Chapter 405 : Alternative trials (4/7)

Seigaku Tennis Club.

Three days finally passed.

Senior students and freshmen are very excited at this moment.

Because today is the day when Seigaku is being selected.


Zongshen looked around and shouted.

The players who were still training immediately stopped what they were doing and lined up in front of Zongshen.

“Today is Seigaku’s selection day!”

“This selection will be conducted by all the members of Seigaku!’

“A total of four groups!”

“The top two in each group become the main candidates!”

Zongshen looked at all the players and said solemnly.

People heard this with excitement on their faces.

Because the day has finally arrived.

As long as he can become a positive candidate, he can represent Seigaku in the national competition.

“But before that, there is good news to tell everyone.”

Zongshen chuckled lightly, motioning for people to be quiet.

good news?

Everyone was stunned, a little puzzled.

“In this national competition, I, Tokugawa and Yamato will reduce the number of appearances. The match is mainly based on the new selection!”

“So in addition to the eight regular candidates, I will also choose three regular candidates!

“In the future, the match will be selected as a substitute to be able to play!”

The words fell.

The whole arena is quiet.

Three replacements?

Doesn’t that mean that in addition to the eight regular candidates, there are three more regular candidates?

“Very good!”

“Doesn’t this mean we still have a chance?”

“Long live Minister!”

The senior students cheered with excitement on their faces.

Seeing the freshmen so sturdy, they thought their dream of being elected was broken.

Unexpectedly, Zongshen set up three replacements.

In this way, they still have hope.


Yukimura raised his hand and looked confused: “Why do you want to set up three seats for the replacement?,


People also looked curious when they heard this.

Because let alone Seigaku, I am afraid that there is no such precedent in Japan.

“The three of us are too strong, there is no need to play /.!”

“So it’s better to give the opportunity to other members of the team!’

Zongshen replied truthfully.

But when he said that, Yukimura and the others were dumbfounded.

Too strong?

Give the opportunity to other team members?

This sturdy answer brought back Yukimura’s great shock.

But everyone thinks about it.

Found that it was true.

The masters of Byodoin are all foul out.

Most of the candidates in each school are freshmen.

With the strength of the Zongshen trio, dealing with these freshmen is completely crushing.

“Although I say that.”

“But it’s still amazing!”

All the team members looked at each other, and they all saw the shock from the opponent’s eyes.

Seigaku can be said to be the first such school.

So strong that the senior students disdain to play, and completely give up the opportunity to the new candidates.

“All right.”

“This is the list, everyone, take a look!”

“The other three are selected as substitutes, and the three with the best results will be selected from the four groups.”

As Zongshen said, he posted the list on the small blackboard.

And coach Ryūzaki also pulled four score boards, ready to record the score of the next match.

“Give you ten minutes to prepare!”

“Ten minutes later, start this trial!”


All the team members responded in a sudden.

Then before rounding up the list, looked at his opponent.


After seeing their group, everyone was in an uproar.

“Yukimura actually teamed up with the minister?”

“Not only that, but a group of Teka and Tokugawa-senpai!”

“Fuji is also with Yamato Senpai!”

“Compared with them, I’m so lucky.”

The team members exclaimed, and Yukimura’s faces were even more serious.

“Finally have a real match with the minister?”

Yukimura turned to look at Zongshen.

He and Zongshen had a brief encounter when he was in the JR meeting in elementary school.

But it was completely defeated by Zongshen.

Now that one year has passed, he has become stronger.

So facing Zongshen was not afraid, but very excited.

“Senior Tokugawa is powerful, this is an opportunity to verify his level!”

Shoujia’s eyes flashed.

Like Yukimura, he did not worry about the strength of his opponent.

On the contrary, I am excited because the opponent is strong.

“Senior Yamato, please advise!”

Fuji came to Yamato and made a slight bow.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“Fuji, come on!”

Seeing such a polite junior, Yamato laughed.

All three of Yukimura were happy because they met their opponents.

But Sanada’s face turned black.

Because he is in the fourth group, there is no decent opponent.

Seeing that Yukimura and Zongshen were going to match with them, I was even more envious.

“It seems that the opponents in this match are Minister and Yukimura!”

Inui Sadaharu’s eyes flashed.

After turning over the information, they immediately scanned the information of the two.

He is also in the first group.

He is not worried about other senior students, the only worry is Zongshen.

He is regarded as a great enemy.


Yukimura seemed to feel the eyes of others.

When he turned his head, he met Inui Sadaharu’s eyes.

The soft eyes made the opponent’s heart tighten.

Hastily turned around.

There was also a cold sweat from the forehead.

At the same time, the evaluation of Yukimura was another point higher.


Yukimura’s eyes flashed.

Know that in the first group, the biggest competitors are Zongshen and Inui Sadaharu.

But he was not worried.

Because he is confident that he can beat everyone except Zongshen.

“Chrysanthemum Kikumaru, I will be with Yamato-senpai!

Yamato was nervous.

I didn’t expect that my luck was so bad, and I was in the same group as Senior Seigaku (Is it Zhao).


“Me and Sanada are a group!”

“Speaking of which, Sanada seems to be very good!”

Kikumaru laughed, not nervous.

“Are not you afraid?

Oishi was full of envy when he saw the other person’s relaxed look.

“Oishi must have confidence in himself!”

“Don’t forget, we are going to be the number one doubles in the country!!

Kikumaru encouraged him.


Oishi nodded, but the tension on his face did not abate.

Seeing this, Kikumaru was also a little helpless.

But what Oishi didn’t know was.

In addition to him, the whole team is also very nervous.

He stood in the corner like a little transparent, looking at the name on the fourth group.

“I want to be a positive candidate too!”

The young man whispered, his eyes were more eager and negative.

And the name on the fourth group is impressively one-Kawamura Takashi!.

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