Chapter 340 : The Korean team all kneel down (2/7)

“Brother Longhe’s second personality is strong, but it comes at the cost of burning energy!”

Li Zailong looked sad, his fist was clenched: “If you continue, Longhe’s energy will be exhausted, he will really die!”

Voices of anger and sorrow spread throughout the audience, quieting the audience.

“Asshole, what are you doing!”

Han Zaiyong growled.

He didn’t expect that Lee Jae Long, a member of the Kimchi Empire, would kneel to his opponent.

And still in front of thousands of viewers.

This is simply losing the face of the Kimchi team.

Li Zailong ignored him and knelt on the ground motionless.

Now Han Zaiyong is unwilling to stop the match, the only thing he can do is to plead with Zongshen.

Suspended Zongshen will defeat their captain and terminate the match.

“Burning energy?”

Zongshen’s eyes flashed and looked at each other.

I saw Pu Longhe’s face flushed.

The blood vessels on the body are clearly visible, and even the blood flow can be seen.

The function of the body is promoted to the extreme, as if it will not be tired.




The two faced off for another seven or eight rounds.

At this time, Zongshen had already taken out eight levels of strength.

But still unable to score from the opponent.

Pu Longhe’s speed, power, reaction, and perception continue to rise, as if never ending.


Zongshen racquet swept away, the golden light was bright.

Light hit the ball.

The tennis ball bursts into the field like a bullet, creating a destructive atmosphere.


“Hurry up!


Pu Longhe’s figure flashed, and instantly came to the position in front of the net.

There is no evasion in the face of light hitting.

Instead, he lashed at the tennis ball with a racket in one hand.


The crisp voice sounded, and I saw Pu Longhe’s hand bones thrusting backwards.

Under a ball, his hand bones were misaligned.

But Pu Longhe did not stop, but continued to swing.

The ultimate power seemed to encounter a natural enemy, and he didn’t exert its original power at all, and was hit back by him.

“Is the pain also lost?”

Zongshen’s eyes flashed.

Dislocation of the hand bone can cause severe pain.

But now Pu Longhe, like a okay person, still swings.

This made him believe what Li Zailong said.

Pu Longhe’s second personality will indeed burn his life, drive himself into madness, and then explode with 300% strength.

“Coach, stop the match!”

Sun Chengcan looked at Park Longhe who was still laughing wildly with his hand bones dislocated.

A trace of unbearable flashed in his eyes.

The Kimchi team really needs a victory.

But the price is not the lives and careers of the players.

And this is only the first battle of the expedition.

If Park Longhe falls and the Kimchi team loses a general, I am afraid that in the future match, he will be at a loss.


Han Zaiyong looked fierce, regardless.

“Does the coach really want to watch Longhe fall on the court?”

A trace of anger rose in Song Dongjian’s heart.

Now the match is very clear.

Although Park Longhe broke out, he still couldn’t get any benefits from Zongshen.

he knows.

Even if Park Yonghe continued to fight, he could not win.

Instead, it will ruin his sports career.

Han Zaiyong’s eyes were cold.

He knows this.

But he cannot abstain.

Once abstained, he must be the scapegoat in the end.

He must do this for his own job and not to be scolded by the Kimchi media.


The other kimchi players cursed in a low voice.

They couldn’t think that the usual gentle coach would be so unrelenting.


At this time.

A dull crash sounded, and Sun Chengcan fell to his knees, gritted his teeth and shouted, “Your Excellency, please stop the captain!”

“Now only you can do it!”

Another kimchi country player knelt down.

This caused several people in Byodoin to look at each other, and the audience around them also looked dull.

Why did you kneel down in comparison?

“Kneeling to your opponent and pleading, this is an extremely stupid thing!”

Song Dongjian sighed, and a bitterness flashed in his eyes: “But as Cheng Can said, the only thing that can stop the captain now is the hand Zongshen in front of you!”


Under people’s unbelievable eyes, he knelt in front of Zongshen with a plop.

He didn’t want to kneel to his opponent, but he had no choice.

The Kimchi team cannot lose Park Yongha.

Because he is No.1 of the Kimchi team, if he has an accident, the expedition will be over.

The entire training camp can no longer come up with a player who can be on the world stage.

“Sungcan, Dongjian brother!”

The other members of the Kimchi team were silent.


Another person knelt down.

The man knelt down as if it caused a chain reaction.

With a final cry, all the members of the Kimchi team knelt to the ground.

Regardless of their impression of Park Yonghe.

But they know it.

Once the Kimchi team loses Park Yonghe, it will definitely plummet.

No one in the training camp can take his place.

So they knelt down and begged Zongshen, quickly defeated their captain and ended the match.

Coach Han Zaiyong stayed.

The surrounding audience stayed.

The group of Byodoin Temple also stayed.

No one could have imagined that this would happen.

All the members of the Kimchi team knelt down and pleaded with their opponents.

And the requirement is to defeat your own leader?

This sounds like nonsense, but it really happened.

…1 Whatever you are doing, get me up!”

Coach Han Zaiyong came back to his senses and was so angry.

This was watched by thousands of viewers and recorded and broadcast by several media.

In such an important competition, the Kimchi team members actually kneeled to their opponents.

If it plays out.

The entire kimchi team and even the entire kimchi country can’t make a comeback in the international arena.

Because this is too shameful.

He had expected it.

My own coach, it is estimated that after the match, he will have to leave behind.

It is a pity that Han Zaiyong’s previous behavior aroused the feelings of opposition from the players, and no one paid any attention to him.


“You idiot stuff!”

Han Zaiyong’s face flushed, and his whole body trembled with anger.

“I didn’t expect people from the Kimchi team to kneel down?”

Echizen Ryoga was surprised.

Let alone Japan, I am afraid it will only happen once in the entire world.

“Kneeling all the players of a country, this is something that has never happened since the birth of tennis!”

Oni Jujiro was full of amazement.

“The Minister is really amazing!”

The Mutsu brothers glanced at each other, their faces full of excitement.


Byodoin snorted coldly, but the depths of his eyes were full of envy Joe.

The Kimchi country is a country where there is a kneeling ceremony.

Usually, people in kimchi knelt down to others.

So kneeling ceremony is not uncommon in the country of kimchi.

But kneeling down in this kind of international competition is still shocking.

This is the first time since the birth of tennis!.

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