp.

“What about the people in the loser group?”

Kurobe asked.

“The people in the loser group let them all rush to the back mountain!”

Mifune entered the way with a cold snort.

Not all 340 in the loser group are weak.

Like Nishikawa Ryujin, he was eliminated because he basically met too strong opponents.

The next period of time.

He will personally train these Haitai players in the back mountain.

Then let them return to training camp.

Challenge the players in the original winner group.


Kurobe nodded, then turned and left.

The winner group is trained by their guidance, and the loser group is specially trained by Mifune.

This one is common practice.


Kurobe Yukio came to court and ended the shuffle game.

“Now all members of the winner group leave the court and return to the dormitory to start resting!”

“As for the losers group”

“Give you ten minutes, arrange your own things, and leave with the bus!”

Kurobe showed a cold appearance.

High school students heard this and acted immediately.

Because they all know that they are not eliminated.

The most likely is to go to the back mountain to train.

However, the group of the junior high school group opened their eyes wide, thinking that they were about to be kicked out of the training camp because of their failure.

“Will the loser leave?”

Zongshen’s eyes flashed, as if thinking of something.

There is also great interest in this “leave the training camp”.

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