Chapter 635 : Byodoin Temple chanting slogans (6/6)


Flames throbbed in Byodoin’s eyes, gritted teeth and made a sound.

On the side, Oni Juujiro stood side by side with him while shouting one or two slogans.

“Why do you shout such shameful slogans!”

Byodoin’s face was pale.

It’s fine to train coordination with Oni Jujiro, after all, to defeat Field, he must do this.

But yelling one or two in the middle of the night, what is it?

He felt ashamed at the thought of shouting such slogans in so many faces.

“Byodoin Temple”

Several people in Tanegashima held back their laughter.

Byodoin has always looked cold and full of majesty.

It’s the first time to be side by side with Oni Jujiro like this, and shouting slogans. “Six-Three”

Every time they saw each other sullenly and yelling one or two, they felt inexplicable wanting to laugh.

“Senior Watanabe?”

Zongshen looked at Watanabe Keisuke with a weird face.


“Shouting slogans is also a kind of coordination training, don’t you think they are much better?”

Keisuke Watanabe said solemnly.

But the smile in his eyes couldn’t be hidden.


Zongshen’s mouth twitched.

After seeing the hidden smile, I found that this predecessor was’bad’ than I thought.

But he didn’t stop it either.

Leapfrogging with slogans is indeed shameful.

But the effect is good, at least the two have never turned over again.

The training practice lasted for half an hour.

The shouts of the two of them were dry and could not stop.

After half an hour of training, Byodoin and Oni Jujiro have been able to truly achieve synchronized leapfrogging

“The next training is still leapfrog!

“But take off the rope tied to your feet!”

“So the second stage of training is to keep in sync without a rope!’

“If you can do this, the basic test will be passed!”

Watanabe Keisuke said.

“Basic inspection?”

The two who thought it was over were taken aback, but they didn’t expect it to be just the beginning.

“Cooperation is not so simple to practice. Do you think that practicing a leapfrog synchronization can unlock ability resonance?”

Watanabe Keisuke’s tone increased a bit.

“I see!”

Oni Jujiro nodded, and then untied the rope around his feet.

After an order, the two started again.

However, without the bondage of the rope, the shortcomings of cooperation were immediately revealed.

The leapfrog that had been coordinated before immediately became chaotic.

“Observe the other person’s pace, don’t always pay attention to yourself!”

Watanabe Guisuke shouted helplessly.


The two lowered their heads to observe the trajectory of each other’s jump, calculating the speed and strength.

The steps that were originally scattered have been reorganized.

“As expected of Byodoin and Oni Jujiro!”

Watanabe sighed.

It is very rare to be able to coordinate the pace so quickly.

He practiced for another half an hour, and only after the steps were completely unified, he ordered the end.


The two stood up, relieved.

Leapfrogging for an hour continuously caused them to consume a lot of money.

“Next we have the second training!”

Watanabe said with a smile, and then added: “In fact, it’s not training, it’s a small game.”


Byodoin was taken aback for a moment and didn’t know what it meant.

“This little game is very simple!”

“I will paint on paper, with your back facing me and facing the ghost, and then the ghost will describe it. Guess what I am painting?”

Watanabe Yusuke explained it again.

“this ”

Not to mention Byodo-in Temple now, even Oni Jujiro is dumbfounded.

It’s not clear at all what is the use of this game.

“Okay, don’t ask too much, just do as I say!”

Watanabe Huijie did not give them a chance to ask questions, and immediately took out the prepared paper.

The two looked at each other and could only do so.

“Is this training really useful?”

Tanegashima asked in a low voice.

“do not know!”

Zongshen shook his head, and he didn’t know what the other party would make.

“That Watanabe kid is letting the two get acquainted with each other!

Echizen Nanjiro chuckled lightly.

When everyone heard this, they immediately looked at him, with all their faces puzzled.

“Doubles pay attention to cooperation!”

“Coherence, formation and ability to resonate, the most basic of which is the induction between companions!”

“The Watanabe kid did a great job, let the two interact through the game!

“Only when you are familiar can you cooperate!”

“Only when you cooperate can you start the resonance of coherence and ability!’

Echizen Nanjiro explained

Are Byodoin and Oni Jujiro unfamiliar?

The two have been teammates for a few months, and they are almost familiar with what should be familiar.

Is that very familiar?

No one can answer this question.

Although the two are familiar, it is impossible to say that they are very familiar.

After all, they are a little uncomfortable.

“Senior Watanabe said, the most important thing about ability resonance is to appreciate each other!”

“The prerequisite for mutual appreciation is familiarity and understanding!’

“Maybe this kind of training can really create miracles, but it may not necessarily!”

Zongshen exhaled.

Watanabe’s training method is very informal.

At least few people in tennis consider game as a training.

But now is a special period, and special measures must be adopted.

Although I don’t know if they can resonate their abilities, at least they can cooperate more closely.

As long as this point is reached, it is enough.

“Okay, continue training!

Zongshen said, picked up racquet and walked aside.

However, the game between the two of Byodoin Temple continues.


The two sides have different minds and different guesses.

Repeated mistakes prevented them from succeeding again.

However, as time passed, both parties began to guess the other’s thoughts.

And compare the previous actions and habits to judge what the other party wants to express.

Slowly, the success rate of the two is getting higher and higher.

It seems to have a good heart.

“As long as through this kind of training, the two should be able to get acquainted with each other slowly, right?”

Watanabe Guisuke whispered.

He didn’t plan to teach the two specific ways to unlock the ability to empathize.

Because the two sides are not familiar with each other, they will teach for nothing.

The task now is to familiarize the two with them and work closely together.

As for the ability to resonate, it depends on whether the two appreciate each other. .

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