Chapter 598 : The strongest stunt taught by Nanjiro (4/6)

“Very good!”

“Luke, who has lost his six senses, can no longer perceive the movement of the outside world. This match is set to win!”

“Beating the French team to enter the semi-finals is just around the corner!’

All the members of the First Army cheered with excitement.

“Shut up all to me!”

Mifune entered the road and interrupted everyone’s cheers: “Although the other party’s six senses are deprived, they still have a seventh sense. The match is not over yet!”

The seventh sense is Muna consciousness, also called subconsciousness.

Once the seventh sense is activated, even if the six senses disappear, the body will act in accordance with past memories.

So Luke is not without the ability to resist.

“This match really won!”

Echizen Nanjiro chuckled, then looked at Mifune and said, “Didn’t I say that? Boy Zongshen has prepared two great gifts for Luke!”

“One point is to destroy the six senses, and sleep the other party’s six senses!”

“And the second big gift is for the seventh sense!!!”

Zongshen knew that Luke was powerful.

There is no contempt or randomness in this match.

Before the match, he asked Akuto to find Luke’s previous fighting videos and developed a series of targeted plans.

So start with match.

Luke fell into the trap set by Zongshen.

Extinguishing the six senses made Luke unable to perceive everything.

The next move will cut off Luke’s seventh sense.

At that time, Luke, who had only the eighth sense left, had no choice but to survive and was defeated in the end.

“The second big gift?!”

Everyone’s heart beat, and they all looked at the court.

Luke stood on the court blankly.

Even if it was his turn to serve, there was no action.

“Luke player, please hurry up and serve!”

After more than twenty seconds, the opponent still moved, and the referee on the side couldn’t help urging.

Luke seemed to hear the voice.

Raised his hands stiffly, then tossed the ball and swung the racket.


The tennis ball rushed out but hit the net.

“Serve Turnover, remember a ball w,!”

The referee blew the whistle quickly.

Luke continued to serve as if losing consciousness.

But the result is obvious.

The tennis ball hits the net and never crosses the net.

Turnover twice counts as one point for the opponent.



“The leader is sober!”

“Damn it, I’m afraid I will lose a game if it continues!”

The members of the French team looked anxious.

Who would have thought that Luke, who had achieved an overwhelming advantage, would be deprived of six senses.

Now I can’t perceive the outside world and serve Turnover again and again.

If Luke can’t recover, he may be defeated by Zongshen, and the French team will stop in the quarterfinals of the World Cup.

However, Huke did not respond to the call.

Bang! Bang!

I have never served the Internet twice.


“In the end what happened?”

“How could Luke keep serving Turnover!”

“Now the score has been tied, if you continue to turn over, you will be overtaken!”

The French audience around was in an uproar.

Seeing Luke losing points again and again, his face was worried.

But this kind of worry is useless and can’t change the situation on the court at all.

Bang! Monument!

There were two more Turnovers, and the tennis never went to the net.

“Deuce, 40 to 40, score one point!”

the referee announced.

“The last ball!”

Zongshen took a deep breath.

When the score reached 40 to 40, it took two points in a row to record a game. Now he has scored one point, and he can win the game as long as he scores one more point.


The French team yelled, trying to wake Luke.

If Luke serves Turnover again, his original advantage will be reversed.

Once it is reversed and the match enters the tiebreaker, then it is really dangerous.

Bang! Bang!

It is a pity that no matter how loud the French players roar, Luke, who has been deprived of his six senses, can neither hear nor see.

It is like an unconscious swing that makes the tennis ball hit the net.

“Deuce, 40 to 40, score the second point!”

“Game, Zongshen, 5 to 4!

The referee blew the whistle.

“Finally lead!”

“One point, as long as we get another point, we can win this match!”

“Victory against the French team and enter the World Cup semi-finals!”

“Victory is here!

Everyone in the First Army was extremely excited.

Now that Luke’s six senses are gone, it is impossible to defeat Zongshen.

The Libras of this match have been completely cut diagonally to them.


on court.

Zongshen tossed the tennis ball.

In the jumping swing, the ball is hit.

The French team was full of despair, and the fear of failure loomed over their hearts.


Just when the tennis is about to rush out.

Luke, who was dull on the spot, moved unexpectedly.

Ten figures are scattered all over the field, swinging the ball again and again.

“” 1 What?!

Everyone was shocked to see this scene.

It was never expected that Luke would hit back, and he also used the eighth sense.

“How is it possible!”

“Did Luke crack Zongshen’s six senses?”

Tohno Atsukyo was shocked.

The other team members are also extremely nervous.

If this is the case, the result of the match will become unknown again.

“To shut up!”

“Don’t you look at each other’s eyes!”

Mifune entered the Dao and interrupted the words rudely, and said angrily.

Everyone listened to this and looked at it hurriedly.

It was found that Luke’s eyes were still losing focus, obviously he had not yet escaped the deprivation of the six senses.

“Finally appeared?”

A smile was drawn at the corner of Zongshen’s mouth: “The subconscious mind of the seventh sense!”

The seventh sense (Li Qianzhao) can fully integrate the mind with the body.

So even if Luke’s six senses are deprived, this subconscious mind will follow past memories and let his body swing.

It may not be reflected immediately when serving.

But after a short period of brewing, the subconsciousness of the seventh sense finally broke out.

“So it’s time to show you the second gift!’

Zongshen chuckled.

He didn’t catch the ball and let the tennis ball pass by.

Because this game is his serve game, as long as the move is used, it doesn’t matter if the point is lost.

There is no need to risk injury to your feet and enter the pseudo eighth sense again.

Luke hit back to score.

However, Zongshen did not give the French team a chance to cheer.

The tennis ball in his hand was thrown up, and Racquet struggling to beat the gram.


“This is the second great gift I have prepared for you, impermanence in every action!!!”.

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