Chapter 334 : Overlord’s true color (3/7)

“Sure enough, I like playing these little tricks!”

Seeing this, Byodoin’s eyes suddenly became cold, and his expression became more aggressive.

One step back, when the tennis ball bounced, the racquet in his hand struck out.


The tennis ball roared and shot, and it was blasted off by the Byodoin Temple.

Jin Junxiu narrowed his eyes and found that Byodoin’s strength was stronger than he thought.

Gritting his teeth and rushing out, racquet waved.

But when racquet received the Let ball, he felt the terrible force of the ball.

“How can it be?!”

Jin Junxiu was shocked, his face was not exposed before.

He found that in his state, he couldn’t even catch a goal in Byodoin.

“go back!”

With a loud roar, Jin Junxiu’s eyes and body turned red, as if blood was boiling.

Akasaka-Demon Form!


“How can it be!”

“The match has just started, Junsu is demonized!”

The Han national team was shocked.

This was the first goal, and Jin Junsu was forced to 25 to such a point.

Beyond everyone’s imagination.


The demonized Kim Jun-soo increased his strength and hit the ball back.

But Byodoin stood on the field, looking down at the opponent like a king, with disdain in his eyes: “I only need five minutes to deal with such arrogant garbage as you!”


The moment the words fell.

Everyone present saw a stream of air flowing behind Byodoin Temple.

A silhouette of a skeleton flashed past, holding a Western sword.


The invisible air wave rolled and then spread to the surroundings.

Destroy, cold, violent, powerful.

All kinds of aura spread to the entire arena.

Byodoin glanced away, like a pirate who crossed the sea, his eyes were cold and severe.

Jin Junsu’s eyes were swept away and he was short of breath.

Different dimensions, world pirates.


Everyone in Han country looked dull.

Fear rose from their hearts and made them tremble.

“What is this?”

“Why did I see a pirate figure behind that kid from the Japanese team?”

“And the sound of waves and thunder!”

All the members of the Han national team showed ghostly expressions, shaking all over.

“Give me to hell!”

A loud roar.

Byodoin took both hands to shoot, and his whole body was raging like an abyss.

The pirates of the world laughed up to the sky and were crazy.


Racquet bursts with bright light, blasting on the ball.

Just hit the ball and destroy!

The tennis ball is like being hit by light.

The ultimate power split the air wave and brought a thunderous sound.

A ball roared, ruining the pass.

The entire court seemed to be rumbling.

The players from Han country were dumbfounded on the spot, short of breath.

This is even more true for Jin Junsu in the center of the court.

Suddenly found himself in a sea.

The sea raged and rolled, lightning and thunder.

A skeleton wearing a pirate costume, holding a Western sword, stabbed him under a fierce light.


With blood spurting wine, the Western sword pierced Jin Junxiu’s chest.

The intense pain woke him up.

Looking up.

I saw that the tennis ball had rushed to me.

“Don’t think about it!”

There was a roar.

Under the demonization, Jin Junsu became like an evil spirit, struggling to heal.

He rushed out desperately and swung hard.


Racquet received the Let ball and swept the ball with extreme power, which did not give Kim Jun-su any chance to react.


There was a cracking sound, and Racquet was broken by a surging ball.

Before he could react, the tennis ball hit the ground with half of the racquet.


The power swept across, and the whole arena was rumbling.

Cracks appeared on the ground, and a terrible wave of air hit Jin Junxiu.


The air wave pushed him to the ground.

A dog fell on his face to eat shit.

The sharp pain in his arm made Jin Junxiu tremble all over, unable to stand up for a while.


Byodoin is leading.

“Just like you, you want to beat me in fifteen minutes?!”

Byodoin was full of contempt.

He couldn’t even bear a goal, and he dared to release that kind of crazy talk. I really don’t know what to say.

“I want to kill you!!!”

Jin Junxiu trembled all over and yelled angrily as he looked up.

He is the twin star of the Han national team. He is always on top. When has he been so humiliated?

Being so despised by Byodoin now makes him angry and lose his mind.

“Boy, die for me!”

Jin Junsu struggled to stand up.

His skin became blood red, and his eyes were full of tyrannical expressions.


The tennis ball was tossed and swung hard.

Amidst a violent impact, the tennis ball hurriedly shot towards the head of Byodoin Temple.


Byodoin sneered.

Step on the ground with your feet and quickly move back to the baseline position.

After the tennis ball hits the ground, he rushes to the mid-court immediately.


With a loud shout, the power of the pirates surged.


The ear-splitting roar exploded, and the tennis ball flashed, instantly turning into hundreds of thousands.

At a glance, it is overwhelming, and there is no way to distinguish between true and false.

Every ball is so real.

Jin Junxiu’s pupils dilated, and he couldn’t resist facing this ball.


There was a bang, the ground trembled, and the dust was flying.


383 Byodoin scored the second point.

Under his strong attack, Jin Junxiu has no ability to resist.

Even if he entered a demon state.

“Junsu has entered a demon state, why can’t he win?”

“Is that guy from the Japanese team really a middle school student?”

“How can it be so powerful?!”

Everyone in the Han national team swallowed, looking overwhelmed.

They all know the terrible demonization.

After entering this state, various abilities will be greatly increased.

In the past, Jin Junsu relied on this trick to win many battles.

But now it is easily suppressed by Byodoin Temple.

“Sure enough, it’s a bunch of rubbish!”

Byodoin police looked at each other with contempt.


Kim Jun-soo growled low, and racquet was rattled by the smell of his pinching.

His eyes were scarlet, revealing bloodthirsty.

Under the influence of demonization, the only remaining will began to blur, and there were faint traces of violence.

“Hurry up and serve!’

Byodoin doesn’t care what happens to the other party.

Urging impatiently.

“Give me to die!”

Jin Junsu was completely irritated and slammed violently in a loud roar.


The tennis shot was like a bullet in the barrel, and the target was directed at Byodoin’s head.

Violent tennis again!.

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