Chapter 622 : A battle that decides the outcome (4/6)


When the match is over, Echizen Ryoga wins.

The audience was silent at first, and then burst into enthusiastic cheers.

“Ryoga won!”

“We won the match!”

“There is still hope, we still have hope!”

“I have to say it’s beautiful!”

“Haha, now the score of two wins and two losses is even, the victory is just around the corner!”

Tohno Atsukyo shouted in excitement.

They won!

Successfully won the victory of singles two!

So the match is not over yet, and the team still has the possibility of winning.


“Worthy of the name of a samurai!”

Byodoin snorted, but the corners of his mouth were curved.

Although there were some twists and turns in the match, they still won.

“Good job!”

Oni Jujiro stretched his brows and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Echizen Ryoga also walked off the field, his pale face pulled out a smile.

“Is it all right?

Zongshen nodded, then frowned.


The team’s situation is not good now.

If there are still injuries, even if they enter the finals, they will not be able to win.

“Three days is enough to recover!”

Echizen Ryoga said.

He was indeed injured, but the injury was not serious.

As long as you recuperate in the three days before the final, you will definitely be able to recover.

“That’s good!”

Zongshen breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the Swiss rest area.

Now the score is flat, and the final singles will determine the final victory.

Now the Swiss team should have played.

So in the final battle, the person who appeared on the stage must be the Swiss main player Norman Kelsen.

A player who has mastered secret shots to the pinnacle.

Ranked second in the world.

“But I won’t lose!”

Zongshen’s eyes narrowed.

This is the key to the team’s entry into the finals, so it can only win without losing.

Close your eyes and use the short rest time to adjust your transition.

But there was a lot of discussion all around.

Everyone was excited about the match just now.

Some people say that Echizen Ryoga is stronger.

But some people say that Amadeus is not weak.

The two sides had different opinions, and then they quarreled.

“What’s so noisy!”

“This match is where Echizen Ryoga won, and don’t you think the next match is the focus?”

An audience member said suddenly.

When this word came out, the surroundings fell into a strange silence.

People finally remembered the importance of the next match.

“I remember the singles one is the best player on the team, right?

Another audience asked blankly.

The originally quiet stadium became audible.

The strongest player?

This idea came to everyone’s mind.

Then his whole body was shaking.

They are not afraid, but excited.

Who is the strongest Swiss team?

Master Norman!

Who is the strongest Japanese team?

Master Zongshen!

In other words, the next match will be played by Zongshen and Norman.

“Professional battle!”

“The hand Zongshen is going to fight Norman Kelsen!”

“This match will determine the outcome of the two teams, and may be one of the most intense matches in the U-17 World Cup!”

The audience boiled, their faces flushed with excitement.

This is a professional battle.

It is rare to see in a U-17 level match.

And this match is very important.

It will determine whether the Japanese team can make history and become the biggest dark horse in the history of the U-17 World Cup.

From the beginning of 30, it became the champion and runner-up team.

“Minister’s match?”

The Seigaku freshman in the audience also heard these comments.

Thinking of Zongshen’s power, the freshmen of Seigaku were excited.

“Oishi, the minister will definitely win, right?”

Kikumaru asked excitedly.

“of course!

“With the strength of the minister, he can definitely defeat his opponent!”

Oishi nodded his head.

“So, we are going to the finals?”

Yukimura touched her chin, her soft eyes were a little more happy.


Shoujia nodded.

He has absolute trust in his brother.

“But the Swiss team, which is the second in the world, will definitely not give up. The player on the stage will be the main player Norman?”

A dignified look flashed across Yanagi Renji’s face.

“How about Norman?”

“That bastard will definitely defeat the opponent!”

Ajutsu spoke suddenly.

Everyone was stunned, and didn’t expect Ajiuzin to say such a thing.

In their memory, Ajujin has always regarded Zongshen as an enemy and a great enemy.

“Only I can beat him!

Ajiuzin sneered.

Looking at Zongshen on the court, his eyes sparkled.


“With your strength?!”

Sanada snorted coldly.

The gaze at Ajutsu became even more unhappy.

“It is indeed arrogant!!

“But it’s my uncle who can defeat that guy!”

Atobe pressed two fingers between his brows and his face was open.

“With your current strength, the probability of defeating the Minister is 0%, and the probability of defeating the Minister within five years is 1%!”

Inui Sadaharu pushed his glasses and said mercilessly.


Atobe’s mouth twitched and his eyes were about to kill.

“The doctor is right!

Yanagi Renji603 on the side nodded in agreement.

Atobe, who had an arrow in his heart, got another arrow after these words.

He closed his mouth and didn’t want to talk anymore.

Swiss rest area.

The team members were silent.

“How is Amadeus?”

The commander Norman broke the silence and asked.

“The doctor said it would take a month of rest to recover!”

Richard, who was ranked second, whispered back.

“A month?”

Norman closed his eyes, a touch of helplessness appeared on his face.

This match brought them too much damage.

First Albert and Randy were injured, and now it was Amadeus’ turn.

Now the team has suffered heavy losses. Even if it wins the final victory, it also loses its qualifications for the championship.

“De national team!”

Thinking of the team of kings that had won eight consecutive championships, even he felt powerless.

The complete Swiss team is not an opponent of the national team.

Now the players are injured, even more so.

“Now is not the time to think about the finals!”

Richard seemed to see through Norman’s thoughts and reminded in a low voice.

“I know!

Norman nodded.

The Swiss team has not yet won.

It is clearer that Zongshen must be the next player.

So this is a desperate battle!

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