Chapter 524 : Complete rolling (7/7)


The last ball fell and the tennis ball rushed out.


Akuto score!

“No, no?!”

The audience was a little dumbfounded.

Before the match, everyone thought that the match would be extremely intense.

But now the two men of the US team have not scored a single point and have already lost two games.

For a while, everyone looked at Tsukimitsu Ochi~ and Akuto incredibly.

“This is data tennis!”

Zongshen chuckled.

One person’s parameters are lost, every move is mastered, and the rhythm of the match is basically controlled by the side of the data tennis.

Everyone knows what it means to be dominated by people.

“Maybe the match will win easily!”

Kimijima pushed his glasses, his face relaxed.

“Then it depends on whether the other party can break through Akuto’s data!”

Byodoin’s eyes were calm.

But it is clear that match will not end so easily.

The U.S. team is the fifth strongest team in the world. How could the top players only have this strength.

The third round, Akuto serve round.

serve area.

Akuto patted the tennis ball lightly, his eyes flickering.


The hit sounded and the tennis ball flew across the net.

Ishak blocked in front of the net, and quickly returned after the tennis ball bounced.

“From the time of expedition, you have been using your forehand to fight back!”

“Even if the tennis ball falls on your left side, you have to run a few more steps and then swing with your right hand!!

“You shouldn’t be good at backhands, right?”

Akuto chuckled.

The sound came into Ishak’s ears and surprised him.


Before he could react, the tennis ball passed from his left hand position.


Akuto score!

“Is this really a member of the American team?”

The audience present felt incredible.

The U.S. team ranks fifth in the world and is logically strong.

But in this match, the two were played by Akuto alone like children between the bulges, and there was no force to fight back.

“This is the charm of data tennis!”

Yanagi Renji narrowed his eyes.

Although he was not on the court, he could feel the pressure from Akuto.

“Compared with Akuto’s predecessors, our data tennis is still far behind!”

Inui Sadaharu sighed.

They are also proficient in data tennis, but they can’t reach the kind of step-by-step calculation of Jiudou.

“It will definitely be so great after doing it!”

Fuji said with a smile.

“It’s not just work, all of us must work hard to one day represent the team in the World Cup!”

Sanada said solemnly, with a fierce expression on his face.

If you look closely, you can see that there is a hot flame burning in his eyes.

Obviously, I also want to stand on this world stage.

“Sanada is very fighting spirit.

Yukimura smiled softly.

“Sanada is right, each of us must work hard!”

Shoujia said in a deep voice, with a serious face.


“You are not qualified!”

“But then this uncle will take you to win the World Cup!

Atobe smiled at the corner of his mouth and his face was open.

The match on the field continues.

Kongka and Ishak have serious faces.

They know their data is mastered, and if they want to win, they must change their habits.


Akuto continues to serve.

Every time tennis falls in the position where the two are least good at.

Facing this kind of attack, Ishak had to change his habit of forehanding back.

When the tennis ball rushes to the left, use a backhand volley.


Ishak’s strength is good. Although the parameters were leaked, he immediately found out the shortcomings of Akuto.

Racquet waved and sent a high-speed ball.

“Did you find out Akuto’s weakness so quickly?”

Zongshen narrowed his eyes.

Akuto’s data is indeed strong.

But he has a fatal flaw.

Regardless of strength, speed or physical fitness, they are not the opponents of the US team.

In this way, it is also easy to target.

as predicted.

Facing the high-speed ball return, Akuto’s swing was obviously stagnant.

But under the calculation of the data, the crisis was resolved.

“Your data tennis can calculate everything!”

“But as long as I hit the ball that you can’t hit back, no matter how powerful your data is, it’s useless!”

…For flowers…

Kongka yelled.

At this moment, he finally showed his true strength.

Taste it!

Racquet clicked with the smell of his pinching.

The arm muscles are swollen and as hard as steel.


With a deafening roar, the tennis ball turned into a crimson light and fell heavily to the ground.

The mighty power rolls up, and all the dust is lifted up.

Kongka was originally a power player.

Because of the Akuto data, it has not been able to be used.

Now after catching the tennis ball, there is no more scruples.

“Power ball?”

Akuto’s eyes flashed, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth: “The power of this ball is amazing. If you hit back head-on, the probability of hitting back is only 40%!


“but …

“Just let the tennis ball fall to the ground, after a certain distance of buffering, and then perform high-speed cutting, the return rate will rise to 60%!”

“Moonlight, use high toss!

The words fall.

Tsukimitsu Ochi, who had been defending at the baseline, moved.

The figure intercepted in front, and the moment the tennis rushed, the racquet cut at high speed.


There was a harsh rubbing sound.

The tennis ball hit the racquet violently.

Tsukimitsu Ochi’s eyes narrowed, and his arm swept out.


The powerful ball flew high into the sky, and then fell quickly.

Amidst the roar, it fell on the baseline position.

“not good!”

Kongka and Ishak’s face changed drastically.

I want to retreat to the baseline and fight back, but I am a step late.


The tennis ball bounces out and scores directly.



Cold sweat slipped from their foreheads.

This feeling of being completely controlled makes them extremely uncomfortable, but there is nothing to do.


The match continues.

However, under Akuto’s accurate calculations, Konka quickly lost another game.


All the audience were dumbfounded.

Before the match, no one thought it would be such a result.

The two of the US team would be crushed to such an extent that they could not even score a single point.

Now Akuto and Tsukimitsu Ochi have scored three points in a row.

The balance of match is completely tilted. Xi

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